Chapter 76 Hongyun is fierce and angry

Time passed slowly for a thousand years.

Zhen Yuanzi didn’t notice that there were still people staring nearby, so he said to Hongyun: “Old friend, I’m going to retreat, you hurry up and refine Hongmeng Purple Qi, don’t go out of the Five Zhuangguan.”

Zhen Yuanzi was afraid that something would happen to Hongyun and specially reminded him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t leave, you can rest assured of the retreat.”

Hongyun said indifferently.

Seeing Hongyun’s expression, Zhen Yuanzi was also helpless, but there was no way.

After all, my old friend is such a character.

Now I only hope that I can break through the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible.

This is also good for protecting your old friends.

Zhen Motoko turned around and left for the retreat.

After Zhen Yuanzi left, Hongyun’s expression immediately changed.

The first indifference was just pretending to be around Zhen Yuanzi, and he really didn’t want to involve Zhen Yuanzi anymore.

Do those who want to kill themselves really think that they are muddy? You have to pay the price too.

Hongyun said fiercely in his heart.

Time passes slowly,

Hongyun, who was eating ginseng fruit on this day, suddenly heard talking outside that there was news that a superb innate spiritual treasure was about to be born not far away.

Hongyun thought to himself: “Finally here, I want to see which cow ghosts and snake gods want to kill me.”

Apparently Red 17 Cloud knew that this was a trap set for him by others.

But why is he still going?

This is because the current red clouds have long been riddled with cause and effect.

Some things must be faced, otherwise you will not be able to survive your own knot for the rest of your life!

That cultivation will never advance.

After a bright future, years of penance will come to naught.

In fact, Hongyun is not as poor as the Eastern Prince imagined, and the treasure that Zhen Yuanzi brought back from the top of the Fenbao Cliff also gave two pieces to Hongyun.

A sword and a shield, although it is only an ordinary top-grade innate spiritual treasure, it is still extremely precious to some flood and desolate beings.

At this time, Buzhou Mountain, Pangu Temple.

Hou Tu also returned to the Wu clan.

It was Di Jiang who called Houtu back.

Because of the frequent activities of the demon clan recently, there must be some movement.

As the old rival of the Demon Clan, the Wu Clan, the Wu Clan will definitely not be able to let the Demon Clan succeed, and every strong point of the Demon Clan is dangerous for the Wu Clan.

So they want to nip the danger in the cradle.

They inquired, as if the demon clan was going to deal with Hongyun and wanted to rob Hongyun’s Honghao Purple Qi.

How could this witch clan agree.

Hongmeng purple qi is a treasure that can be sanctified, originally there was no one in the Wu clan, and it was already a lot worse than the demon clan.

If you let the Demon Clan get a Hongmeng Purple Qi, it will be a great disadvantage to the Wu Clan.

Although Dao Zun said that the achievements of the future soil are very high, they can’t gamble with the entire Wu Clan.

So they are ready to sabotage the actions of the demon clan.

And at this time, Hongyun was ready and glanced at the place where Zhen Yuanzi was retreating.

said in his heart: “I’m sorry old friend, I didn’t listen to you, there are some things I have to face, Hongmeng Purple Qi is a burden for me now.”

“Hopefully we still have time to meet.”

Then, Hongyun resolutely left Wuzhuang Guan and headed towards the place where there were rumors of treasures.

This time Hongyun didn’t go for the treasure.

At this time, the prince of Emperor Juntai Yidong heard his subordinates report that Hongyun had come out of Wuzhuang Guan, and he was immediately ecstatic.

It was as if Hongmeng Purple Qi was beckoning to him.

Xuantian, who was also on the Three Immortals Island, also paid attention to this war, although he knew that Hongyun would eventually leave behind the remnants of the soul to turn into one of the Three Emperors of the Human Clan.

But what if history changes for his own reasons, when Hongyun dies, then Zhen Motoko will definitely not be able to forgive his own.

This is extremely unfavorable to Zhen Yuanzi’s cultivation, and Xuantian, as a master, will definitely not allow such a thing to happen.

In fact, when he was on Sanxian Island, Xuantian noticed that there was a problem with Hongmeng Purple Qi of Hongyun and could not be sanctified.

I knew that it must be Hongjun Lao Dao who began to calculate again.

He is also ready to take on the trick.

Many Honghuang powers also set their sights on Hongyun here.

Western Lingshan, Zhunti said: “No way, Hongyun, what we owe you is the cause and effect of the holy position, how can you let us pay it back, so you better die.”

The Yuan Shi of Kunlun Mountain showed a disdainful expression.

He is very unaccustomed to the Demon Clan, but now the Demon Clan is obviously an ally, and he can only endure.

Lao Tzu of Shouyang Mountain opened his eyes and closed his eyes after a glance, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Just in the expectation of everyone, Hongyun came to the location of the treasure.

However, what awaits him is the heaven and earth net of the demon clan.

Countless demon clans surrounded the red clouds.

The prince of Emperor Juntai Yidong stood on a high place and looked down on the red clouds.

Hongyun never thought that the Demon Clan would come to ambush him, he didn’t seem to have any cause and effect with the Demon Clan.

Glancing at the direction of Wuzhuang Guan, Hongyun knew that he was probably less fierce this time, but it was a pity that he would never be able to talk to his old friend in the future.

Hongyun was full of reluctance against the flood and resentment against the demon clan.

Hongyun said loudly: “Dijun, it seems that I have no cause and effect with your demon clan, why are you ambushing me?” Do you really think I’m a bully?”

Di Jun smiled and said, “Although you have no cause and effect with me, you have cause and effect with our Demon Emperor Dong Wang.”

“Who let you pretend to be a good person to give up your position, causing our Demon Emperor to lose the Holy Throne Futon, and the cause and effect between you and our Demon Clan are greater.”

“Also, aren’t you a bully? Can you still escape now?”

Di Jun said mockingly.

At this time, the Eastern Prince also said: “Hongyun, I didn’t expect us to meet again, it’s really a good reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao, don’t you like to be a good person?”

“Now where are the people you gave their place? Hongyun is doomed to your death today, if you take out Hongmeng Purple Qi, maybe I will let you go!”

Hearing the words of Dijun and the Eastern Prince, Hongyun’s belief was shaken, good people really have no good rewards.

In Honghuang, a world where strength is respected, blindly being a good person will only bring endless cause and effect.

Hongyun smiled self-deprecatingly and looked at the west full of resentment.

Looking at Di Jun fiercely, he said, “Do you really think that you will eat me?”

Then Hongyun directly summoned his good corpse, and then the two cooperated and constantly killed the demon clan around Hongyun.

When the prince of Emperor Juntai Yidong saw this, he immediately became angry and rushed towards the red cloud 630.

However, Hongyun is waiting for this time,

Directly to the good corpse gave the order to self-detonate.

By the time Di Jun they reacted, it was too late.

The three people were directly injured by the explosion, and the surrounding demon clans also died a lot.

You must know that the self-detonation of the quasi-saint strong is not so simple.

Di Jun directly looked at the dead and injured demon clan with bloodshot eyes, and looked at the murderous aura leaking out of the red cloud on the opposite side.

I can’t wait to kill Hongyun a hundred times.

Hongyun saw that his good corpse blew itself up and did not cause them much damage, so he knew that he was finished today.

A nostalgic glance at the world.

Then without hesitation, they rushed to Dijun and blew themselves up again.


The terrifying self-detonation made the powerful people observing here look sideways.

They never thought that Hongyun, who usually looks like a good old man, was so rigid

And just when everyone didn’t know, Xuantian used the Chaos Bead to put away the remnants of the red cloud and put it into the three-light divine water to cultivate.

Emperor Jundong Taiyi and the Eastern Prince are now very embarrassed, and Emperor Jun Taiyi has not been greatly harmed because of the protection of the Chaos Bell.

But the eastern prince is miserable, and his whole body is bloody and blurred.

They didn’t expect Hongyun to be so cruel to themselves.

Seeing the place where the red cloud exploded by itself, Hongmeng Purple Qi, hurriedly went to grab it, and just when they were about to grab it, Dijiang appeared.

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