Chapter 128: As soon as Zhen Tianzhi came out, the collective lost his voice

In the midst of the chaos now the atmosphere is quiet and terrible.

Looking at Hongjun, who was constantly struggling in his hands by Xuantian Daozun, Hongjun’s disciples were silent.

Yuan Shi looked at Kunpeng and looked at his evil eyes and was afraid.

His own backer is gone, and Yuan Shi, as the most loyal guardian of the Heavenly Dao, now has to be suspicious of the Heavenly Dao.

Isn’t it that the saint is destined to be worse than the mixed yuan.

And Zhun Ti also secretly glanced at Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi and found that neither of them paid attention to themselves, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although you can’t kill yourself, you can still hurt and maim yourself

Looking at the vigorous master, Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi’s eyes were bright Xuantian was thinking about how to deal with Hongjun, and Hongjun was still in Xuantian’s hands here

Constantly struggling, Xuantian directly slapped Hongjun, and Hongjun directly vomited blood with a pale face.

Hongjun was completely honest this time, knowing that the gap between himself and Xuantian was really too big.

If you struggle again, you will probably be beaten even worse.

And Xuantian’s slap on Hongjun’s body shocked the hearts of Hongjun creatures, and everyone now finally experienced the strength of Daozun.

And Tongtian in the Heavenly Court also looked at the master in the chaos with adoration, and he 340 felt that when he could be so unrestrained.

And Dijun Taiyi’s brain was blank, and Nan Nan said in his mouth: “Can’t the Dao Ancestor of Lian He Dao even have the power to resist in the hands of Xuantian Daozun?”

Is it useful even if we cultivate to the saint? Can it rule the flood wilderness?

They were deeply suspicious, not to mention ruling the flood wilderness, even if any apprentice of Daozun couldn’t beat it himself.

Looking at Tongtian Emperor Juntai who was holding the Immortal Sword Formation in his hand, he was frightened, and said secretly: “It’s good that I didn’t have an impulse just now.”

Otherwise, if you kill yourself in the sky, you will kill for nothing, and Daozu will not have the ability to stand out for yourself at all.

At this time, Xuantian seemed to have made some decision, and everyone also wanted to know how Xuantian was going to punish Daozu, after all, this time it was Hongjun who took the initiative to provoke Xuantian without his own strength.

At this time, Xuantian took out the Zhentian coffin directly from the system space.

As soon as Zhentian’s coffin appeared, it swept through the entire chaos like a flood beast, just like countless chaos demon gods resurrected in the chaos, and the entire chaos became incomparably quiet at this moment.

The saints all felt a creepy feeling, and the temperature in the chaos was a little colder.

Zhentian coffin is a big killer specially aimed at saints, this supreme treasure does not belong to the innate nor to the day after tomorrow, it belongs to the Hong Desolate Treasure, it is conceived between heaven and earth with the essence blood and resentment of 3,000 Chaos Demon Gods, and the saint will turn into blood and water after entering it for seven seven forty-nine days, and can no longer be resurrected.

Because the resentment of the demon god in the coffin of Zhentian can directly shield the yuan god in the Heavenly Dao, so that the Heavenly Dao only perceives the grievance of the chaos demon god without any saint’s breath

The resurrection saint of the Heavenly Dao is not only a part of the saint’s yuan god, but also needs the breath of the saint.

If you don’t even have breath, then even if you are resurrected, you are just a puppet.

At this time, Hongjun was close, and he deeply felt the horror of Zhentian’s coffin, and he felt that this thing could kill him.

Because every time I see the coffin of Zhentian, the Yuan God in my mind will warn frantically.

Before, he knew that it was impossible to kill his Yuan God Fusion Heavenly Dao, so he dared to provoke Xuantian again and again.

Now that he found that Xuantian’s strength was so strong, to be honest, he regretted being so reckless and an enemy of Xuantian.

Why did Xuantian’s cautious character disappear every time he met him? Xuantian is like his own nemesis.

And now seeing that Xuantian really seemed to have a killer weapon to completely kill himself, Hongjun was finally afraid, and he was afraid from the bottom of his heart.

He has not yet ruled the flood wilderness, he has survived by luck since the chaotic period, and Pangu Kaitian himself has survived as a weak Immortal Dao Demon God.

And he has also become the Dao ancestor of the Pangu world, which is not his own luck, but his own step by step planning.

Now I suddenly felt as if I was going to die, and my expression was full of fear when I looked at Xuantian.

And the other saints all looked at the Zhentian coffin in Xuantian hand with horror.

“Senior Brother, do you feel like you’re going to die?”

Junti swallowed his saliva and whispered.

“Will die, that thing can really kill us, and the kind that the Heavenly Dao can’t resurrect.”

Quote a positive reply to.

Just when Daozun took that thing out, the Yuan God who received it was frantically warning.

The reason why they dared to go against Xuanmen was because they understood that Xuanmen couldn’t kill him was nothing more than being beaten violently.

But now it’s different, knowing that Xuantian Daozun has a treasure in his hand that can kill himself and still opposes Xuantian is it a long life?

They looked pitifully towards Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi, causing the two of them to chill.

Just now, Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi heard what they said, and their eyes lit up after knowing that Shizun actually had a spiritual treasure in his hand that could kill saints.

In the future, they will no longer be afraid to kill undead saints in fights, this is what they think in their hearts now.

And at this time, Yuan Shi no longer dared to be arrogant, and since the appearance of the Zhentian coffin, he knew that saints are also limited to immortality, and there are still things that can kill themselves.

Yuan Shi now buried his head deeply, and this blow to him was not small.

Let him almost lose trust in the Heavenly Dao, even a saint can kill, then what is the use of a saint!

And Lao Tzu also looked at the coffin of Zhentian in fear, the fear of death really appeared in his heart, you must know that he is a saint, doesn’t it say that the way of heaven does not destroy saints and does not die? Are they all fake?

Lao Tzu also secretly looked at Fuxi, and found that Fuxi still did not have any reaction, so he guessed that Fuxi might have known for a long time, no wonder he had just started to say to himself that even if Hongjun came, he would have to suffer!

In fact, Fuxi was also confused in his heart, he was just calm on the surface, he really didn’t expect that Shizun would have such a big killing weapon.

The Daomen disciples were silent and did not dare to speak loudly, while the Xuanmen disciples were all excited, the saint immortality did make them uncomfortable, but now that they have something that can kill them, they will be the same as themselves in the future.

Seeing that Xuantian did not use the Zhentian coffin to deal with himself, Hongjun said: “Daozun, I am also blinded by hatred, and I actually don’t want to be an enemy of you.”

In the future, Daozun, what do you say! I Hongjun has absolutely no half an opinion.

At this time, Hongjun had to soften, his own small life was held in the hands of the other party, God knows if the Heavenly Dao will save himself, instead of believing in the Heavenly Dao, it is better to save himself first.

Just when Xuantian was embarrassed about how to deal with Hongjun, the system prompted at this time.

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