Chapter 85: Nuwa Chaos Crossing the Heavenly Tribulation

Nuwa is not nervous at all, she has a creation green lotus.

The defensive power of the Creation Green Lotus is no worse than that of Taijitu.

But Nuwa, who has not experienced the heavenly calamity, is still very nervous.

Nuwa is now a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, and she can basically go anywhere she wants to go with a single thought.

Nuwa came to the chaos at this time, because it was the Heavenly Tribulation of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian who was afraid of destroying the flood waste.

And Fuxi on Sanxian Island is also worried about Nuwa’s heavenly calamity.

The eyes of all the beings in the flood and desolation also looked at Nuwa in the chaos.

And Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi in the Chaos Purple Sky Palace have gotten much better after being treated by Hongjun.

Although his face is still a little pale, there is basically nothing left to do.

The two of them looked at Nuwa with resentment, cursing in their hearts that Nuwa was hacked to death by the heavenly calamity.

At the same time, he secretly decided that he must take revenge after he became holy.

At this time, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi of the Heavenly Court also looked at Nuwa, and Nuwa becoming a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian was not a good thing for the demon clan.

The stronger the people on Xuantian’s side, the weaker their side became, and now Di Jun began to doubt whether he could rule Honghuang.

Even if he and his younger brother Taiyi are both sanctified, so what, not to mention that there are two high mountains in the flood wilderness, Daozun and Daozu.

Just say that a few disciples of Zun and Dao Ancestor will definitely be able to become holy.

Will you still be able to rule them when the time comes.

Let’s not talk about what Dijun thinks.

Now in the chaos Nuwa white clothes Shengxue.

Like a fairy who is not clean, standing in the chaos, under his feet is a white twenty-four grade creation green lotus.

Nuwa looked at the sky seriously.

I saw quiet chaos, and suddenly the sky thundered.

The thunder roared as if it was going to swallow everyone.

Quasi-Saint powerhouses will feel fear when they see it, let alone face such a terrifying heavenly calamity.

And Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu smiled happily, the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation, the happier they were.

And at this time, Nuwa’s whole person became resolute.

Finally under everyone’s eyes, the first heavenly calamity came down.

The terrifying thunder slashed at Nuwa.

Heavenly calamity has no feelings, and will not pity jade.

Nuwa directly resisted with her own mana, and even the creation of Qinglian was useless.

The Hong Wilderness sentient beings quietly watched all this, and they all talked about it, the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian is really powerful.

Such a powerful Heavenly Tribulation was able to be dissolved without using a spiritual treasure.

And Lao Tzu Yuanshi opened his eyes wide and looked at all this incredulously.

They now have a doubt in their hearts, could it be that the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian is so powerful?

After Nuwa carried the first Heavenly Tribulation, the Heavenly Tribulation did not give Nuwa time to react at all, and then hit Nuwa one by one.

In this way, Nuwa stubbornly carried through 47 heavenly calamities.

Although it is a little embarrassing, it is still barely able to cope with it.

When the 48 Heavenly Tribulations came, it turned out to be a humanoid Heavenly Tribulation.

The person simulated by this Heavenly Tribulation is the previous Chaos Demon God Creation Demon God, and he is also cultivating the Law of Creation.

Now the creation demon god formed by lightning is the same as Nuwa’s cultivation.

Nuwa looked at the Creation Demon God full of battle intent.

Nuwa knew that if she wanted to successfully pass the Heavenly Tribulation, she had to defeat the Creation Demon God in front of her.

Nuwa took out her Lingbao Twenty-Four Grade Creation Green Lotus and Ultimate Innate Lingbao Piercing Heart Lock and first attacked towards the “Creation Demon God”.

The Creation Demon God has no spiritual intelligence, it is just a lightning illusion simulation, but it is extremely powerful.

Nuwa’s use of innate treasure super defense turned out to be only comparable to that of the Creation Demon God.

At this time, Nuwa’s battle was also watched by the Honghuang sentient beings throughout the whole process.

They didn’t expect that Nuwa, who cultivated the Law of Creation, would be so powerful.

He was able to fight to a draw with the Chaos Demon God.

You must know that the Chaos Demon God is a taboo for Hong Wilderness.

Basically all the Chaos Demon Gods were killed by Pangu.

Except for a small part that ran into the chaos.

The current Nuwa and the Creation Demon God are both the owners of the Law of Creation.

But Nuwa not only has the law of creation, but also cultivated the Fu Dao in so many years.

Nuwa directly added a few talismans to herself.

The talisman is only an aid, but it can also bring a person to strengthen in all aspects.

Honghuang Sanxian Island.

Seeing that Nuwa is now facing the Creation Demon God.

Fuxi here is anxious.

Looking at Xuan Tian’s gaze, he wanted to stop talking.

Xuantian also knew Fuxi’s thoughts and said, “Don’t worry, I believe your sister can, Nuwa is not as weak as you think!”

Hearing Xuantian’s reply, Fuxi relaxed.

Yes, with Master Zun here, it is definitely impossible to watch Nuwa have an accident…

And Nuwa added a few talismans here, and the whole person changed.

Nuwa raised her Nuwa stone and smashed it at the “Creation Demon God”.

Immediately, the “Creation Demon God” was directly defeated by Nuwa.

This scene made everyone can’t believe their eyes.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi in the Purple Sky Palace kept their mouths open, as if they had discovered something incredible.

And Hongjun also lost his mind, Nuwa just used a talisman seal, is the talisman really so powerful?

This made Hongjun also a little doubtful of life.

Hearing that the three thousand guests of Hongmeng of Sanxian Island knew that Nuwa was using the talisman taught by Daozun.

I didn’t expect that the power of the talisman was so powerful, and it could be added so much.

Just now, it was still comparable strength, and it was defeated in an instant.

Everyone admired Daozun even more, but they didn’t expect that the Dao method told by Daozun was so powerful, and many people also learned some side doors of Daozun.

This incident successfully caused Honghuang to blow a wind from the side door of learning Daozun.

And in the chaos at this time, Nuwa had just repelled forty-eight heavenly tribulations, and was now preparing to cross the last heavenly tribulation.

Mixed Yuan Robbery is seven seven forty-nine Dao.

And the saints of the flood wilderness do not need to cross the calamity, because the saints are not a realm of cultivation in the first place.

It’s just a karma in Honghuang.

It is not recognized in chaos, nor can it show the strength of a saint.

And the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian is completely cultivating itself, is against the sky, so 4.5 to overcome the heavenly calamity is necessary.

Just when everyone was divine, Nuwa’s last heavenly calamity came.

The power of the last Heavenly Tribulation is so powerful, I really don’t know how strong the last Heavenly Tribulation will be.

The reaction of all beings in the flood is different.

The people of Sanxian Island all hope that Nuwa can successfully overcome the calamity, and the people on the side of the Zixiao Palace hope that Nuwa will be directly killed by the heavenly calamity.

Since Nuwa is the first time to cross the calamity, there has never been a precedent in the flood wilderness, so Nuwa is equivalent to setting a precedent for the flood wilderness.

No one knows what the last calamity is.

The last catastrophe is slowly coming.

It turned out to be a terrifying heart devil.

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