The Heavenly Dao has no spiritual intelligence, but Hongjun, as the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, has spiritual intelligence.

Hongjun originally harbored ill intentions.

Although Xuantian didn’t know Hongjun’s purpose in doing this.

But Xuantian will not let Hongjun succeed.

Xuantian has the memory of later myths, and he is really not afraid of Hongjun when calculating.

It depends on who is superior.

Xuantian had already made it clear that he was going to fight Hongjun.

“It’s fun to fight with the sky,” Xuan Tian said with a laugh.

After Xuantian got out of the customs here, he went straight to the Terrans.

I haven’t seen it in 2000 and I don’t know how the Terrans have developed.

Xuantian was not prepared to interfere too much in the development of the Terran in the early stage, after all, children need to grow up by themselves and cannot become flowers in the greenhouse.

Xuantian discovered that there were three Great Luo Jinxian in the human race.

And the number of Terrans has grown to the current population of one million.

Although it is not comparable to some big tribes in Honghuang, it is also quite good.

Xuantian discovered that the three Da Luo Jinxian were the three ancestors of the human race.

The Flintstones invented the first fire of the Terrans, ended the history of the Terrans Ru Mao drinking blood, obtained the merit of the avenue, and became the Daluo Jinxian.

The Chao clan invented the first house of the Terrans, so that the Terrans no longer lived in a dark cave, but could live in refreshing houses, and were rewarded with the merits of the avenue and became the Daluo Jinxian.

The Chaoyi clan invented the first piece of clothing of the human race, which allowed the human race to ward off the cold and avoid warmth, and was rewarded with the merit of the avenue, becoming a Daluo Jinxian.

However, Xuantian found that they were all empty realms but did not practice exercises.

This will not give full play to the strength of Da Luo Jinxian at all.

I’m afraid that at most, it will exert the strength of the Golden Immortal.

Xuantian felt that it was better to teach some Terrans to cultivate, why not all Terrans?

Because Xuantian didn’t want to affect the course of history, Xuantian wouldn’t know what to do later.

Xuantian returned to the palace to deduce the exercises needed by the human race, and it was very simple for Xuantian who had already mixed the Daluo Jinxian to deduce the exercises.

Only 50 years later, Xuantian deduced a book of cultivation exercises for the Terran that could be cultivated to the quasi-saint.

Why not deduce to the realm of saints?

Because a saint is not a kind of cultivation, but as long as you comprehend a law to 100%, you can become a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

Like Xuantian who has now comprehended the law of creation to one hundred percent, he has become a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian.

So for now, the quasi-saint is enough.

The back completely needs to be comprehended by yourself, and it is not something that the exercises can make up.

Xuantian came to the Terran again.

The Terrans boiled directly.

It has been more than 2,000 years since the Holy Father’s retreat.

The Terrans have never forgotten the Holy Father.

Today the Holy Father finally came to see the Terrans.

Xuantian looked at the Terrans below and felt a little guilty that he had not taken care of the Terrans for such a long time.

But for the development of the Terrans, he must be ruthless.

Xuantian first looked at the three ancestors of the human race.

said: “You guys are very good, you can get the Dao Merit in a short time and become a Daluo Jinxian.” ”

You are now given the name of the three ancestors of the human race, and the steward of the human race.

At the same time, Xuantian took out the beating whip and three 11-rank pure world white lotuses and gave them to the three ancestors of the human race.

The whip was given to the Flintstones.

The three ancestors of the human race immediately accepted the supreme treasure given by Xuantian excitedly.

They never imagined that the Holy Father would give them treasures.

Xuantian said: “The Terran race is a fair race, and I will be rewarded for anyone who has made meritorious contributions to the Terran race, and everyone will strive to learn from the three human ancestors.” ”

“Ancestor of people, ancestor of people, ancestor of people.” The Terrans below shouted.

After Xuantian finished speaking, he left the Terran territory with the three ancestors of the Terran race.

Xuantian looked at the three ancestors of the Terran and said, “You can tell me if you have any difficulties now, I have not been in the Terran for so long and I don’t know something.” ”

At this time, the three ancestors of the Terran were embarrassed to say.

At the critical moment, the Chaoyi clan stood up and said: “Holy Father, the human race does not have its own cultivation exercises, and many people die of old age because they cannot cultivate, so I hope that the Holy Father will have mercy.” ”

Xuantian looked at the Chaoyi Clan and pointed it out directly, and suddenly a practice of the Soul Dao Sutra appeared in Chaoyi’s mind.

Chaoyi immediately said to Xuan Tian, “Thank you Holy Father for your fulfillment. ”

Xuantian smiled and said, “Since you all call me Holy Father, I am also very happy to be able to do things for you. ”

“Oh, by the way, you guys help me find 9 famous people of the celebrity race, I have a way to help them improve their strength, which can help you manage the human race.”

When the third ancestor heard that the Holy Father actually wanted to help the Terran improve its strength, he immediately returned to the Terran race happily.

In the end, 9 Terrans were brought, and these people were the first Terrans created by Xuantian.

Because the invention of something is also a credit to the Terrans.

But there are not as many as the three ancestors.

Xuantian said directly to them: “You are all heroes of the Terran race, I have a task here I don’t know if you can take on.” ”

“We can,” the 9 said without hesitation.

Xuantian took out 9 Huangzhong Li and said: “After eating these nine Huangzhong Li, your cultivation will be able to become a Daluo Jinxian, I want you to cooperate with the three ancestors of the Terran to manage the Terran well, and tell me if I can do it.” ”

“We can do it.” The 9 Terrans said firmly.

Xuantian also showed a satisfied smile, the Terran needs to rely on themselves to slowly become stronger.

The Terrans are a race of human triumph, and what the Terrans lack now is time.

Now Xuantian can give protection to the Terrans, and the Terrans can develop better.

At the same time, Xuantian can’t take too much care of the Terrans, which will cause laziness in the Terrans.

This is not good for Terran development.

Then Xuantian left 9 Huangzhong Li and left.

In this way, this Terran will have nine more Daluo Jinxians.

Xuantian believed that the Terran was led by these few people.

It will be much better than what is introduced in later myths and legends.

The three ancestors of the Terran and the nine celebrities Tianjiao looked at the direction in which the Holy Father left.

I was very excited in my heart, and the Terran finally had its own exercises.

At the same time, they are determined in their hearts that they will bring the Terran to strength.

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