Chapter 154: The Ancestral Witch is resurrected

In the eyes of everyone, Xuantian said to the apprentice behind him, you guys just wait outside.

Xuantian also respected the habits of the Wu Clan, after all, his apprentice was an outsider to the Wu Clan.

However, at this time, as the current Zuwu eldest brother Ju Mang stood up and said: “Daozun let them in, we didn’t treat you as an outsider, without you, maybe the Wu clan would not exist today, you are Xiaomei’s master, they are Xiaomei’s peers, it is equivalent to family.”

Hearing Brother Gu Mang say this, Hou Tu was also very moved and said: “Yes, Master, let a few senior brothers and brothers go in, you are all relatives of the Wu Clan.”

Hearing this, there was no need for Xuantian to entangle, so he nodded to everyone, and then entered the Pangu Hall together.

And all the disciples of Xuantian also gratefully looked at Houtu and the ancestral witches and entered the Pangu Hall together.

As soon as Xuantian entered the Pangu Hall, he still felt the pressure from last time, but it disappeared in an instant.

And Xuantian’s disciples entered the Pangu Hall for the first time, and they were all curious and looked everywhere.

Xuantian still saluted three times in front of the Pangu sculpture as usual, which made all the ancestors and witches present ~ particularly moved.

Today’s Wu Clan is no longer the overlord of the flood wilderness.

The Wu Clan almost died in this battle, and the rest were also wounded.

It can be said that the Wu Clan is greatly injured, and I don’t know how long it will take to fully recover.

After worshipping the Pangu God, Xuantian slowly spoke under the gaze of the ancestral witches: “I knew for a long time that your Wu clan would face the crisis of extinction, so I gave you the Twelve Heavenly Flame Banners.”

And these twelve flags not only have the effect of helping you arrange formations

At the same time, you usually need to use the essence blood to continuously cultivate in order to exert the greatest power of this Dutian Xu Banner, which is just some of the seals I set, sealing the power of the Dutian Xu Banner, so that you can use the essence blood to cultivate, that is, let the Dutian Xu Banner have your breath and essence blood on it.

Then you can resurrect the dead witch clan through the function of the Dutian Flame Banner.

Hearing this, all the witches of all races were shocked, you must know that this Dutian Flame Banner was given to Houtu by Xuantian a long time ago.

Could it be that Dao Zun knew the current result of the Wu Clan at that time? That’s scary, isn’t it?

Although Xuantian made a trick on the Dutian Banner and deliberately sealed the power of the array flag, the ancestral witches did not blame Xuantian at all.

First of all, the Dutian Banner was originally given to the Wu Clan by the Dao Zun, and the Wu Clan almost never helped the Dao Zun but has been asking for it, all because the Dao Zun is the master of the little sister, it can be said that the Zun has done a very good job, compared to Hongjun there is simply no need to compare, Hongjun here just treats the apprentice as a tool man, saying that you can give it up.

Second, if it weren’t for the means arranged by Dao Zun back then, maybe the ancestral witches would really die, and they were grateful that Xuantian was too late, so how could they blame it?

Xuantian here no longer everyone explained that there was no extra nonsense after that.

I saw that as soon as Xuantian stretched out his hand, six flags belonging to the dead ancestral witch appeared in Xuantian’s hand.

Then the mana of Xuantian’s whole body skyrocketed, and the mana continued to pour into the Dutian Flame Banner.

Now people are breathing a little tight.

Especially the Wu Clan, everyone wants to know if their brothers will really be resurrected.

And Xuantian’s disciples were also looking forward to whether the Wu Clan without the Yuan God could be resurrected in the hands of their master.

It’s not that I don’t believe Xuantian, but this matter is really too mysterious.

Under everyone’s complicated gaze, I saw that the light of the six flags was getting brighter and brighter.

I saw that six bright red essence blood were gradually separated on the ancestral witch flag.

The ancestral witches were excited, because they were all Pangu essence blood forms, and naturally knew that the one in front of them was Pangu essence blood, and it also carried the breath of each brother on it.

Now everyone has more confidence in Xuantian.

At this time, I saw Xuantian take out the space-time tower, and then with a wave of his hand, he directly brought everyone to the space-time tower.

Because Xuantian needs to use the acceleration function of the space-time tower next, the flow rate inside the space-time tower is a hundred times slower than the outside.

This allows plenty of time to help the ancestral witches reborn.

When everyone entered the Space-Time Tower, the ancestral witches were still a little confused, and several of Xuantian’s apprentices had long been accustomed to this supreme treasure function.

Hou Tu introduced the role of the supreme treasure of the master to the ancestral witches.

The ancestral witches were very surprised, if they had this supreme treasure, they didn’t know how many powerful combat power the witches could cultivate.

Some are just envious, and there is not much greed.

Xuantian’s disciples didn’t know how rich their master was, but there must be many supreme treasures that the master had not taken out in his hands, but they knew that the master had never even taken out the Chaos Supreme Treasure Chaos Bead.

·… 0

When Chaos Battle Yang Mei was fighting some time ago, the sword that Shizun took out was obviously extraordinary.

The fluctuations above can be much more powerful than the innate treasure, and the law of destruction above makes everyone daunted.

Back here to Xuantian, I saw Xuantian take out the essence blood belonging to Dijiang and others, and then constantly play the law of creation and the law of life on it.

And with the flood desolation first divine water three light divine water is constantly poured.

At the same time, Xuantian also took out the Dao Merit and hit the essence blood of each ancestral witch.

Because in this way, resurrecting the ancestral witch always has a little bit of anti-heavenly meaning, and it will definitely be targeted by the Heavenly Dao, but with the merit of the avenue, even the Heavenly Dao has to weigh it, and whether the resurrected ancestral witch will be punished by the avenue.

Merit is a panacea in the flood wilderness, and avenue merit is more like an omnipotent spiritual object.

In this way, under Xuantian’s continuous indoctrination, 5 million years have passed, and the outside world has only passed 50,000 years.

The essence and blood of the ancestral witches are getting brighter and brighter.

Finally, on this day, first of all, Di Jiang’s essence blood was successfully transformed, and at this time, Di Jiang still looked around blankly, and his brain was a little short-circuited.

Looking at several younger brothers and sisters nearby, he said, “Didn’t I blow myself up to death?” How is it still alive.”

The moment they heard Di Jiang speak, several ancestral witches burst into tears.

Although Di Jiang had doubts, he was still very excited to see his younger brothers and sisters alive again.

At that time, he was afraid that the Wu clan would really be exterminated after his death.

When the ancestral witches almost calmed down, Hou Tu explained to Di Jiang why he was resurrected.

And how did Master Zun help the Wu Clan.

And Di Jiang solemnly knelt down towards Xuantian at this time, did not say anything, and Xuantian pulled him and did not get up.

As the eldest brother of the ancestral witch, Di Jiang did not fulfill the task of protecting his younger siblings, and now Xuantian saving the ancestral witch is like the entire witch clan.

Pangu is the belief of the ancestral witches, and the ancestral witches are the faith of the entire witch clan.

Di Jiang spoke again, “I also asked Daozun to be able to save my other younger brothers Xuantian nodded slowly!”

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