Chapter 144: Xuantian Reveals a Message to His Disciples

Kunlun Mountain,

In the Yuqing Palace, after listening to Lao Tzu’s words, Yuan Shi was silent.

Because he also knew that this was most likely true, because they clearly felt that it was the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the body that led them to do so.

It must be Hongjun who moved his hands and feet on Hongmeng Purple Qi.

No wonder Daozun said that Hongjun gave Hongmeng Purple Qi to control Honghuang in disguise.

I didn’t expect that Hongjun would really dare to risk the greatness of the Heavenly Dao to Hongmeng Zi Pneumatic hands and feet.

Now the two brothers are desperate because they tragically find that they cannot release Hongmeng Ziqi’s control over them.

That is to say, if Hongjun wants to control himself at any time, why did Hongjun control his two brothers to hit Buzhou Mountain today?

Does the flood still exist after the destruction of the Zhou Mountain? What does Hongjun want to do? It is estimated that the things of the Wu Clan ~ were also done by Hongjun.

Now Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi have a chilling feeling when they think of Hongjun, they must figure out this matter, otherwise they would rather die, because they are now like this may be overridden by Hongjun at any time, how can they accept it as the deification of Pangu Yuan.

Besides, they were also sure that Hongjun would not dare to kill them, because they were Heavenly Dao Saints or Pangu Yuan Deified Form, unless Hongjun wanted to die with them.

Thinking of this, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi couldn’t care about their injuries and went towards the Chaos Purple Sky Palace!

And at this time, the Three Immortals Island, in Hongmeng Palace.

Xuantian sat in the top position, Xuantian looked at the disciples below, and found that the worst cultivation was in the middle stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, and the strongest of Fuxi was already in the late stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

Xuantian nodded with satisfaction and then said: “You must have all seen today’s incident, you guessed correctly, it was Hongjun who did it.”

Hearing his master say this, the following disciples were all indignant, they really didn’t expect Hongjun to be so vicious to destroy the Heavenly Pillar Buzhou Mountain of Honghuang.

In the past, Hongjun didn’t start with Honghuang even if he calculated, but now he has begun to destroy Honghuang.

Especially Hou Tu, now even more angry, his brothers almost became sinners of the flood wilderness, this is to trap the Wu clan in unrighteousness, if today Zhu Rong Gonggong really broke the Buzhou Mountain, then the luck of the Wu clan will definitely disappear, once the luck disappears, the witch clan will not be far from extermination.

Xuantian then said: “I calculated in advance that Hongjun was going to attack Buzhou Mountain, so I took the limbs of the Xuan turtle under Kunpeng in advance and refined the pillar of heaven, hiding it inside Buzhou, just to deal with this day.”

After Xuantian said this, everyone looked at Kunpeng, but they didn’t expect that Kunpeng had already known what happened today, and his eyes were still hidden so well.

Seeing everyone’s gaze, Kunpeng also lowered his head in embarrassment.

Xuantian said again: “I’m afraid that Hongjun will not be faceless at all, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi that controls Laozi and Yuan Shi can’t collide with Zhou Mountain, so he also set up a formation, but I didn’t expect Hongjun to really do this.”

All the disciples were terrified in their hearts when they heard Xuantian say this, if it weren’t for the fact that Master Zun had omitted everything, the Buzhou Mountain of Honghuang would have long been gone.

I also heard that Hongjun was able to control the Hongmeng Purple Qi in Laozi and Yuan Shi’s bodies, and these disciples of Xuantian felt a vicious chill, which was equivalent to the Heavenly Dao Saint being Hongjun’s puppet.

Especially Tongtian, although the three families are divided, but Lao Tzu Yuan is still his own brother after all, and now his brother has become someone else’s puppet, how can he be willing.

At the same time, all the disciples were very happy, but fortunately, it was Sanxian Island who came to hear the sermon,

Instead of the Zixiao Palace, if you go to the Zixiao Palace, maybe today’s puppet will be them.

At this time, Tongtian said: “Can’t Master kill Hongjun?” Don’t you have a magic weapon in your hand that can kill saints?”

Hearing Tongtian’s question, everyone also showed an expectant expression, Hongjun in Hongjun in the flood for a day everyone can not live in peace, Hongjun is like a time bomb, maybe it will detonate beside him when he wants.

Xuantian slowly shook his head and said: “I’m not incapable of killing Hongjun now, but after killing Hongjun, I’m going to run away, the spokesperson of Honghuang Tiandao was killed, and Tiandao will definitely find me trouble, although I am a humane spokesperson, but if I clash with Tiandao, Hongjun will definitely weaken.”

“Unless there is a way to make the Heavenly Dao cancel Hongjun as a spokesperson, it is okay, but the Heavenly Dao does not have spiritual wisdom, and Hongjun’s creation jade butterfly is the Heavenly Dao Hallow, so it is basically impossible to let the Heavenly Dao cancel Hongjun as a spokesperson.”

Hearing Shizun’s explanation, it turned out that Shizun didn’t want to see the decline of Hongjun and never killed Hongjun, but let Hongjun keep doing things.

At the same time, everyone also deeply admired Xuantian, especially Houtu and Tongtian, after all, Honghuang was opened by their father god, and now the guardian is their master.


At this time, Xuantian spoke again: “I called you here this time because the Lich War is about to begin, and the aura of calamity in the flood and desolation has become more and more intense, and this battle is inevitable.”

Hearing this, Hou Tu was afraid, he had long known the final result of the Lich War, but his brothers and sisters did not listen to their life in the Nether World of the Underworld, and they would rather die to protect the flood wilderness.

Hou Tu’s face showed a thick sadness.

At this time, Xuantian saw the sadness of Hou Tu and said: “You don’t have to worry, the ancestral witch will die but I left the means, they won’t really die, then you will know.”

“This time I inform you that the Terran is the protagonist of the flood wilderness after the Lich War, protect the Terran well during the Lich War, and don’t let the Terran be calculated!”

Hou Tu heard that Shizun left the means, although he didn’t know what it was, but Master Zun promised that Zu Wu would definitely not die, and Hou Tu smiled happily.

And everyone else said that they must follow the master’s orders to protect the good human race.

Then everyone left, and Xuantian also began a new round of retreat, because Xuantian felt that in order to completely solve Hongjun’s own cultivation, he must be stronger than the Heavenly Dao

At this time, in the Chaotic Purple Sky Palace, Hongjun calmly looked at Yuan Shi and Laozi on the opposite side.

From the time he controlled Laozi and Yuan Shi through Hongmeng Purple Qi, Hongjun knew that he would definitely be suspected by them.

Seeing the calm Hongjun, Lao Tzu finally couldn’t help it.

This is about his own life, even if Lao Tzu, who has nothing to do, can’t do nothing now.

Lao Tzu asked uneasily: “Master, did you control us to bump into Buzhou Mountain when we started to run into Buzhou Mountain.”

: Hongjun took a deep look at Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, and then slowly said: Not bad, I did it.”

When Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi heard Hongjun personally admit it, their scalps suddenly went numb.

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