Chapter 164: Shennong Adult Patriarch, Xuantian sent Zu Hongmeng Purple Qi

The Ryu clan became the emperor of the human clan,

Ascend directly to the sky and become the most holy being.

This made countless Honghuang powerhouses feel jealous, they had worked hard to cultivate for so long, and it was not as fast as the Liuqi clan to help the human race.

They all think it’s unfair, but where in the world can there be absolute fairness.

Who let Fuxi have a good teacher, he is not only the head of the human sect of the human race, but also his own doppelgänger is also the emperor of the human race, and now the human race is the eternal protagonist of the flood wilderness.

Fuxi’s luck should not be too much, and he will not lack luck cultivation at all.

And several people from the Daomen now finally understand that the Liuxi clan is Fuxi’s doppelganger, but they don’t understand why Fuxi beheaded himself as a yuan god? Don’t you know that this is not good for cultivation?

No, Fuxi definitely knows, but knowing that doing this will definitely not affect his cultivation, but thinking that his master is Xuantian, everyone is relieved again, and no one has been able to understand the mystery of Xuantian so far.

Even the Chaos Demon God Yang Mei can’t carry a sword in Xuantian’s hand, and Dao Ancestor Hongjun is even less qualified to oppose Xuantian ~.

At this time, the Liu Clan said to the Terran below: “From today onwards, I will cultivate in the Terran Ancestral Land, and Shennong will take over as the patriarch of the Terran Clan instead of me.”

The Terrans below were suddenly reluctant, and the Liuqi clan can be said to have led the Terrans to completely get rid of the days of hunger and cold, and the Terrans can have the current prosperity and strength, and the Liuqi clan has not returned.

But Shennong is also very good, he has been smart and kind since he was a child, and has completely inherited the character of Hongyun.

Fuxi took Shennong with him to cultivate at a very young age, and Zhen Yuanzi was also taking care of everything about his old friend, but they were not masters and apprentices, but as friends.

Soon, in the reluctant eyes of everyone, the Liu Clan left the position of the Terran Patriarch and returned to the Terran Ancestral Land to cultivate.

At this time, Xuantian also came to the ancestral land of the human race, followed by the three ancestors of the human race and Fuxi, the Yu clan, Xuantian said to Fuxi: “In the future, this doppelganger of yours will guard the human race, and you can make good use of this luck cultivation.”

Fuxi respectfully agreed.

Then Xuantian looked at the three ancestors of the Terran race again and said: “You have been working hard for the Terran for so many years, I see all this in my eyes, today I am here to give you a little reward.”

“Don’t dare to ask for the reward of the Holy Father, the Terran race is our mother race, we should help the Terran race, to say that it has always been the Holy Father who has been silently helping the Terran race, without the Holy Father’s cultivation resources, it is impossible for the Terran cultivators to improve so quickly.”

Xuantian nodded his gratitude to the Terrans, and then directly took out three Hongmeng Purple Qi and said to the three human ancestors: “I don’t need to say more about what this is, you don’t want to postpone it, if the Terrans want to be strong, they must have saints sitting in the town, it is too difficult to become a mixed yuan with your heritage, and saints are also very good for you.”

The three human ancestors immediately took over the Hongmeng Purple Qi excitedly, yes, they also knew that if the Terran wanted to really gain a foothold in the Honghuang, there must be a saint sitting in the town, and now it is only relying on the reputation of the Holy Father to calm those who want to beat the luck of the Terran race, but the Holy Father cannot look at the Terran every moment.

Therefore, Hongmeng Purple Qi was very important to them, and several human ancestors solemnly took the Hongmeng Purple Qi from Xuantian’s hand and said to Xuantian: “Thank you Holy Father for mercy on the Human Race, I will always take the Human Race as my own responsibility and lead the Human Race to become rich and strong.”

At this time, Fuxi was shocked, he originally thought that his master’s Hongmeng purple qi had been given to his junior brothers and brothers, but he didn’t expect that his master still had it, and he took out as many as three at once.

Fuxi knows the benefits of Hongmeng Purple Qi, and almost 99.99% of the people in the Hongmeng Wilderness want to get Hongmeng Purple Qi, and with Hongmeng Purple Qi

It means that there is a ticket to sanctification.

Even a saint wants it, because he can cultivate a saint who helps him.

Xuantian took care of things and left!

And Fuxi also returned to Fengxi Mountain for retreat, and this time the meritorious luck was enough for him to rise to a small level of cultivation.

And the Shennong clan officially took over the position of the patriarch of the human clan after the Liuqi clan.

Fortunately, the Shennong clan worked very hard to keep the Terran in order

Instead of decaying, the Terrans are getting stronger and stronger, and the Terrans’ luck is becoming more and more prosperous.

And there is one thing that has been bothering Shennong recently, that is, ordinary people of the Terran often die because of illness, which makes Shennong feel unbearable.

Then he found his friend Zhen Yuanzi to talk to, and Zhen Yuanzi told him about the merits that Shennong wanted to do in the human race before he came.

So he told Shennong the method, and at the same time took out a treasure ding, this is the ultimate innate spiritual treasure refined by Xuantian with the creation of the ding, Xuantian called it Shennong ding.


It is impossible for Xuantian to make Shennong Ding disappear into the history of the Terrans.

After Shennong got the method, he began to walk all over the flooded mountains, constantly tasting hundreds of herbs himself, so as to understand the medicinal properties of each plant.

There were even many times when he almost died, thanks to Zhen Yuanzi who had been secretly looking at the Shennong clan.

Zhen Yuanzi sighed: “Old friend, no matter when you are still so kind, even if the world abandons you, you will still want to give back to the world.”

Finally, after a hundred years, Shennong successfully created the “Shennong Hundred Herbs Classic”, a medical treasure book for ordinary people.

The moment the “Shennong Hundred Herbs Sutra” appeared, the heavens sent merit, which were rewarded to Shennong by the three realms, because this was the first medical treasure book in Honghuang.

The great power of Honghuang, especially the disciples of Xuanmen, became jealous after knowing it.

Why can such an ordinary book get merit? Could it be that as long as it is linked to the Terrans, even if it is ordinary, it is not ordinary?

It has been like this since ancient times, and it is still the same now, why are the three ways of heaven and earth so favored by the human race?

And the quasi-ti of the Western Spirit Mountain is now bitter because they sense that they have a huge causal line in the human race.

The magnitude of this causal line made them stunned, if it were somewhere else, maybe they would kill that person immediately, but in the human race they did not dare ah, especially after their calculation, they learned that the Shennong of the human race turned out to be the reincarnation of Hongyun, but he owed Hongyun’s sanctification cause and effect, and there was no way to repay it.

Junti’s eyes turned and he suddenly had an idea.

And Shennong also got married and had a daughter, named “Nuwa”.

On this day, the girl was playing on the beach, and at this time, a black gas suddenly disappeared into a dragon on the seashore, and this dragon was the prince of the East China Sea.

And the initiator of that black qi is Zhunti, and Zhunti wants to use such a method to let Shennong and the Terrans fight, and it is best if the dragon clan can kill Shennong.

Although Shennong is the patriarch of the human race, it is just the cultivation of Xuan Immortals, and any person can kill Shennong.

At this time, Junti was full of hideous faces.

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