"Sir Huang, if you still want to tell me a story, I hope you can change the time, I'm very busy. "

Obviously, Liangkun is seeing through it but not saying it.

"Liangkun, I'm curious, you used to be a fan, why don't you do it now?"

"Who said that I was a fan, is there any evidence?" asked Liang Kun rhetorically.

Huang Zhicheng fell into embarrassment again, because he didn't know how to answer.

Liangkun has never been caught by the strips.

And now many of his informants have revealed to him that the hall where Liangkun is located is really not a fan.

Before Huang Sichen could continue to speak, he saw Liangkun pointing to the office and saying

"Sir Huang, it seems that your colleague's case has progressed."

Huang Zhicheng turned his head to look and saw Chen Jiaju and others in the big office outside, staring at a telephone.

It's clear that the kidnappers' call is coming again?

"Send the money to Yangkou Street in Wong Tai Sin District within 20 minutes, what to do when the time comes, wait for my call. "

The office phone is speakerphone-free, and the robbers' voices echo through the office.

This time, without waiting for Chen Jiaju to speak, the busy phone of "Dudu Dudu" rang.

"Apo, let the colleague over there put the locator in and send it to Yangkou Street immediately to the manager. "

"Ah Guang, if the robbers call again, you will answer it, and the people in Group A will immediately set off with me!"

Chen Jiaju put down the phone and immediately made the arrangement of the action.


More than a dozen police officers at the scene immediately responded.

Afterwards, Chen Jiaju hurriedly left the office with ten police officers of the Serious Crime Unit.

"Sir Huang, you guys are really hard. Liang Kun looked at the hurried appearance of this group of people and said with a smile.

"So you people should cause less trouble, and everyone should be relaxed, wouldn't it?".

Huang Zhicheng immediately picked up.

"Huang sir, I have always been a good law-abiding citizen."

Liangkun looked at Huang Zhicheng and said with a smile.

"Let your lawyer go through the formalities" Seeing that he couldn't ask anything from Liangkun, Huang Zhicheng had no choice but to let Liangkun go back.

"Thank you, Sir Huang?" Liang Kun smiled slightly and said lightly.

Fifteen minutes later, at the door of the Serious Crime Unit.

Huang Zhicheng looked at Liangkun who was about to leave in front of him, and suddenly said:

"Liangkun, I hope you don't become a ghost!".

"Huang Sir, I'm different from others, I only make clean money, and I'm going to make money when I'm standing. "

Liangkun looked at Huang Zhicheng and said with a smile.


Saigon, Pier 8 gas station.

"Pounce on him!".

In a police car, Chen Jiaju held the phone with an irritated face.

", I've traveled all over Hong Kong Island, riding horses, treating us like dogs?".

Chen Jiaju was led by ten police officers to be commanded by the kidnappers all the way, and the police car ran out of gas.

"Sir Chen, the kidnappers said to go to Wuyan Mountain next to the Kowloon Walled City. "

At this time, a police officer answered the phone and walked over from another police car to report.

The Kowloon Walled City is mostly wooden house areas and slums.

The road conditions are complicated, and it is a famous three-way area on Hong Kong Island.

At this time, a large white van was driving on a small mountain road next to the Kowloon Walled City.

The two people in the panel car had terrifying faces, and they were the police officers sent by the Serious Crime Team to deliver money to the kidnappers.

There was a whole 100 million in cash with 2 bags of marijuana in the van.

Bell bell bell ...

Just then, the satellite phone rang.

One of the officers immediately picked up the satellite phone and pressed the answer button.

"Quick, stop!".

On the other side of the phone, a man's voice came.

When the police officer driving the car heard this, he immediately applied the brakes.

"Brother Foal, Ayi, they stopped. "

In Chen Jiaju's car, the police officer driving the car immediately noticed the abnormality and reported it to Chen Jiaju.

"Applejack, the car is here to pick us up, keep going, don't get exposed. Chen Jiaju immediately made a decision.

But when Chen Jiaju's car arrived at the van with 100 million cash, the phone kidnapper's call came again.

"Give you twenty seconds, go to the side of the road and throw the money down. "

When the two officers heard the kidnappers say this, they got out of the car and ran to the side of the road with a bag of marijuana, and threw the bag down.

Chen Jiaju also immediately asked his subordinates to stop and ran to the place where the money was thrown.

Because it is a winding road, there are cliffs on the outside of certain sections.

When Chen Jiaju ran to the place where he threw the money, he happened to see two men under the mountain picking up the two hemp bags.

One of the men, wearing sunglasses, also showed a smiling face to Chen Jiaju.

"Pounce on him, contact the command center immediately, and let the people from the technical department keep an eye on the tracker!"

"Damn, even if you chase the moon, Lao Tzu will catch these people!"

Chen Jiaju, who had been teased for a long time, was directly broken by the kidnapper's smile.

The other side.

In a Ford, the plane pulled out a satellite phone and dialed a phone number.

"Brother Kun, it's done, the money is in hand!".

In the back seat of this Ford, two horses were taking out 100 million Hong Kong dollars and putting them into several backpacks.

"I've come to Fayuan Temple. "

On the other side of the phone, Liangkun said with a smile.

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