Chapter 138 Quasi-Lifting Leads Cut Off

At this time in the Chaos Purple Sky Palace,

Hongjun was also observing this battle, and he hated the two goods in the West in his heart.

What is more than enough to succeed, you calculate, but you were caught, and the object of calculation is still the inside of your own door.

This made him have to scold, Zhunti is a fool.

Now that such a situation has been made, no matter who wins or loses, it will not be beneficial to Hongjun’s side.

But Hongjun also has to let the demon race vent ah, after all, Dijun also died his son, and Hongjun also needs the luck of the demon tribe at this stage.

Therefore, as long as Hongjun always pays attention to the situation of this big war, he will immediately stop it as soon as he finds out that something is wrong, whether it is the demon race or the Western Sect.

Otherwise, your luck will definitely decline.

As for the Wu Clan’s side, Hongjun believes that there have long been many eyes staring at the scene, and he will definitely not let the Zhu Ti Ti hurt the Zu Wu, not to mention that the Zhu Ti Zhu will not be able to defeat the Zu Wu who summoned the “Pangu True Body”.

The lead is now the most funny, while hitting and retreating, and the mouth keeps saying: “misunderstanding”.

Now he is bitter in his heart, he found that he really can’t beat the Wu Clan, this big guy’s strength is extremely strong, especially the axe of “Pangu True Body”, although it is illusory, but the pressure is too great.

The avenue of power condensed on that axe seems to be able to lock even time and space 253.

This made every escape of the lead thrilling, and he cursed secretly in his heart: “It’s not good to provoke anyone, but provoke this group of Tie Han who are not afraid of big things.”

And at this time, the lead did not notice, was directly chopped by the axe, and the lead was directly chopped thousands of miles away.

When the lead climbed up, the golden body shattered, looking miserable.

All the beings in the flood and desolation gasped, and today the Wu clan successfully laid down the saying that all the saints are ants.

A large formation formed by a group of mixed yuan golden immortals defeated the already sanctified Ji Zhi.

At this time, Wu Zu saw that the lead had been seriously injured, and did not let go, and directly chased the lead and killed him.

The leader was also angry, and directly blessed the power of the Heavenly Dao to fight with the “Pangu True Body”.

“Buddha’s light shines”

He wanted to use his Buddhist sect to temper this group of witches, but his thoughts were beautiful and the reality was cruel.

The Wu Clan did not have a Yuan God at all, and the supremacy of the lead had no effect in the eyes of the Wu Clan, and in just a minute, the lead flew out upside down again.

The scene was left with a screaming “ah”.

And on Zhunti’s side, Di Jun’s Heavenly Emperor Sword slashed towards Zhunti with infinite star fighting power.

However, the Quasi-Ti Xiuwei, who had blessed the power of the Heavenly Dao, had also come to the peak of the early stage of the saint and the strength shown by the Emperor Jun Formation was the same.

The two men fought each other for hundreds of rounds and still did not decide the winner.

At this time, Taiyi’s voice came, and the eldest brother answered the bell.

A golden bell came to Di Jun’s hands with the power of time and space.

At this time, the Chaos Bell was excited, and Di Jun said, “You also want to kill this pirate, don’t you?”

Di Jun with the Chaos Bell is completely different, although the Chaos Bell is not refined, but with the assistance of Taiyi, it is still possible to imprison the surrounding time and space.

Time and space were fixed, and Jun Ti secretly said, “Oops.”

Then Di Jun’s Heavenly Emperor Sword slashed at Zhunti, and Zhunti also flew out directly upside down, and by the time he got up, he was already injured.

Everyone in the flood and desolate gasped, the Lich and Demon races are incredible, relying on the strength of the quasi-saint to challenge the saint by relying on the formation and really succeeding

I don’t know if they can succeed today.

Could it be that the Zhunti Leader was the first saint to die in Hong Desolation?

At this time, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi looked solemnly at the formation of the Lich Demon Clan, because they found that even they would not be much better than the Zhunti Lead.

It may not be long before they are severely injured, and the two brothers are thinking in their hearts: “These two tribes of witches really can’t stay, everyone will lose their reverence for the saint with them.”

Although they have also lost to their opponents many times, it is the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian, and now the people of the two races are just quasi-saints.

Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu looked at the battlefield between the Lich and the Western Religion, their minds kept spinning, not knowing what they were planning again.

And returning to the scene again, the quasi-lifting leads are now seriously injured, and it is no longer suitable to fight.

Apparently this time the West lost.

Defeated by a group of quasi-saint strength people.

Zhunti said helplessly: “This time, our Western religion has conceded defeat, and we are willing to compensate the losses of the two races, and I don’t know if it can end here.”

Quasi-tie leads feel that they have thrown in the towel, they should always give a step down.

Will definitely promise yourself.

But in the next second, Dijun’s words came: “You admit defeat, my son died in vain?” One life is worth one life, I will kill Zhanti nine times, and this matter will be settled.”

Di Jiang also said: “Our Wu clan has died so many people, do you tell me to forget it?” How can I explain to our people of the Wu clan, today I will definitely step on the Western Religion, don’t want such a place where dirt is hidden.”

Hearing the arrogant words of the two races, Zhunti Lingying’s face turned extremely angry, and today was even more aggrieved than the last time he was beaten by the Queen Mother of Nuwaxi.

The Queen Mother of Nuwa West is a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, and it is not okay to be forced to apologize by a group of quasi-saints today, and she must kill herself.

The ancestral witches were too lazy to talk nonsense, and they rushed to the lead with a roar, and suddenly there was a scream of the lead.

And Di Jun’s side also rushed to Zhunti, and Zhunti could have been comparable to Di Jun, but now he is seriously injured and is not an opponent at all.

Directly stabbed by Di Jun’s sword.

The screaming upside down flew out.

Dijun seized the opportunity and pointed directly at Zhunti’s head as a sword.

Suddenly, Junti’s head was directly cut off by Di Jun.

A sudden rain of blood fell in the midst of the flood, heralding the fall of the saints, and the heavens wept for it.

At this time, Dijun was extremely happy.

He was quietly waiting for Zhunti’s resurrection.

“Junior Brother” shouted.

He didn’t expect his junior brother to really be killed.

However, in the next second, an axe appeared on the body of the lead, and the lead was directly split in half.


Another rain of blood fell in the sky, and today it rained twice in a row, making people can’t help but look sad.

Yuan Shi Lao Zi was stunned, did not expect that the saint was killed, although he was beaten very badly before, but no saint has ever been killed.

They are also quietly waiting for the resurrection of the Zhun Ti, wanting to know what is different now.

Sure enough, not long after, Zhun Ti was revived by the Heavenly Dao at the same time, but after the resurrection, the aura was significantly reduced.

At the same time, feeling a little sluggish, everyone understands that the saint is killed and resurrected is not completely without cost.

The first is to reduce the cause and effect of the Heavenly Dao, and at the same time, every resurrection will be invaded by the power of the Heavenly Dao, and perhaps one day it will completely become a puppet of the Heavenly Dao.

At this time, Dijun and the Wu Clan were ready to continue killing.

“Isn’t it enough that you’ve already killed us once?”

Junti shouted.

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