Chapter 140 Zhen Yuanzi survived the Heavenly Tribulation, and Hongjun changed to infiltrate the Wu Clan

After the Lich War ended, Xuantian also withdrew his gaze.

This time it was a good show, but it’s a pity that Hongjun appeared too early and didn’t let the Lich and Demon clans kill the two of them a few more times.

Xuantian looked at the Time and Space Tower and found that Zhen Yuanzi’s Star Fruit was also about to be consumed, and it was estimated that it would be good in another hundred years.

At that time, the time for Zhen Yuanzi to cross the calamity is almost coming.

At this time, the flood wilderness has calmed down after the last Lich joint war in the west, and the pattern of the flood is still that the witch clan controls the earth, and the demon clan manages the heavenly court.

On the surface, they do not interfere with each other, but everyone knows that sooner or later a big war will break out between the two races.

There may be a missing fuse.

And on this day, there was a little demon in the Heavenly Court who reported that making a sword with the essence blood and soul of the human race could hurt the body of the witch clan.

Di Jun looked at this little demon seriously, and then killed him directly “one nineteen zero” without thinking about it.

Di Jun thought in his heart: “Where is this a traitor sent to kill the witch tribe with the essence blood and soul of the human race.”

Not to mention that he has not become holy now, even if he is sanctified, he will not be able to die enough, once he does this, it is estimated that Hongjun will not be able to protect himself.

Just after Di Jun killed that demon clan, Sanxian Island Xuantian’s eyes also opened, because he calculated that the calamity of the human race was approaching but he didn’t know why, and now it showed that the calamity had disappeared!

Shi Shape Night Market, Shape Night Float, is the protagonist of the quantitative robbery, Xuantian will also make him disappear, and the human race is Xuantian’s bottom line

Dijun also indirectly saved his life this time.

Time is long, five hundred years of flooding and desolation have passed like this, and Zhen Yuanzi also opened his eyes this day.

Zhen Yuanzi is now a cultivator in the middle stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

Thinking that thousands of years ago I was still struggling with the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal, and now it is directly in the middle of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Zhen Yuanzi carefully felt his strength and found that it was more than a hundred times stronger than at the beginning.

In this way, he will have more confidence in the upcoming heavenly calamity.

Immediately Zhen Yuanzi stepped out and went directly to Chaos to prepare for the catastrophe.

Zhen Yuanzi crossed the sky calamity and also attracted the attention of many people.

After all, this is the last disciple of Daozun to cross the calamity, and the next time someone crosses the heavenly calamity, I don’t know when it will go.

And Yang Mei, who was cultivating in the Zixiao Palace, also paid attention to Zhen Yuanzi.

Because Zhen Yuanzi is the same spiritual root as his true body, and at the same time, Zhen Yuanzi also cultivates the laws of space the same as himself.

If it weren’t for Zhen Yuanzi being Xuantian’s apprentice, perhaps Yang Mei would consider taking Zhen Yuanzi under his door.

But it’s definitely impossible now, but it can’t hide Yang Mei’s appreciation for Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi stood in the chaos like this.

The chaotic qi passed directly around him, and it didn’t affect him in the slightest.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at the direction of the Heavenly Tribulation with a determined gaze.

Then with a head on top of him, holding the dust on the ground in his hand, and stepping on the ground book, he rushed to see the heavenly calamity.

Without any accident, the heavenly calamity was scattered by the dust on the ground.

At this time, Yang Mei, who was in the Zixiao Palace, actually found that Zhen Yuanzi’s cultivation had reached the middle stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

You must know that Zhen Yuanzi has just broken through to the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian for a thousand years.

A thousand years has risen to a big realm, which is completely unreasonable.

Yang Mei really couldn’t figure out why Zhen Yuanzi’s cultivation was so fast.

And at this time, Zhen Yuanzi passed through the heavenly calamities one by one, and all the heavenly calamities that were slashing towards Zhen Yuanzi were scattered.

When the forty-seventh heavenly tribulation was over, Zhen Yuanzi was not injured at all.

Then Zhen Motoko immediately sat cross-legged to recover his mana, because he knew that the next two heavenly tribulations were the most powerful.

At this moment, the forty-eight heavenly tribulations finally came, and what appeared in front of Zhen Yuanzi was the appearance of Yang Mei Great Immortal.

Yang Mei in the Zixiao Palace was stunned, but he didn’t expect his image to be simulated as a heavenly calamity.

Zhen Yuanzi was fearless, and the laws of space all over his body fluctuated violently, and he picked up Qiankunding and fought with the space demon god.

The two fought hundreds of rounds, and Zhen Motoko felt that the grinding was almost over and directly scattered the Heavenly Tribulation.

Yang Mei in the Zixiao Palace was shocked when he saw it, could it be that Xuantian taught his brother like this?

Use the heavenly calamity to sharpen yourself.

Which person is not careful to cross the heavenly calamity, and only like Xuantian’s apprentice will choose to use the heavenly calamity to sharpen his Dao.

Now Yang Mei is really more and more interested in Xuantian this person, and he wants to know which old friend this person is.

It is definitely not the Time Demon God, because Yang Mei knows that time is still recuperating in the depths of chaos, and the Time Demon God did not choose to give up the reincarnation of the Demon God body like himself…

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi also stabilized his mind and began to prepare to cross the heart demon calamity!

The Heart Demon Tribulation is no problem at all for a person with a firm mind like Zhen Motoko.

At this time, Yang Mei looked in the direction of Zhen Yuanzi and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Ten years later, Zhen Yuanzi successfully survived the heart demon calamity, and from then on Zhen Yuanzi was a real mixed yuan cultivator.

The level of life has also been sublimated.

Zhen Yuanzi returned directly to Sanxian Island, first to visit Xuantian, and then to visit his old friend.

Zhen Yuanzi said: “Old friend, don’t worry that we will meet soon.

Hongyun has fallen into a deep sleep because of the serious damage to the Yuan God, and must go through reincarnation.

Shizun promised to make Hongyun a human race, and also had the identity of a human emperor, which is the best for his old friend.

Remembering the days of discussing with Hongyun, Zhen Yuanzi showed a contemplative expression

At this time, Hongjun was not in the Zixiao Palace, but secretly changed into an ordinary witch clan mixed in the team of the witch clan.

If Hong Huang could know that the Dao Ancestor was like this, he would definitely be shocked to the eyes of the whole place.

I saw that Hongjun would change into a little witch of the Zhurong tribe for a while, and then into a little witch of the Gonggong tribe.

Then, in this way, Hongjun lived in the Wu tribe for five hundred years, and gradually became familiar with the people of the two tribes.

And then began to provoke contradictions between the two tribes.

Hongjun fully benefits 3.4 uses the characteristics of water and fire incompatibility, and constantly instigates to intensify the contradiction.

In this way, at first, it was just a contradiction that happened to ordinary little witches, and no one cared about small fights.

However, then the contradiction grew bigger and bigger, and gradually rose to the battle between the great witches.

Even several times I started to move.

Today the conflict between the two tribes became more intense, and Hongjun took advantage of this time to secretly leave the Wu tribe.

Hongjun looked at the direction of the Wu Clan and showed a sneering expression.

Hongjun thought that now that the bait had been put down, he waited for the harvest time, and then looked at Buzhou Shan and said, since you are dead, leave completely!

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