Chapter 78: Heaven on one side and hell on the other.

The stockbroker’s heart trembled!

Are you trying to cut the banker's leeks?

Are you treating the stock market like leeks?!

Such a huge amount of wealth... a profit of more than 80 billion!

The stockbroker really wanted to shout or worship Ana Shen.

What is the Battle of the Gods?

This is what it is!

When the stock broker turned to look at Ana Shen, he was speechless..

"Shen Sheng... you... why aren't you very happy?"

Ana Shen looked at him strangely,

"I haven't made a profit yet, so why should I be happy?"

Like a basin of cold water poured on the stockbroker's heart, he finally calmed down.

However, he couldn't help but said:

"We can directly make a profit of 80 billion and leave the market, and the money can stay in our wallet! Ana

Shen mocked:

"80 billion to leave? Where do you put it? The stockbroker was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and said:

"bank? Ana

Shen sneered:

"Leave it in the bank to gather ashes?!"


"Our work is not done yet, we will come back after it is done."

The stock broker immediately sat down at the computer. He was even more surprised.

"Didn't you say before that the work was done? Ana

Shen smiled slightly:

"That is to bring down the Hang Seng Index"

"Now that the Hang Seng Index is facing a collapse and is about to lead to a stock market crash, our work is about to begin."

"follow my orders"

"Find the previous blue chip stocks except the four leading stocks"

"Buy in bulk!"

"Eighty billion...enough to keep you busy for a while!"

"In this way, I give you a stock code, and you buy according to this list"

"We need to pull the Hang Seng Index appropriately. If the stock market crash really happened because of me, I would have no shame in going to see my parents."


The stock broker looked at Ana Shen in awe.

Are you a devil?

Taking advantage of the bull market made by the unknown banker, you successfully made a banker and gained enough chips.

Backhand three consecutive times.

That's not all.

The Hang Seng Index suffered a huge blow, causing the market to fluctuate, the stock market to slump, and investors to panic.

He also led some hot money to short the Hang Seng Index.

The stock broker originally thought that this would definitely lead to a stock market crash... Who would have expected that Shen Yan would go long instead! But in this case, he bought the bottom price.

A large amount of holdings in blue-chip stocks is no different from being long. Even when the Hang Seng Index plummets and the stock market is in a downturn, there is still a huge amount of funds entering to support the blue-chip stocks, which is enough for the Hang Seng Index to adjust.

There must be room for decline.

With such sky-high financial support, how can the Hang Seng Index move so fast ? He feels like he is going crazy.

Weiyu , this is it!

The short selling of the Hang Seng Index has another harvest, and after this round of harvest, there are still 10 billion in silver paper in the account!

The sky-high price of stocks, based solely on paper money, made Shen Yan's profit a hundred times again this time!

You know, when he entered the market, he only had 100 million paper money in his account.

The stock broker really felt that this trading platform was special.

It’s exciting!

After a long time, it was time to close the market.

Shen Yan chuckled:

"Didn't you ask me why I wasn't excited just now?"

"Just like you are doing a math problem,"

"What does one plus one equal?"

The stock broker said without thinking:

"two! Ana

Shen smiled and nodded:

"If you got the answer right, will you be excited?"

The stock broker shook his head.

Ana Shen smiled and said:

"I do not know either!"

The stock broker almost crashed!

This pretender, he admits that he is the strongest!

Ana Shen clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, go back and relax now"

"By the way, I won’t be here for the next two days~¨ "

"You can help trade the remaining stocks."

The stock broker said quickly:

"Shen Sheng, the number of stocks we purchased is too large and needs to be notarized."

"Basically more than two dozen companies have to do notarization."

He was smiling all over his face,

"You are now the largest natural person director of more than 20 companies."

"Some stocks are even in the top three of the company! Ana

Shen sighed:

"What a trouble, I actually became a shareholder by speculating in the stock market"

"Well, I'll send someone tomorrow"

"That's it!"

The stockbroker opened his mouth, looking at Ana Shen's disgusted look, and was speechless for a moment.

He didn't understand Ana Shen's brain circuit.

If he had become like this by speculating in stocks, he wished that it would be publicized all over the world - I'm so stupid Awesome! I just went through the battle of being a god! You scum, come and worship me!

However, Shen Yan seems to be in trouble. Maybe this is because the stock god is different from ordinary people.

Thinking about it.

Shen Yan really felt that it was troublesome.

If it weren't for the purpose of stabilizing the fundamentals of the stock market, he would have sold it all.

However, he couldn't enter the market this time.

Shen Yan smiled. Anyway, it's not him who has a headache.

Let Mr. Huang and the others have a headache! Shen Yan leisurely took out a cigarette. Anyway, he just threw the money over and someone would take care of it. He took out the phone and kept talking!

Hit it

"Boss, I just finished my work. Yes, I will transfer the money to you tomorrow."

"You have agreed in advance not to contact me for subsequent assignments, it will be very troublesome!"


"Lao Lu, it’s all done today. The money will be transferred to your account tomorrow. It’s none of my business how the ICAC distributes it."

"Let me remind you, be careful of Su Jingwen"


"Ah Xiao, we’re done today"

"I'll call you the money tomorrow. By the way, are you interested in starting a business?"

"Okay, you can send a car to pick me up!"


"Ah Luo, we’re done today"

"I'll call you the money tomorrow. Do you want to take the right path, Xin Liansheng?"

"Okay, come to my place, Ah Xiao will send someone to pick me up!"

Ana Shen finished the phone call and was smoking a cigarette out of boredom.

Suddenly, something felt wrong. He suddenly looked up and saw someone falling from the sky and falling to death in front of him.

Shen Yan was startled, and suddenly saw something shocking An even more surprising scene, people fell in front of him one after another, bang bang bang!

He was in a trance. What the hell is going on?

"Oops, someone jumped off the building again!"

"This is like losing a bet on the stock market!"

"People jump off buildings every day, these people don’t deserve sympathy"

"The stock market is risky, so be cautious when entering the market"

"These guys are gambling even with their lives."

"I feel sorry for their family members."

There were bursts of sighs all around.

The corners of Ana Shen's mouth were slightly raised. It was not that he was cold-blooded, but that he saw clearly in the lightning flash.

These guys who jumped off the building were obviously traders of the Gold Club!

Such people deserve to die!


Ni Yongxiao and Luo Zhiming were very excited:

"Sir Shen, is the stock market action over? Ana

Shen nodded slightly:

"it's over."

The two asked in unison:

"how? Ana

Shen shrugged:

"If we just talk about silver paper, the harvest is not big, only a hundred times profit."


The tea in Ni Yongxiao and Luo Zhiming's mouths spurted out.

The two apologized quickly.

Ni Yongxiao was surprised and said:

"Isn’t a hundredfold profit enough?"

Luo Zhiming shook his head,

"Ah...Sir Shen, I know you are capable, but is this too capable? Ana

Shen chuckled and said:

"Other gains are great"

"For example, the most intuitive thing is that after the stock market ended, someone went to the rooftop and jumped off the building."

"What an unexpected bonus!"

Ni Yongxiao and Luo Zhiming looked at him suspiciously.

Luo Zhiming asked:

"Sir Shen, you are a police officer"

"Are you so happy because your actions caused others to jump off the building?"

Ni Yongxiao couldn't help but nodded.

In his heart,���It doesn't matter whether a person jumps off a building or not.

However, the problem is that

Shen Yan is a policeman and his mission has always been to maintain social order.

If the other party was so cold-blooded, Ni Yongxiao would really not dare to cooperate with him like this.

Ni Yongxiao is not a good person, but everyone knows that it is best to cooperate with good people.

Shen Yan is not only the captain of the serious crime team, but also a strong man with outstanding abilities.

If such a person is cold-blooded... Ni Yongxiao must try his best to remove Chen Yongren from Group C. It is too dangerous.

Ana Shen smiled and said:

"Of course I'm happy!"

As the two people's expressions changed, Ana Shen said easily,

"What are you nervous about?"

"Do you know who jumped off the building?"

Ni Yongxiao and Luo Zhiming were moved in their hearts and asked together:

"who? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Several traders in the Gold Club"

"One of them is an executive from a bank!"


Ni Yongxiao and Luo Zhiming were both dumbfounded.

Luo Zhiming was the first to react:

"Are you going to snipe the Gold Club this time? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"if not?"

"I'm a police officer, and I'm busy enough with the cases of the Major Crime Unit."

"Where do you have time to play in the stock market?"

"The Gold Club rushed ahead and arranged a huge chessboard."

"If I don't use the stage they set up to sing a big show, will I be worthy of them?"

Ni Yongxiao and Luo Zhiming both gave a thumbs up, and they expressed admiration.

The worries in their hearts disappeared instantly!

Naturally, they also hope that their companion is not some kind of holy mother.

Naturally, they must kill all enemies when dealing with them.

Ni Yongxiao asked:

"Did the Gold Club suffer much in this confrontation? Shen

Yan explained:

"not at all!"

Luo Zhiming couldn't believe it,

"Why would they jump if there was no loss? Shen

Yan explained:

"I could have left them with nothing but debt."

"But if this happens, the Hang Seng Index will inevitably collapse and lead to a stock market crash."

"My purpose is only to cut off the source of funds for the Gold Club, not for ordinary shareholders in Xiangjiang."

"Therefore, in the follow-up period, I spent most of my profits buying blue chip stocks."

"Stabilizing Xiangjiang’s basic market"

"In fact, the Gold Club did not suffer any losses. The three stocks they chose to be the banker have full potential."

"It's just that the stock is at a high level, and it's impossible to get out, especially when the stock market is in a downturn."

"Unless they become the major shareholders of those three companies, otherwise……"

Ana Shen chuckled.

Ni Yongxiao was amazed:

"No wonder those traders are about to jump off the building. They are trapped by three stocks and cannot realize their funds. What is the difference between losing all their money? Luo

Zhiming was puzzled:

"What do you care about senior bank officials?"

"Why did he jump off the building too? Ana

Shen explained slowly:

"Of course he's going to jump off the building"

"He is an important member of the Gold Club"

"This trading team is given additional permissions of fifteen times leverage."

"I lost money that the bank will never be able to repay in ten lifetimes."

"What if he doesn't jump off the building?"

The two of them were relieved.

Ni Yongxiao suddenly asked:

"Sir Shen, did you just say that the cash income alone would be a hundred times the profit?"

Ana Shen shrugged,

"Yes, I formed this bureau to snipe the operations of the Gold Club."

"Basically all I earn is money from them and the bank"

"Let me calculate it. The entry capital of the Gold Club is 3 billion silver paper. After being magnified by 15 times of leverage, it will be about 15 billion."

"It is enough to propose 10 billion silver paper"

"The rest is placed in the stock market"

"This time the stock market can only be said to have experienced a violent shock adjustment, nothing like that."

The two of them complained secretly.

Damn the shock adjustment, it's so damn deadly!

It's just because it's not uncommon for people to jump off the building after failing to speculate in the (Zhao) stock, so the two of them didn't care at all. Those who jumped off the building were people from the Gold Club. Then instead of being sad, they would toast to celebrate!

Ni Yongxiao couldn't wait to ask:

"Sir Shen, what is the total income this time? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"The total revenue this time is about 70 billion."


Ni Yongxiao and Luo Zhiming gasped in unison.

They only felt their scalps numb and their knees weak.

Shen Yan seemed to have said before that the cash income was a hundred times.

In other words, his start-up capital Only 100 million.

This sniper directly gained 700 times the book profit.

Are you a stock god?

The two of them almost wanted to kneel down to Shen Yan


"I came here to tell you something."

"Among these 70 billion, several companies are actually under my control."

"The stocks of those companies have been affected by the downturn in the stock market."

"Most of them are only 10% of the original market price."

"I got a big advantage"

"No, it should be said that we got a big advantage"

"It's just that I have a public official position, and most of the people who have invested in the company have a public official position."

"Unless they give up their official positions, they will not become directors or chairman of the company."

"Are you two interested?"

Ni Yongxiao and Luo Zhiming looked at each other, and they could see the heat in each other's eyes.

They both wanted to whiten their own associations.

Needless to say, Ni Yongxiao, he basically doesn't get involved in the white powder business.

Luo Zhiming'an Di is a policeman, and he wants Xin Liansheng to be bleached.

Shen Yan's arrangement is a godsend.

The two said in unison:


The two of them will never let go of such an opportunity.

They are just worried that the companies or factories given by Shen Yan are too few and they will not be able to arrange their own people!.

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