Chapter 83 Yang Jinrong’s admiration, brilliant: Can I open an account too?

There was a long silence as Ana Shen drove back.

Yang Jinrong looked at him quietly and suddenly said:

"Brother Yan, I admire you very much".

Ana Shen smiled:

"Admire me? Yang

Jinrong said:

"Yes, I really admire you"

"When we were in school together, I admired you for being able to plan your own development direction so early."

"At that time, when we were young and passionate, we always felt that the boss of the world was the second child, and I was the third child."

"The classmates in the school are all good, but I am the best."

Ana Shen was reminded of the past and shook her head with a smile.

"If you don't get the second grade in your youth, do you have to wait until you get older to get the second grade again?"

"What's that called?"

"Are old children still disrespectful to the elderly? Yang

Jinrong said seriously:

"When I was in school, I didn’t obey anyone but you."

"Other students, such as Ren, Akai, and Luo, maybe they are a little better than me, but I also have some advantages over them."

"You are the only one who crushes me in all aspects"

"I try hard and study hard, but I just can't catch up with you. Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"You're too humble"

"In my opinion, you are also one of the best among that group of classmates."

"Don't belittle yourself. Yang

Jinrong was quite flattered:

"I think so highly of Brother Yan? Ana

Shen was speechless:

"You don’t have to be like this. In my heart, you are indeed very powerful."

"Like Aren, he has a quick mind and can hide things"

"But to be honest, he is not as tolerant as you, he is not as careful as you in doing things, and his maturity is far behind."

"Your comprehensive ability, besides me, is definitely among the top three among our classmates."

"If our group of classmates had not gone undercover, their achievements would not be inferior to yours or mine. Yang

Jinrong deeply agreed:

"This is the difference in life choices"

"I got to know you early and made friends with you. Following you, even if I am a fly, I can hang on the tail of your thousand-mile horse and travel across the world."

Ana Shen made a sound,

"Is there such a handsome fly?"

Yang Jinrong laughed.

To be honest, Yang Jinrong is really handsome.

In fact, the classmates of their class were all handsome.

Needless to say, Ana, Yang Jinrong, Chen Yongren, Zhuo Kai, Xu Fei, Wang Zhicheng... those are all synonymous with handsome guys.

Even the alternative Chen Fengxiang is synonymous with rebellious handsome guys!

Yang Jinrong sighed:

"I will never forget that day when you told me to face the sun that I wanted to be a hero in the police world and a contemporary Lei Luo."

"That picture is full of sacredness"

"I decided right then and there that I would follow your brother Yan for the rest of my life! Ana

Shen laughed loudly:

"Who was not high-spirited in his youth?"

"There is always the time of second grade."

Yang Jinrong has different opinions.

"That's not the second grade, that's your ambition!"

"I truly believe that everything you say can be done"

"You are now the godfather of the police force. Ana

Shen shook his head slightly:


"I'm far behind!"

Yang Jinrong is more confident than him:

"I think within twenty years, you will definitely become the Lei Luo of contemporary Hong Kong."

Shen Yan smiled:

"maybe. Yang

Jinrong said:

"You brought me here to visit my sister-in-law specially."

Ana Shen nodded slightly,

"You're right, I brought you here on purpose"

"In our police force, you are the only one suitable to do this with me."

"Actually, it would be best if A Luo comes over"

"He now has an important task to reorganize New United and force the Golden Club to accept him. He cannot come over."

"Like others, Ah Bang is too righteous, Ah Ji is taciturn, and Ah Ren is mentally immature."

"You are the most suitable. Yang

Jinrong nodded slightly:

"We will definitely take revenge on Superintendent Luo. Ana

Shen said without hesitation:

"certainly〃ˇ !"

"I said, our lives are a hundred times better than those of criminals"

"Very valuable"

"However, this business is very dangerous."

"Let's go all out to make sure our families don't have to worry about anything."

"Life is full of vegetation and autumn. After passing by, something must be left behind."

He introduced the situation of Superintendent Luo Zonglun to Yang Jinrong.

"Superintendent Luo Zonglun is similar to Brother Chang"

"In ten years, when you meet Brother Chang, you will probably see what Superintendent Luo looks like now."

"He treats his subordinates very well,"

"He is really harsh when he is strict, but he will never let his brothers fight for their own future."

"Ah Luo is his undercover agent,"

"He always told A Luo to pay attention to dangers"

"On the day of the accident, the two met. Superintendent Luo was delivering insurance to A Luo. Yang

Jinrong was surprised:

"Send insurance? Ana

Shen nodded slightly:

"We are doing something in the club, and we don’t know when this case will be completed."

"Superintendent Luo was afraid of delaying Ah Luo, but once the mission started, it was impossible to give up."

"He gave A Luo an insurance policy,"

"If something happens to Ah Luo, he won't have to worry about being without support for the rest of his life."

"Who would have expected that an accident would happen just after the two broke up."

For a while, the two people in the car were silent.

Ana Shen said calmly:

"I'm taking you to see my sister-in-law. I actually have no other intention."

"I don’t know about others, but I know about Superintendent Luo. I have to do something."

"Ah Luo also specifically told me about this matter and asked to buy Superintendent Luo a share in the stock fund and deduct it from his share."

"Of course I wouldn't do that"

"Sister-in-law is entitled to the same treatment"

"I just came to her door to tell her the ins and outs of the money and make her relax, nothing else."

Yang Jinrong looked at Shen Yan with a light in his eyes.

He knew that Shen Yan didn't have to do this, but the latter did it.

This shows that he really cares about his brother.

Yang Jinrong suddenly felt that Yizhen was really relaxed, He felt that he was no longer afraid of any problems.

Even when facing gun-wielding gangsters,

Yang Jinrong had enough confidence, relying not on the more than 100 million yuan in banknotes, but on the person beside him. Man.

He knew that even if he had an accident, he didn't have to worry. After returning to the police force, Yang

Jinrong felt very at ease.

His shoulder badges were changed.

From then on, Shen Yan became a senior inspector.

It was only two years before he graduated! At the same time, Luo Ji, Abang, and Yang Jinrong all had different promotions.

Among the inspectors, only Chen Yongren was still a senior police chief.

Superintendent Chen was also successfully promoted to senior police chief.

Boss Huang looked at Ana Shen with an increasingly kind look.

"Ayan, work hard, but pay attention to your health and don't overwork yourself!"

He almost said, you can inherit my position, that's it!


Luo Zhiming also received a call from Citibank's investment adviser early in the morning. He only asked the other party a few questions:

"Where does my money come from?"

The other party's answer was stock fund sharing.

Luo Zhiming said angrily:

"Is the investment return from your bank as high as the fund I purchased?"

"If not, don’t call me!"

With just a few words, he successfully silenced the other party.

Luo Zhiming stretched out and got up. He looked at his landlord and curled his lips:

"I will change my house later."

After all, he is a person worth hundreds of millions, so he can't still live in this house.

His status has dropped!

Luo Zhiming called Hui Hui:

"Brilliant, the money has arrived, come and pick it up, and we can withdraw the money from the bank together."

Brilliant was very puzzled:

"Withdraw money for what? Luo

Zhiming said curiously:

"Don't you want to build a security department?"

"Do you have a place to train?"

"Do you have dedicated facilities for training? Huihuang shook his head.

Luo Zhiming said angrily:

"Why don't you come and pick me up quickly if you don't have any? Let's go get the money?!"

Brilliant scratched his head:

"I have money!"

Luo Zhiming was very helpless:

"Brother, we are running a company, so of course we have to pay for it"

"What do you think this is?"

"Subsidize the company yourself?"

Brilliant was stunned.

Luo Zhiming said again:

"Can your money be transferred?"

Brilliant touched his head again:


"I don't know which way the bank door opens."

Luo Zhiming couldn't help shouting:

"Then why don't you come over quickly?! Huihuang quickly hung up the phone.

Luo Zhiming was furious.

He called He Jiaju:

"Jiaju, go to the office and wait for me. Our share has arrived."

"We need to reorganize the company starting today. He

Jiaju said excitedly:

"Brother Luo, I know, I received a call from the bank early in the morning"

"I can buy my parents a big house! Luo

Zhiming suddenly said:

"Jiaju, if the company is reorganized, you might have to work in this company for the rest of your life."

"Are you ready?"

He Jiaju was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"The status of entrepreneurs is much higher than that of police"

"……I'll follow you and Brother Yan. Luo

Zhiming sighed:

"Maybe I will have to work here for the rest of my life. What kind of thing is this?"

He Jiaju can see clearly,

"Brother Luo, this is our achievement."

"Think about it, we can make 50,000 people correct their evil ways. Which colleague can do this?"

"When I meet my old boss, I dare to speak loudly! Luo

Zhiming thought for a while and said:

"Let’s go back and ask Ayan what he thinks."

He Jiaju's attitude is very clear:

"Brother Luo, don't worry, I will listen to your command and I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

"Absolutely nothing. Luo

Zhiming nodded:


"Get ready in the morning. I will also send some of the account dividends to them."

"` 々In the afternoon, we started to reorganize"

"This is the most important thing and must not be taken lightly."

He Jiaju was very happy,

"I see."

Huanghuang drove over to pick up Luo Zhiming:

"Shall we go to the bank now? Luo

Zhiming shook his head:

"No, let’s go pick up Mr. Jin, Brother Chang, and sister-in-law now!"

Brilliant was stunned:

"Sister-in-law? Luo

Zhiming explained:

"An awesome wife."

Huihuang remained silent for a while and then said:

"Why bother my sister-in-law? Luo

Zhiming explained,

"I invested some money in all of you."

Brilliant eyes widened:

"What did you say? Luo

Zhiming looked at him puzzled:

"What's your look like? Brilliant smiled bitterly and said:

"What do you mean by investing some money? Luo

Zhiming explained:

"I gave you all some investment in the good project I mentioned yesterday."

"The rate of return is quite good. Hui Hui looked at Luo Zhiming blankly, and then said after a long while:

"No wonder Baku took care of you the most before he was alive. What he said is indeed true. You are the most humane."

"Can you think of us for such an opportunity?"

Luo Zhi understood him and said,

"No matter what, you are also my sworn brothers."

"We have a life-long friendship, and the child who is pregnant is still in his infancy. It is not easy for my sister-in-law, so I naturally have to think about him."

Huang Huihuang opened his mouth but didn't speak.

In fact, Suan Bao's widow lived a pretty good life.

Luo Zhiming was in power, and Lin Yaochang was still alive.

As the widow of the former leader, no one dared to bully her.

Suan Bao saved her life before her death. She has a lot of money.

Her life is not difficult.

However, what Luo Zhiming values is that at this time, Luo Zhiming's character is unparalleled in the community. Whether a person is sincere or not simply depends on his attitude towards money.

There is no use in talking big. If you can be generous with money, you will be open-minded enough to be successful.

Jin Ye really admired Lin Yao's eyes.

"Achang, you look at people without saying anything. Lin

Yaochang just smiled modestly:

"Ah Luo is such a person."

The explosive widow was a little cautious:

"Brother Luo, should I go? Luo

Zhiming said seriously:

"You need to go, and you have to bring your ID card"

"This is serious business. We need to go to the bank to handle business."

"The money is reasonable and legal, and you don’t have to worry about anyone checking it."

The arrogant widow said with a wry smile:

"Even after he left, he still left some things behind, which were enough for the two of us. Luo

Zhiming shook his head:

"Raising a child is no small sum of money"

"But which one doesn’t cost money?"

"An extra bit of income is always nice."

The outraged widow suddenly lost her words.

Lin Yaochang said softly:

"Sister-in-law, this is A Luo’s heartfelt wish."

Brilliant said at this time,

"I never thought that one day I would come to the bank to open an account?"

Jin Ye and Lin Yaochang shook their heads together.

They also had no experience in this area.

The three of them were very nervous, fearing that things would change.

However, it turned out that they had overthinking.

The source of Luo Zhiming's account was reasonable and legal. He put the account There was no problem with transferring the money to the four people.

But they were shocked when they saw the balance in the account.

They thought Luo Zhiming had told them that they had invested a little, but it was only about a million yuan. Unexpectedly, each family actually had 15 million!

Everyone was stunned for a moment! The widow's eyes widened:

"Brother Luo, is this too much? Luo

Zhiming said seriously:

"The money I invested in you is the same. If you don’t believe me, ask them."

It was a huge regret and she accepted it with a lot of thanks. There were tears in her eyes!.

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