Chapter 118: Xuantian divided the stars and fruits among the disciples

Kunpeng himself was not worried about the dojo at all.

With the experience of several senior brothers in crossing the calamity, coupled with the strength of his own devouring law, he is still very confident.

In the chaos, Kunpeng stood in the chaos in a black robe, while the devouring law constantly devoured the chaotic qi nearby.

Kunpeng calmly faced his impending heavenly calamity.


At this time, there was a terrifying fluctuation in the sky, and it was the Heavenly Tribulation that came, and Kunpeng directly took out thirty-six Dinghai God Beads and surrounded him.

Raised the Heavenly Demon Sword and rushed up.

The people in the Daomen are also observing this Heavenly Tribulation, and they are relatively lucky at the same time, because there is no need to survive the Heavenly Tribulation to become holy.

The saint is still a quasi-saint in essence, but he is just a quasi-saint who can use the power of the Heavenly Dao, which is much stronger than the quasi-saint, and it can be said that he can completely crush the quasi-saint.

At this time, the Western Zhunti said: “Could it be that the people in Xuanmen are so domineering?”

Watching them cross the calamity in almost the same way, they are all non-defensive, direct attack!

This is still very shocking for the people in the Daomen!

In the face of such a Xuanmen, can Daomen really win? Everyone doubted it.

At this time, Kunpeng directly slashed the Heavenly Tribulation with a single sword, and then survived the forty-seven Heavenly Tribulations all the way like a bamboo.

Don’t look at Kunpeng so easily for the previous heavenly calamity, in fact, it is still extremely dangerous, the heavenly calamity is stronger than the other, and you may be injured if you are not careful.


Kunpeng began to sit cross-legged and continued to pranayama, ready to survive the last two calamities and the Heart Demon Tribulation.

As if the people in the flood wilderness have become accustomed to the way Xuanmen crosses the calamity, everyone is not nervous and uneasy in the face of the heavenly calamity, but excited.

Kunpeng survived the last two calamities without any accidents and became a true mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

Kunpeng knew that the reason why he was able to become a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian was thanks to the master, it was the master who taught him the method of becoming a mixed yuan, and it was the master who gave him the spiritual treasure.

The last time I was in the space black hole, I was also thanks to my master’s treatment of me.

After Kunpeng crossed the robbery, he returned directly to his own Beihai.

Time is long, and the time of the flood and famine of 4,000 years is fleeting.

The Xuanmen disciples who were in retreat on this day all received a notice from their master to go to Jinao Island, and Zhen Yuanzi and Hou Tu also received the notice.

Everyone did not dare to delay, because knowing that Shizun would not summon himself without things, there must be something announcing, is it going to war with the Daomen?

Everyone knows that Xuanmen and Daomen are not opposed, but at this stage Xuanmen has been pressing against Daomen, and Hongjun has shown relatively weak behavior, since the last time Hongjun was bullied by the master, he almost did not dare to clash with the master, except for a little action is to retreat and cultivate by himself.

Everyone has long wanted to fight with the Daomen, so that the Honghuang sentient beings understand that the master’s Taoism is orthodox, and the Daomen is just a side door and a left road.

And at this time the Three Immortals Island.

In Hongmeng Palace,

Xuantian sits on the futon at the top.

Quietly looked at the disciples below.

Now everyone except for Hou Tu and Zhen Yuanzi is a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, and the hope of enlightenment of Hou Tu and Zhen Yuanzi is when the tunnel is opened.

And the most powerful Fuxi is already in the middle stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, and the other Nuwa mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian is at the peak of the early stage, and Styx and Tongtian are also mixed yuan Daluo Jin

The peak of the early immortals.

Kunpeng and the Queen Mother of the West, who had not long broken through, were both firmly in the early stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

With the current level of his own disciples, he can completely crush a few of Hongjun’s disciples

Xuantian is still very touched, when he just came to Honghuang, he thought about hugging Hongjun’s thighs? In the blink of an eye, his disciples were all stronger than Hongjun’s disciples, and he could completely crush Hongjun.

Hongjun thought that he would be able to defeat Xuantian if he joined the way, and it was estimated that he would not be able to cry when the time came.

“There are two things to call you over this time.”

Xuantian watched everyone slowly speak.

The first thing is that your Hou Tu junior sister will become enlightened in 5,000 years, and Zhen Yuanzi can also try to break through on that day.

Shizun’s words shocked Zhen Yuanzi, and when Xuantian accepted the disciple, he told himself that he had a relationship with the Houtu junior sister, and his own Dao was on the Houtu junior sister.

Master’s cultivation is really unfathomable, and everything has been counted a long time ago

“At that time, Hongjun’s disciples will definitely come to make trouble, and when the time comes, give me a hard beating, and after speaking, he glanced at Tongtian, and Tongtian lowered his head in embarrassment.”

Xuantian continued.

Now Tongtian is indeed embarrassed, if he is allowed to beat his two brothers, he still can’t do it at present, but he is firmly on his master’s side, if someone wants to hurt Xuantian he will definitely be obliged to rush out, even his own brother.

Tongtian and Laozi Yuanshi no longer have much brotherly feelings to speak of, but after all, they are both Pangu Yuan deifications, so Tongtian can’t bear to make a move.

“Hongjun is not far from the success of the Convergence Road.”

Xuantian suddenly said such a sentence and the disciples below immediately began to talk about it, but they knew that the Hongjun of the success of the joint path was equivalent to the mixed yuan Wuji Golden Immortal (half-step heavenly path realm), and the mixed yuan layer was one heavy heaven.

It is simply impossible for people who want to use the cultivation of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian to fight the Mixed Yuan Wuji Golden Immortal, and everyone looks at Shizun worriedly.

“You don’t have to worry, don’t worry that little Master Hongjun is not in my eyes, if he is not comfortable, I will definitely humiliate him fiercely.”

Xuantian said domineeringly.

Hearing Shizun’s domineering words, everyone was relieved, Heart Dao Master Zun is really not the late stage of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian on the surface, it is estimated that he has already reached the Mixed Yuan Wuji Golden Immortal, but the master is too good at hiding, so that people can’t find it.

And at this time, Xuantian spread out his hands, and 8 star fruits appeared in his hands, which was rewarded by the system last time, and it was introduced that the cultivation that could improve a large realm was the result that Xuantian only improved a small realm.

Xuantian’s heritage is too deep, and these are very precious to their disciples, and it is necessary to reduce the time of ascetic cultivation to be able to improve a great realm.

Xuantian then said, “The second thing I want to say is this fruit in my hand.”

Seeing everyone’s puzzled expressions, Xuantian continued: “Don’t underestimate this fruit, this is the star fruit on the Chaos Spirit Root Star Tree, people below the Golden Immortal of the Mixed Yuan Luo can improve the cultivation of a large realm by eating one, but also according to their respective exercises and background, your master and I have only improved a small realm.”

“Now each of you has one, try to improve your cultivation, and directly crush them when you fight with the Daomen next time.”

Xuantian said.

Then he threw the Star Fruit to his disciple.

After listening to the master’s introduction, the disciples took the star fruit one by one excitedly.

Look at the majestic energy on the fruit.

I can’t wait to refine it right away.

And Xuantian looked at Zhen Yuanzi and Hou Tu and said: “You guys wait for the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian to take it again, now it’s a bit wasteful, this fruit is only effective for the first time in a person’s life.”

After listening to Xuantian’s words, Zhen Yuanzi and Hou Tu solemnly put away the star fruit.

Then Xuantian arranged them all to enter the Space-Time Tower to cultivate.

Xuantian looked at the direction of chaos and Nan Nan said, “Hongjun, Hongjun, don’t let me down!”

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