Chapter 1001 Styx VS Luo Throat (Ten More Starts)

At this time, Luo Yu was already a cultivator in the late stage of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal, and it was not worse than Hongjun at all.

Because the luck of the entire Heavenly Demon Realm is his, he has improved very quickly.

But the treasure he had been thinking about was taken away by Hongjun.

This time I actually felt the breath in Chaos, could it be that Hongjun came to Chaos?

With curiosity, Luo Zhu directly released his divine sense to investigate, and Luo Zhu couldn’t go out at all because he was sealed by the avenue.

Only by relying on the demons of the heart to influence others can they occupy other people’s physical actions, which can be regarded as another kind of walking around in the flood wilderness.

Luo Yu has always been unwilling to accept his failure and wants to take revenge back, but there is no way to get out by himself.

Last time, Yuan Shi finally fell into the devil, thinking that he could pull in a Honghuang saint, who knew that Yuan Shi had cut off his own demon god avatar so decisively.

Although it is also the beginning of the yuan, but without Hongmeng purple qi, it is almost impossible for the demon god avatar of the beginning of the yuan to become enlightened.

At this time, the last calamity of the River Styx also came.

Styx sat directly cross-legged, without a trace of 17 millimeters of panic, how could a cultivator be afraid of the devil calamity of the heart for Styx?

But at this time, Luo Yu sensed that someone was actually crossing the heart demon calamity of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian! This is a great opportunity!

If he succeeds in obtaining his physical body, he will be able to appear in the flood wilderness in an honorable manner.

Moreover, Luo Yu also found that this person actually had the aura of his own regicide spear, could it be that this person was Hongjun’s apprentice?

Aren’t all of Hongjun’s disciples going to become saints? How could it become a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian?

Although Luo Yu was a little puzzled, but now was a good opportunity, how could he let it go easily?

Directly using the special nature of the Heavenly Demon World, he affected the heart demon calamity of the Styx, and made himself the heart demon calamity of the Styx.

This is actually the right of the avenue to enrich Luoyu, as long as it is a flood of desolate creatures, the Styx River has such a right.

Styx frowned at this time, obviously feeling that something was not good for him, but Styx is not a good bully, how can Styx, who cultivates the law of killing, be afraid of challenges?

At this time, Luo Yu had already turned into the heart demon of the Styx.

However, the strength of the Heart Demon Tribulation must be similar to that of the Doomber, so Luo Yu is only the cultivation of the early stage of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian.

And at this time, Xuantian also opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Chaos, because he felt that his luck fluctuated.

Your own apprentice should be in trouble.

At this time, everyone is looking for their own way, and they will only encounter difficulties in the Styx River of calamity.

It stands to reason that the Styx River will not be unable to cross the heart devil’s calamity, there must be a problem inside, so Xuantian pinched his fingers and calculated it.

“Hmph, Luo Qi, such a bold man, he dares to hit his own disciple with his own idea, but this is just to see if the Styx can defeat Luo Yu, after all, it is the same cultivation, it can also be regarded as a kind of tempering of the Styx, besides, with Xuantian watching, nothing will happen.

And the incarnation of Luo Yu on this side entered the body of the Styx, looking at the Styx and frowning.

Because this person’s cultivation method is completely different from Hongjun, Hongjun’s three corpses Luo Qi also knows.

But it was obvious that the person in front of him was cultivating the Law of Chaos Demon God’s cultivation

This person will definitely not be Hongjun’s disciple, why did Honghuang appear so young Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian? It’s totally counterintuitive.

With Luo Qi’s understanding of Hongjun, Hongjun definitely did not want Hongjun to appear in the Honghuang, which would affect Hongjun’s control of Hongjun.

Unable to think of a reason, Luo Zhu didn’t want to, now the top priority is to quickly occupy this person’s physical body.

After all, it was rare for Luo Qi to find such a satisfactory body, and this person happened to be the same law of killing as the law of his own cultivation.

“The law of killing does not do what kills, how can such mercy be done?”

Luo Yu a little hates the feeling that iron is not steel, in Luo Yu serious Styx River is a piece of jade, if you teach yourself, you will definitely do a lot.

But now Luo Yu only wants to get the body of the River Styx.

“Boy, quickly sacrifice your physical body, and I can make your death more comfortable with Yuan Shen.”

Luo said arrogantly.

At this time, Styx frowned and thought, why is this heart demon calamity so real? Is this really a catastrophe? Styx is deeply skeptical.

But now no matter what, the other party actually wants his own physical body and yuan god, how can Styx agree?

Directly rushed up and fought with Luo Yu.

Luo Zhu was also depressed, he didn’t expect this kid to start fighting without a word, and this kid’s strength was not weaker than himself at all.

You must know that Luo Yu has the insight of the late stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, although it is now pressed into the early stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, but it is far from being comparable to the ordinary mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian in the early stage.

The Styx is also very depressed, why do you feel that your heart demon calamity is different, how does the one opposite feel more powerful than the Killing Demon God?

Is this really your own inner devil? Is it mutated, no matter what, or win the opposite person first.

Styx directly took out the regicide spear and attacked it, and Styx looked at the regicide spear with a fiery expression.

But at the same time, he did not dare to slack off in the slightest, but the previous owner of the regicide knew how strong the attack of the regicide spear was.

Luo Yu directly took out his Lingbao Heavenly Demon Pagoda, although it was only a spiritual treasure refined by himself, after such a long baptism of demonic energy, it was no worse than the ordinary innate treasure.

The two people fought in Styx’s mind, and Luo Yu became more and more frightened, because he found that Styx had just become a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, and he actually had the strength of the initial peak of the mixed yuan golden immortal.

What kind of person can teach such a terrifying apprentice.

Luo Qi felt that Hongjun definitely did not have such strength.

“Who is your master?”

Luo Yu asked.

“Want to know who my master is? You still don’t deserve to know, you are Luo Yu Bar 960, you dare to enter my Heavenly Tribulation, this time you avatar will stay.”

Styx said directly.

Luo Yu was also angry, this kid opposite was soft and hard, didn’t he see that he couldn’t take him down for the time being to find a step down? He even said that he did not deserve to know his master’s name.

The two men began to fight again, and the more they fought, the fiercer they were.

In the end, Styx took out his own Yuan Tu, Anose Two Swords, and Karmic Fire Red Lotus to wrap himself, raised both swords and slashed at Jian Luo.

Although the two swords of the Styx’s Yuan Tu and A Nose are only the best innate spiritual treasures, they are extremely compatible with the killing path of the Styx, and at the same time add the regicide spear, Luo Yu is weak.

“Boy, you are very good, don’t let my Buddha-figure find you, otherwise it will be your death period.”

Luo Qi said viciously, and then directly dissipated this avatar.

Because Luo Yu knows that he can’t win the Styx, it will definitely be himself who loses in the end, so it is better to take the initiative to dissipate to give himself a step down.

The Styx finally sat down tiredly, in fact, the Styx has also reached the peak, after all, it has just crossed the calamity, and now it has been fighting with Luo Yu for so long, and it has long been overdrawn

But Styx is also glad that he won.

Xuantian also showed a smiling expression, after all, his apprentice had won.

Remembering that the corners of Luo Xuantian’s mouth showed a cold color, he stepped directly into the chaos.

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