
Li Jingyang was puzzled.

"This is both the calamity of your mount and the fate of your mount. "

"If you forcibly separate this yin and yang qi from your mount, you can do it as a teacher, but the achievements of your mount will stop here in the future. "

"On the contrary, if it can refine this Yin and Yang Qi, then this Yin and Yang Qi will be transformed into an earth-shattering killing move. "

"At the same time, if you practice in the future, there will be no bottlenecks, and your future achievements will be limitless. "

Nuwa explained to Li Jingyang and the Yin Yang Demon Bear.

"Mother, is there no other way?"

When the Yin Yang Demon Bear heard this, the two black eyes were full of loss, and they looked indescribably pitiful.

"There's no other way. "

Nuwa shook her head.

"If you are willing to stay in the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm in the future, I am not unable to help you. "

Nuwa continued.

"Forget it, I'd rather be tired and sleep a little longer. "

The head of the Yin Yang Demon Bear shook like a rattle.

"Then Master, is there a way to speed up the speed of refining the Yin and Yang Qi in its body?"

Li Jingyang asked again.

"There is only one way to speed up the speed of refining the Yin and Yang Qi in its body, and that is to increase the Yin and Yang Qi in its body that has been refined by it. "

"When the amount of Yin and Yang Qi refined in its body exceeds the number of Yin and Yang Qi, that Yin and Yang Qi will quickly collapse. "

Nuwa explained.

When Li Jingyang heard this, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Didn't he just have one in his hand, eating the innate spirit fruit Yin Yang Fruit that could condense the Yin and Yang mark?

Maybe this kind of fruit will help the Yin Yang Demon Bear.

"Master, will the disciple's Yin Yang Fruit be helpful to the Yin Yang Demon Bear?"

Then Li Jingyang asked.

"Of course it helps. "

Hearing Li Jingyang say this, Nuwa then remembered that in the hands of her disciple, it seemed that there was indeed an innate spiritual fruit that could condense a yin and yang mark and help the monk comprehend the way of yin and yang.

It seems that even Lao Tzu, one of the three Qingdao people, once asked his apprentice for the Yin and Yang Fruit.

"As long as it condenses the Yin and Yang imprint in its body, it will definitely refine the Yin and Yang Qi in its body, which will be of great help. "

Nuwa then said.

Li Jingyang immediately waved his hand directly and gave the Yin-Yang Demon Bear, thousands of Yin-Yang Fruits, and then it went to the side to gnaw on itself.

Anyway, for Li Jingyang, whether it is the Yin Yang Fruit or the Reincarnation Fruit, it is useless to him.

The yin and yang fruits and reincarnation fruits in the mountains and rivers realm are all born in the mountains and rivers realm, rotten in the mountains and rivers realm, and nourishing the land of the mountains and rivers realm.

Li Jingyang has rarely picked it.

Because for Li Jingyang, picking it first is useless, but it will consume the aura of the mountains and rivers realm.

After driving away the Yin Yang Demon Bear.

"Jingyang, what's wrong with your cultivation during this time?"

Nuwa asked curiously.

"Master, the disciple feels that he is not far from breaking through to the middle stage of the quasi-saint. "

Li Jingyang replied.

"Although your cultivation is only in the quasi-saint realm, your comprehension of the Dao is probably not inferior to mine. "

Nuwa looked at Li Jingyang's body, the increasingly rich Taoist aura, and a trace of envy flashed in her eyes.

She had only comprehended creation when she had created people and sanctified them.

And Lao Tzu was also in the late stage of the quasi-sainthood, and after he was about to behead the three corpses, he began to comprehend yin and yang.

In comparison, Li Jingyang's starting point is much higher than theirs.

Before breaking through the quasi-saint, he had a certain understanding and understanding of the way he had realized

"There, Master, has already attained sanctification, but the disciple is still far from being a mixed element. "

Li Jingyang shook his head.

"You're just too modest. "

Nuwa shook her head.

Not ready to continue to delay, Nuwa's soul was too empty, and she realized the way of heaven, and Li Jingyang left Nuwa's residence.

Return to the practice room and continue to take the Chaos Enlightenment Tea Enlightenment Dao.

On this day, in Li Jingyang, in the training room, after taking a Chaos Yellow Li Hou.


A roar came from Li Jingyang's mind, and he felt that his cultivation had broken through a certain bottleneck.

Quasi-Holy Mid-Term!

"I broke through. "

A hint of joy flashed in Li Jingyang's eyes.

I am finally no longer the first to enter the quasi-saint realm.

"With my current strength, I feel that I can fight against the Quasi-Saint Late Stage, or even the Quasi-Saint Consummation. "

Li Jingyang said secretly in his heart.

His comprehension of the path of wood is something that ordinary would-be saint monks do not have.

Of course, the above situation he said was when he didn't use the mountains and rivers realm and smashed people desperately.

"With my current strength, as long as I don't encounter the Heavenly Dao Saints, the world is so big that I can get it. "

Li Jingyang sighed in his heart.

Even if he encounters veteran Flood Wilderness Powers such as Styx Patriarch, Demon Master Kunpeng, and Zhen Yuanzi, he is not without the power to fight.

"Since the completion of Wanxian Island, I have been on Wanxian Island for so long, and I haven't had time to go out for a trip yet, so it's time to go out for a walk. "

Li Jingyang said immediately.

He remembered that the Taiyin Star, that is, on the moon, there seemed to be an innate spiritual root laurel tree.

"It's time, it's time to go and get back the laurel tree, one of the ten innate spiritual roots. "

Li Jingyang said immediately.

In his eyes, the ten innate spiritual roots are all his, and it is just the difference between early and late.

Li Jingyang immediately went to Nuwa to say goodbye.

"Why are you going to go out to travel to the Taiyin Star?"

Hearing Li Jingyang's plan, Nuwa was puzzled.

"Yes, Master, I always feel that there is some opportunity waiting for me on the Taiyin Star. "

Li Jingyang said half-truthfully.

"Then you go. "

Nuwa nodded.

She knew that her disciple's blessing source was profound, whether it was the innate treasure, innate spirit root, or chaos spirit root on his body, it was not something that a person with a shallow source of fortune could obtain.

"But you have to be careful when you go out to travel, the extreme cold and icy on the Taiyin Star, although it only works on Da Luo Jin Xian, it can't cause you the slightest harm. "

"But Zhun Ti has been sanctified, and these two people have to guard against it. "

Nuwa advised.

"Don't worry, Master, I'll be careful. "

"Even if I can't beat the two of them, I can always escape, right?"

Li Jingyang didn't care.

"You don't know the strength of the saint, I'm afraid that when you encounter it, you won't even have time to escape. "

Nuwa shook her head.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for evaluations, ask for rewards, ask for everything, ask for everything. _

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