Chapter 158: Choosing the Heavenly Emperor in the Purple Sky Palace

Inside the Zixiao Palace,

Hongjun saw that Taiyi had calmed down and was satisfied in his heart.

In fact, Hongjun is more optimistic about Dijun, but Dijun is already dead.

Taiyi is more reckless, if you can change this problem, it is still good.

At this time, Hongjun also informed the East Prince to come to the Zixiao Palace, and when the East Prince arrived at the Zixiao Palace, he said directly to Hongjun: “See Master”

Then he said to the other saints, “Hello senior brothers.”

This sentence of master and senior brother directly made everyone confused, when did the Eastern Prince become his junior brother.

Looking carefully at the cultivation of the Eastern Prince, I found that the Eastern Maharaja had unknowingly become holy.

What the hell is going on, everyone is full of curiosity at the moment.

At this time, Hongjun said, “You sit down first.”

Then a futon appeared underneath the Zhunti.

The Eastern Maharaja sat up without the slightest hesitation.

At this time, Hongjun opened his mouth and said: “When you were in retreat before, I accepted the Eastern Prince as a named disciple, and I will be your junior disciple in the future, I hope you will support each other.”

Hongjun’s words made these saints speechless in their hearts.

Especially Taiyi, the former subordinate 193, who declared his eternal allegiance to himself, has now become his junior brother in the blink of an eye, and he is really a little unaccustomed to it.

And Yuan Shi was also a little uncomfortable, but he clearly remembered that at the beginning, he had scolded the Eastern Prince for being a brute with hair and armor, and also drove the Eastern Prince down from the saint’s futon, and now everyone else has become his own junior brother and has become holy, which is simply a slap in the face.

At this time, everyone smiled at each other, and they didn’t know what was going on in their hearts.

Hongjun didn’t bother to care about the dirt in their hearts, as long as his own cultivation could calm them, besides, their Hongmeng Purple Qi was touched by himself, Hongjun was not afraid of their betrayal at all.

Betrayal and get ready to be a puppet.

At this time, Hongjun looked at everyone and slowly said: “Now that the Lich War is over, the Lich has lost both, the Demon Clan is no longer enough to rule the Heavenly Court, now the order of the flood is disordered, the Heavenly Dao needs to establish the Heavenly Emperor from the new, do you have anyone to recommend.”

After listening to Hongjun’s words, everyone’s eyes lit up, the Heavenly Court Heavenly Emperor is a good position.

As long as you get the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Court, isn’t that luck rolling towards you? Do you still have to worry about the luck of cultivation?

Especially the two in the west, their eyes were red, and they secretly said in their hearts that this position must be won.

Every saint has his own careful thoughts, but they all want to take this position of Heavenly Emperor in their hands.

At this time, Taiyi opened his mouth and said, “Although my eldest brother is dead now, there is still my nephew Lu Wei, who can be qualified as the Heavenly Emperor.”

But there will definitely be no shortage of jealous people in these years, the demon clan has occupied the Heavenly Court luck for so long, there must be people who are not used to it.

Especially Zhunti, he was killed by the Demon Clan once, and he hated the Demon Clan to the bone, and said: “Master, no, the Lich War has brought unimaginable damage to Honghuang, the Demon Clan has no gain, it is not worthy of the position of the Heavenly Emperor, if Lu Huang inherits the position of the Heavenly Emperor, it is likely that the Wu Clan will cut the sky again.”

Now that Dijun is dead, Zhunti will definitely find a way to pit the demon clan if he can find an opportunity to take revenge.

Taiyi pointed at Zhunti and couldn’t say a word, so he simply sat down and closed his eyes

And Zhunti continued: “My apprentice, the medicine master is a person with great merit and great blessing, and he is fully qualified for the position of Heavenly Emperor.”

The guide also nodded and said: “Not bad, the medicine master usually cultivates very hard, and now he is already the peak cultivation of the Da Luo Jinxian, and he is completely qualified for the position of the Heavenly Emperor.”

But at this time, Yuan Shi jumped out and said: “The barbarian land of the west, what does my heavenly court in the east have to do with the west, and the people in the west should go back to the west to repair the west.”

“When will you pay off the arrears of Tiandao, let’s compete again.”

“You, you, aren’t the West a desolate creature? Or do you think so, Master, Yuan Shi called the West a barbarian land, you must know that the West was still very rich back then, if not…….”

Junti stopped his mouth appropriately.

The corners of Hongjun’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t expect that this quasi-mention was really shameless, and he talked about what he did back then.

But this time Hongjun did not say a word.

At this time, Yuan Shi said: “We have many oriental spirit mountains, and the potential of living beings is also very high, among which the jade ding under my door is the finger bone shape of the Pangu God, born with a source of blessing, and at the same time a good person, fully qualified for the position of the Heavenly Emperor, big brother, do you say.”

Yuan Shi kicked the ball to Lao Tzu, originally thinking that Lao Tzu would support him, but as soon as Lao Tzu opened his mouth, Yuan Shi’s face darkened.

Sure enough, family affection is not worth mentioning in the face of real interests.

Lao Tzu said calmly: “Yuding is a good person, but the cultivation is only in the early stage of the Great Luo Jinxian, and it is not enough to qualify, my disciple Xuandu is a top-grade innate spiritual root incarnation, born with a great source of blessing, and a great disciple of the three religions, and at the same time his cultivation has reached the peak of the Great Luo Jinxian, and he is fully qualified for the position of the Heavenly Emperor.”

After Lao Tzu finished speaking, he didn’t even look at Yuan Shi, no matter what expression Yuan Shi had, he was now right lucky, the Heavenly Court is a land of atmospheric luck, this must be occupied.

As a master brother of the Daomen, his cultivation is the same as several other people, and even the two people in the West are the same as his own cultivation, which makes Lao Tzu not anxious.

At this time, Yuan Shi said: “I think this is inappropriate, Xuandu’s cultivation is only the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and he can’t suppress all the disciples at all, plus Xuandu has never been under Shouyang Mountain, right?” Where did his great blessing come from, and great merit, did you give it to your senior brother?”

As soon as Yuan Shi’s words were finished, Zhunti said: “Senior Brother Yuan Shi is right, besides, your Laozi is a disciple, who will inherit your demon sect when you go to the emperor, oh forget, the demon sect has already existed in name only.”

Lao Tzu did not expect that his younger brother, in the face of interests, would join forces with the Western sage.

Sure enough, there is no family affection in the face of interests.

Lao Tzu blushed and had a thick neck and just wanted to refute, but at this time Hongjun said: “Okay, don’t argue, the noisy saints of the hall are noisy and noisy.”

East Maharajah, you can tell me, who is more suitable for the emperor of the day.

The Eastern Prince is now a lonely man, who has little to do with him on the day of the emperor, he is the latest to become holy, everyone looks down on him, so everyone has been in the Zixiao Palace for so long and everyone treats him as a transparent person.

Unexpectedly, now Daozu named and asked the Eastern Prince to say, it can be said that the Eastern Prince’s words now have a lot of weight.

At this time, the Eastern Prince thought that it had nothing to do with who became the Heavenly Emperor, after all, he was now a lonely family and did not even have a disciple, but now Hongjun named himself and said that he still had to answer.

Suddenly the Eastern Prince saw Haotian and Yaochi at the door and suddenly had an idea.

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