Xuantian didn’t know why the system would give a prompt at this time.

Do you want to participate in the struggle between the Demon Clan and Erqing yourself?

In Xuantian’s view, it was just like a child’s home.

Xuantian was completely uninterested.

[Depending on the host, there are now the following options.] 】

1, travel to the human race, reward the innate treasure qualification improvement pool (can effectively improve people’s physique. )

2. Travel the starry sky and reward the innate ultimate spiritual root laurel tree.

3. Travel to Kunlun Mountain to watch the battle between the Demon Clan and Sanqing. Reward the most precious humane person.

Note: The above selections can be multi-selected.

Xuantian looked at the above choice.

The first one also happened to want to see the Terrans, and it was not good to be the Holy Father of the Terrans for such a long time.

Although no one dares to be a Terran, they all know that the Terran is a race created by Xuantian.

Moreover, the Terran race is not a big race, as long as it is not too excessive, everyone will turn a blind eye.

The Terrans are also slowly developing and growing.

The second option is to travel through the Honghuang Starry Sky, last time there was such an option, Xuantian wanted to go, this time he can just go, and he can also get a superb innate spiritual root.

Xuantian didn’t know why he always liked to collect spiritual roots.

If it weren’t for the conditions that did not allow it, Xuantian also wanted to collect all the ten ultimate innate spiritual roots of Honghuang.

However, several people have taken shape, and such a wish is destined not to come true.

As for the third option.

Watching the battle between the Demon Clan and the Sanqing, to be honest, Xuantian had no idea at all, but who gave the spiritual treasure that Xuantian couldn’t refuse.

The human emperor pen is very important for humanity, and it is also indispensable for establishing the human emperor.

So this trip to Xuantian still has to go.

Children make choices, adults do.

Xuantian directly chose 1,2,3.

[Congratulations to the host for being the most correct choice, the reward will be issued once every time the host completes an option.] 】

Xuantian, who rarely walks around the Honghuang, is almost the first time to travel to the Honghuang.

The last time I climbed Buzhou Mountain, I hurriedly went back to practice.

The first place Xuantian went to was naturally the Terrans.

The Terran is on the coast of the East China Sea, the closest place to Xuantian Sanxian Island.

Now the population of the Terran race is already 100 million, and this is still because the cultivation of the Terran is not high, and part of it was killed when fighting against beasts and some Honghuang cultivators.

Why didn’t Xuantian make a move? It is because this has not touched Xuantian’s bottom line.

Terrans also need to experience and grow.

If anyone dares to kill and injure the Terrans on a large scale, Xuantian will definitely make them regret coming to this world.

The Terran will definitely not have the situation of being refined by the Demon Clan to refine the Witch Slaughter Sword again.

If Di Jun dared to do this, Xuantian would directly kill him, and it would be a big deal to have a showdown with Tiandao.

As a spokesperson for humanity, Xuantian is not afraid of the Dao of Heaven.

Using the human race as a witch slaughter sword to kill the demon clan must have been planned by the Heavenly Dao Saint.

Heavenly Dao saints can’t kill them, right, if they offend Xuantian, they can make their lives worse than death.

Xuantian never considered himself a good person, he only wanted to protect what he thought was worth protecting.

Xuantian came directly to the ancestral land of the human race, where the statue of Xuantian was enshrined.

There are also 12 ancestors of the Terran on duty.

Yes, the 9 Huangzhong Li given by Xuantian successfully cultivated 9 strong people of Da Luo Jinxian, and now they have become the same ancestral immortals as the Flintstones and others.

They have existed for too old.

Basically, they all cultivate in the ancestral land of the human race.

Terrans like the original Xuantian creation are all cultivating in the ancestral land.

None of the three thousand ancestors died.

At the same time, they also silently cultivated the Tianjiao of the Terrans, because they witnessed the cruelty of the flood and wilderness, and knew that if it were not for the majesty of the Holy Father, it would be difficult for the Terrans to gain a foothold in such an environment.

So I have been holding back.

“What man?” At this time, a person shouted.

When he saw clearly that it was Xuantian, the man was excited, and directly bowed down and said: “I don’t know that the Holy Father is coming, and I hope the Holy Father will not blame.” ”

This person is the Flintstone, and now the Flintstones have cultivated in the late stage of the Great Luo Jinxian.

And the cultivation is very solid, thanks to Xuantian’s exercises and Xuantian will let the boy send the spiritual medicine of cultivation to the human race every once in a while.

But because the background of the human race is still too poor, there is still a gap with the big race of the flood wilderness.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, the reward has been distributed to the warehouse.] 】

“I mainly came over this time to send a spiritual treasure, which the Terran should use, and also, I prepared another 9 Huangzhong Li for you,”

“Come on and cultivate talents for the Terrans.” After speaking, Xuan Tiantou left without looking back.

Left behind 9 Huang Zhong Li and Innate Treasure Qualification Enhancement Pool.

When the Flintstones looked at the nine Huangzhong Li, he was excited, and he knew that Daozun basically gave all the Huangzhong Li to the Terrans.

Huang Zhongli only matures once every 100,000 years, and Xuantian did not eat any of them, all of them were given to the human race.

Although Xuantian also wanted to taste the taste of Huang Zhongli, he couldn’t bear it, the Terran needed it more than himself.

The Flintstones were excited when they picked up the spiritual treasure left by Xuantian

Because this thing is so important to the Terrans.

The bloodline of the human race is constantly diluted, and it is already difficult to have a cultivation genius.

It can’t be just relying on these innate human races.

Now with this qualification improvement pool, the Terran can also continue to appear to cultivate Tianjiao

The Flintstones bowed in the direction of Xuantian’s departure.

He could understand the Father’s intention, which was to make the Terran truly strong.

The Flintstones also hoped that the Terrans could gain a foothold in the flood wilderness without relying on the prestige of the Holy Father.

Although this is far away, the Flintstones believe that the Terrans will be able to do it one day.

After Xuantian left the Terrans, he headed towards the starry sky, saying that the starry sky was beautiful, and Xuantian also wanted to see it.

Especially if I want to see, who is on the Taiyin Star?

Because the legends of later generations say that it is Chang Xi and Xihe, and some say that it is Wangshu.

Xuantian this time is to make sure, walking under the beautiful starry sky, Xuantian thinks a little too much.

It has been hundreds of thousands of years since I unconsciously traveled to the flood wilderness, and I also stood at the apex of the flood wilderness, although it is not very strong, but it is still enough for now.

I just don’t know if my family will be sad when they know that they disappear.

Xuantian kept thinking, but did not pay attention to the surroundings.

It turned out that Xuantian’s performance was seen by Chang Xixihe above the Taiyin Star.

PS: Today the 12 chapters are updated! Good night everyone, thank you all for your support. Can you support the author with flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets? Thank you!

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