Chapter 105: Lao Tzu Sneaks into the Terran to Prepare for Preaching (Ten More Starts)

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi are both Pangu Yuan deified forms, and the success of this side of the heavenly advancement has led them.

They also now understand that their chances of sanctification lie in the establishment of the religion.

As for Lao Tzu’s Tao being on the Terrans, it is impossible for the Terrans to establish a religion at all.

Is it possible to secretly establish a religion yourself? By the time they found out, they would have been sanctified long ago.

Xuantian also has no way to take himself, he can’t kill himself anyway.

Lao Tzu thought of this and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he came out of Shouyang Mountain and turned into the image of an old man and wandered around the human race.

But Yuan Shi was thinking about what he wanted to teach well, and now he still has no clue.

The key is to establish what denomination will be recognized.

Now I don’t have a good image in the eyes of the flood and desolate beings.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi has a bit of a headache.

And the old “eight six three” son is now the image of the old man in the Terran constantly observing the special features of the Terran, why does his own sanctification hope in the Terran?

Lao Tzu was very glad that he was not discovered.

In the following period, Lao Tzu continued to wander among the Terrans.

This walk is a hundred years.

Lao Tzu found that the Terrans have their own exercises, but the starting point of the exercises is a bit high, and most Terrans are difficult to cultivate.

Lao Tzu thought that if he casually created a book of exercises for the human race that could be practiced, wouldn’t he be able to obtain merit luck? Then smoothly establish the church, and you will definitely be able to become holy.

The more Lao Tzu thought about it, the more he felt that such a method was feasible.

I have never considered really helping the Terran to create a good book of exercises.

First of all, the human race was created by Xuantian, and he was a disciple of Hongjun, and he would not deal with it originally.

Secondly, the Terrans are strong, how to reap the luck of the Terrans in the future, their current luck has dropped to the freezing point, and they must rely on the Terrans to replenish it!

And at this time, Xuantian, who was in retreat on Sanxian Island, opened his eyes.

Because he found out that someone actually wanted to take the luck of the Terrans.

The Terran was created by Xuantian and was particularly sensitive to the luck of the Terran, and then Xuantian began to calculate, even if it came to Lao Tzu’s body.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, wanting to directly teach Lao Tzu, but now the system’s prompt sounded.

Xuantian was stunned, he didn’t expect that the system option would be triggered at this time.

(Depending on the host’s current situation, the following options are available.)

1, regardless of Lao Tzu, let Lao Tzu preach and establish a religion, and reap the luck of the human race.

Reward the creation of jade butterfly fragments (containing 100 laws).

2, directly shoot to teach Lao Tzu and take Lao Tzu away.

Reward the innate treasure reincarnation purple lotus.

3, let Fuxi set up people in advance to teach, cut off the beard of Laozi.

Reward Terran Exercises (Jindan Avenue Full Version).

Xuantian carefully looked at the choice this time, first of all, the first option, Xuantian will definitely not choose.

In the last life, Lao Tzu didn’t take the Terran seriously at all, the Terran was just Lao Tzu’s luck harvester, and Lao Tzu didn’t pay attention to it when the Terran faced danger, how could such Lao Tzu Xuantian let him set up a person to teach.

So this option was directly passed by Xuantian, although the rewarded creation jade butterfly fragment Xuantian wanted it very much, but Xuantian couldn’t bet on the entire human race

As for the second option, it is undoubtedly very appropriate to directly drive Lao Tzu away, not only to suppress Lao Tzu, but also to deter all sentient beings in the flood wilderness.

Let everyone know that the Terran is not something that everyone can make up their minds, and the innate treasure reincarnation purple lotus is not bad.

This option is pending first, Xuantian continues to look at the third option.

It is to let Fuxi establish a human religion, and the human race really needs a sect to suppress luck.

As the holy father of the human race, Fuxi is Xuantian’s great disciple, and if the Liren Sect is undoubtedly the most suitable.

In this way, the luck of the Terrans will not fall into the hands of some well-intentioned people.

The reward thing turned out to be Jindan Avenue or the full version, this thing was created by Lao Tzu, but what Lao Tzu created was definitely not as good as the system.

Xuantian carefully considered the options of the system.

Although the second one was very attractive to him, Xuantian chose the third option for the sake of the Terrans.

After thinking about it, Xuantian said to the system: “I choose three for the system.”

(Congratulations to the host for completing the selection, and the reward has been distributed to the host’s mind.)

As soon as the voice of the system fell, a complete Jindan Avenue appeared in Xuantian’s mind.

It is completely suitable for ordinary Terran cultivation, and if Xuantian wants to create it, it will definitely not be able to do so well.

In the past, Xuantian’s method for the human race was only suitable for the innate human race, and it was too difficult for the acquired human race to cultivate, so the arrival of this exercise was just right….

Thinking of the system task, Xuantian immediately informed Fuxi to come to Sanxian Island.

Fuxi was in retreat, and at this time, he did not dare to delay and came directly to Sanxian Island when he heard the message from Shizun.

Xuantian looked at Fuxi in front of him and found that Fuxi’s cultivation was completely stable at the peak of the early stage of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian, and he was immediately very satisfied.

Now that the luck of the entire Xuanmen is prosperous, these disciples have also gained a lot of benefits, and their cultivation speed is much faster than that of Xuantian before!

Xuantian said directly to Fuxi: “Now Lao Tzu is in the Terran and wants to steal the luck of the Terran.”

Fuxi was immediately angry when he heard this, the Terran was created by Shizun, and it is still the protagonist of the future heaven and earth, and now Lao Tzu steals the luck of the Terran race to move the root of Xuanmen.

Can Fuxi not be angry?

Looking at the angry Fuxi, Xuantian said: “I have a task here for you, you must complete it meticulously, this is very important.”

Hearing that his master said that he was given a task, Fuxi immediately agreed

Because this is the first time that Master Zun has given himself a task, even if Master Zun does not say that he will definitely complete it well.

Xuantian then said: “Now Lao Tzu is going to preach in the human race, and then set up a human religion along the way, I want you to cut off Hu and preach in advance to establish a human religion.”

But Master Zun has not deduced the exercises of the human race now, maybe not as fast as Lao Tzu.

Fuxi said tangled.

Xuantian smiled and pointed at Fuxi’s 4.2 head, and then an exercise appeared in Fuxi’s mind.

When Fuxi completely digested the exercises in his mind, he was shocked, this exercise is also too good, it is completely tailored for ordinary human races.

I can’t create such exercises at all.

At the same time, the respect for the master has been raised to another level.

Fuxi still has the task of Shizun now, if it is advanced by Lao Tzu, it will not be good.

Fuxi took his leave to Xuantian and immediately came towards the Terrans.

At this time, Lao Tzu’s martial arts are about to be created successfully, although they can only cultivate to the Golden Immortal, but it is completely enough for the human race.

It is a completely castrated version of the exercise.

Thinking that he was finally going to be sanctified, Lao Tzu smiled.

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