Xuantian didn’t know that Nuwa asked Fuxi to calculate herself.

Because Xuantian used the Chaos Bead to shield the heavenly machine.

Even his own perception was shielded, because Xuantian wanted to single-mindedly conquer Buzhou Mountain.

As the first sacred mountain in Honghuang, with such a lot of pressure, Xuantian did not dare to have the slightest underestimation.

Xuantian continued to climb in the middle of Buzhou Mountain.

The higher he goes, the more pressure there becomes.

Now Xuantian has roughly climbed two-thirds of the distance of Buzhou Mountain.

But Xuantian must now use mana to help him climb.

His own body can no longer carry it.

You must know that Xuantian is the Hongmeng Creation Technique of cultivation.

It is cultivated by the physical body and the yuan god at the same time.

Xuantian’s physical body has long been a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

With such a powerful physical body, it can be said that no one in the flood wilderness has it, and even the Wu Clan is not comparable to Xuantian.

Unexpectedly, I couldn’t bear the coercion of Buzhou Shan.

Xuantian could only use mana to constantly wrap himself step by step.

When the mana was exhausted, Xuantian ate the spirit fruit to replenish it.

Just when he was still a hundred steps away from reaching the top of the mountain, Xuantian could no longer hold on.

Now Xuantian’s whole body is like soaking in water.

The whole person was drenched and looked very embarrassed.


That’s when the system’s prompt sounded.

[Depending on the current situation of the host, the following choices are provided.] 】

1, no longer climb Buzhou Mountain, turn around and go. Reward the merit of the Heavenly Dao by one million.

2. Wait until you have cultivated enough to climb again. Reward the Innate Supreme Treasure Pangu Sword.

3, bravely climb up, defeat the will of Pangu, successfully reach the top, and reward cultivation to be promoted to the middle stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

Xuantian was now very tired, but seeing the options of the system, Xuantian’s spirit suddenly rose.

Seeing the first option, Xuantian scoffed, turned around and left, did not climb, and rewarded himself with a million Heavenly Dao merits.

I am a humane spokesperson, what is the use of such a little Heavenly Dao merit, at most it is just a reward for others.

They have already reached this step, how can they be willing to give up Xuantian now?

So Xuantian directly ruled out this option.

Then Xuantian saw the second option, now go first, wait until his cultivation has reached and then climb, and he can also reward the Innate Treasure Pangu Sword.

This option was undoubtedly the most suitable for Xuan Tian, but Xuan Tian always felt unwilling in his heart.

This option is pending for the time being.

Xuantian continued to look at the third option.

Continue to climb despite difficulties, and successfully reach the top, even rewarding cultivation to improve by a level, you must know that Xuantian is already a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

Each level required a huge amount of energy to cultivate.

This time, he directly raised himself by a level.

This is better than getting a Chaos Spirit Treasure.

In this way, Xuantian is sure that he will become a half-step Heavenly Dao realm after the end of Hongjun’s three lectures.

In this way, he will not fall behind in the fight with Hongjun.

After all, after Hongjun became holy, cultivation and improvement are like BUGS.

The Heavenly Dao directly helped Hongjun comprehend the law so that Hongjun could quickly join the Dao.

In just three lectures, it became a half-step Heavenly Dao realm.

Xuantian would definitely be difficult to catch up if he worked hard alone.

So the help of the system is crucial.

Xuantian can’t waste every choice given by the system.

This time I chose to reach the top, although it was difficult for Xuantian.

But if you retreat when you encounter difficulties, then what else to practice.

Xuantian is such a character, in this life Xuantian must stand on the highest peak and take a good look at the scenery.

So Xuantian directly passed the second option and chose the third option.

“I choose three for the system” Xuantian said firmly to the system.

[Congratulations to the host for making the most correct choice, and the reward will be distributed after the host completes the task.] 】

I took a deep breath.

Xuantian continued to advance towards the top of Buzhou Mountain.

Every step is tough.

One step,

Two steps,

Fifty steps,

“Brother, look at whether there is someone at the top of Buzhou Mountain.” Nuwa said in surprise.

“How is it possible, the pressure on the top of the mountain is so great, how can there be someone.” Fuxi said strangely.

Fuxi didn’t believe that anyone could go to the top of Buzhou Mountain at all.

He had tried to climb Buzhou Mountain before, but he couldn’t even climb half of it.

The terrifying coercion discouraged him.

“There are really people, don’t believe brother, you see.” Nuwa said to Fuxi excitedly.

Following the direction of Nuwa’s finger, Fuxi really saw a person who was constantly climbing towards the top of the mountain.

It’s about to reach the top.

Fuxi’s mouth opened wide, as if he had seen the hell.

This completely shattered Fuxi’s three views.

Because Fuxi Daluo Jinxian’s cultivation can’t even go up halfway up the mountain.

And this person is actually going to the top.

What kind of cultivation is this.

Fuxi was full of curiosity about this.

So he pinched his fingers, suddenly turned pale, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you? How could it be injured suddenly? Nuwa asked worriedly.

“I was just curious to calculate which senior, but it was devoured,” Fuxi said with a wry smile.

“Then brother, what have you counted? Who is that person? What a cultivation. Nuwa asked curiously.

“I can’t calculate it, I only know that it can’t be counted, it’s indescribable, as if it’s not in the three realms and six realms of the flood and wilderness.” Fuxi said adoringly.

Hearing my brother’s words of admiration for Xuantian like this.

Nuwa was also full of curiosity about Xuantian.

“Brother, do you say that mysterious senior can reach the top.” Nuwa asked Fuxi curiously.

“Senior will definitely be able to.” Fuxi said firmly.

Ninety steps,

Ninety-nine steps,

Xuantian now looks like a bloody man.

The terrifying pressure directly crushed his physical body.

But Xuantian still did not give up.

“If you want me to give in, it’s absolutely impossible, I must reach the top.” Xuantian roared.

At the same time, the last step was firmly taken.

The pain of the physical body and the Yuan God made Xuantian almost collapse.

Finally Xuantian reached the top.

He became the first man to reach the top of Buzhou Mountain.

At this time, Xuantian’s whole body exuded dazzling light.

PS: Thanks 15822: and 15755: of monthly passes, thanks for the support. Now ask for a wave of evaluation votes, can you let the evaluation votes exceed a thousand, thank you!

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