Chapter 75: Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Gandhi angrily came to complain to Ni Yongxiao:

"Ah Xiao, Xinliansheng has tricked people to death!"

"Our transaction was caught by the ghost guy"

"All my money is gone!"

"I want Xinliansheng to compensate!".

Ni Yongxiao looked at Gandhi like a fool:

"Let Xinliansheng compensate?"


Gandhi said angrily:

"I had no problem trading with others, but I was arrested the first time I taught them"

"Don't you want them to pay compensation?"

Han Chen felt that there was something wrong with Gandhi.

Ni Yongxiao asked calmly:

"Who chooses your trading time and place? -"

Gandhi replied:


Ni Yongxiao asked again:

"Did you change anything along the way?"

Gandhi said of course:

"I'm not a novice, I've changed it three times!"

Ni Yongxiao asked again:

"Xinliansheng didn't cooperate?"

Gandhi was irritated:

"Of course I cooperated. If I didn't cooperate, why should I trade with them?"

Ni Yongxiao put down the tea cup - ever since he knew that Ana Shen loved to drink tea, he had slowly tried the tea, and now he felt that he could taste a hint of the taste.

He took off his glasses and slowly wiped his glasses with deerskin,

"The time and location were all changed on your own initiative, and Xin Liansheng also cooperated with you."

"Your transaction was wiped out this time. Do you still have the nerve to ask for compensation?"

"According to your logic, Xinliansheng can also ask our Ni family to accompany us. Will you compensate?"

Gandhi was furious:

"I'll give him a ball! Ni

Yongxiao said funnyly:

"So, why do people want to accompany you?"

He said with a serious face,

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t have shame, we still want shame!"

Gandhi was choked.

Ni Yongxiao asked again:

"Have your goods been scanned by the anti-drug team before?"

Gandhi said reluctantly:


Ni Yongxiao looked at him calmly:


Gandhi left in despair.

Han Chen shook his head:

"Ah Xiao, Gandhi did not come to you to ask for compensation. He was afraid that Xin Liansheng would come to him to ask for an explanation."

Ni Yongxiao mocked:

"We all are not young children. Isn't it normal to be raided by the anti-drug team?"

"Who in this line of work has not been swept away?"

"Xinliansheng was swept away, our Ni family was also swept away, who among Zhongyixin and Dongxing was not swept away?"

"New Liansheng is not as hopeless as Gandhi. Han Chen frowned and said:

"However, it felt quite unlucky that something like this happened in the first transaction. Ni

Yongxiao sighed:

"This is why I want to do the right thing"

"I think Xin Liansheng means the same thing."

"I talked to Luo Zhiming from Xinlian Sheng and they didn’t want to do this business anymore."

"The risk is too great. Once caught, you will not be able to escape more than ten years in prison."

"If our luck is even worse, it will not be impossible within a few decades."

"They were eager to get rid of the goods. Han

Chen crossed his arms and thought:

"Who were targeting Gandhi and Xinlian Seng?"

Ni Yongxiao couldn't help but laugh:

"Luo Zhiming called me. It was the Political Department who was targeting them."

Han Chen was surprised:

"Ghost guy?"

Ni Yongxiao nodded slightly, not knowing whether he was crying or smiling.

"According to Luo Zhiming’s news,"

"They just saw the same car circling back and forth on the road, and they took notice."

"Gandhi kept the car spinning in circles for a long time"

"The ghost guy happened to be off work, and he instinctively felt that something was wrong, so he called his colleagues from the Political Department—who were all superintendent or senior inspectors?"

"They just thought there was money to be made, but they didn't expect it to be drug trafficking!"

Han Chen was stunned:

"In other words, if Gandhi hadn't been so suspicious, there wouldn't have been a problem?"

Ni Yongxiao spread his hands:

"That's it"

"Gandhi still has the nerve to come to me?"

"I heard what Locke Chi Ming said, it was all Gandhi who brought it upon himself."

"It's really embarrassing."

Han Chen said curiously:

"How did Luo Zhiming know about this? Ni

Yongxiao sighed:

"In order to get people, the lawyers of the New Liansheng Society tried to bribe the gang of ghosts, but they did not expect to succeed!"

"After these ghost guys asked for a large sum of money, they released the person."

"By the way, even Gandhi's people were released."

"Otherwise, why do you think he would come over and tell us about this in a pretentious manner?"

"Don’t you feel like you’re in the wrong?!"

Han Chen couldn't help but cursed:

"Damn it!"

"Gandhi was not stupid!"

Ni Yongxiao asked:

"Do you want that batch of goods from Xinliansheng? Han Chen immediately said:

"Of course! Ni

Yongxiao smiled and said:

"Congratulations, you have two million silver papers left."

Han Chen was stunned:

"How do you say this?

Ni Yongxiao praised:

"Luo Zhiming is very particular."

"He said that there was a small problem between our two societies. In order not to affect the relationship between the two societies, he gave a friendship price and saved you two million."

Han Chen said deeply:

"Luo Zhiming really doesn't look like a white powder. Ni

Yongxiao said calmly:

"Everyone has their own choice"

"Some people think that this kind of life can make people rich overnight, which is good"

"Some people think that this kind of life is not their pursuit"

"I know what you mean. Do you think Luo Zhiming is using these drugs that he must give up as a favor?"

"However, our Ni family still has to remember this favor."

Han Chen smiled bitterly and nodded.

Gandhi's retarded suggestion made it impossible for the Ni family to reject Xin Liansheng's friendship.

Ni Yongxiao said with a smile:

"From now on, you will take over our family's business."

"Achen, let me remind you, these four people are not good people."

"You've seen the right opportunity and don't be polite when it's time to mess with them."

"Don’t forget their faces when I first took over"

"You are not strong now, so you have to plan slowly"

"Otherwise, if I really hand over the family business to you, I will not be helping you, but harming you."

Han Chen said solemnly:

"I know. Ni

Yongxiao reminded:

"When it's time to annex, annex without any mercy."

"Although you are also one of the five tigers of our Ni family, you have only been up for a short time and your qualifications are not as good as theirs."

"In the world of martial arts, what matters most is fame and seniority"

"This is your shortcoming."

Han Chen nodded solemnly:

"Ah Xiao, I remember everything. Ni Yongxiao thought for a while and then said:

"Achen, your current top horse is Huang Zhicheng, right? Han Chen grinned and said:

"Ah Xiao, you also know?"

"We used to be a small school in a walled village."

"Later he became a policeman and helped me no less."

"If he quit working as a police officer and came to seek refuge with me, there was nothing to say. Ni

Yongxiao said meaningfully:

"When people with a clean financial background come to seek refuge with us, they all have a way of screening them."

"Not to mention someone like him who used to be a police officer."

"Achen, if I were you, I would have to understand one thing."

Han Chen was very convinced of Ni Yongxiao, who was a top student who came back from abroad.

Ni Yongxiao reminded him seriously,

"Police officer Huang Zhicheng has done a good job, why did he resign?"

"Did he really resign, or was the police force forced to resign because he could no longer do his job?"

"If he approaches you, he should not have any other purpose."

Han Chen nodded heavily:

"Ah Xiao, I will screen him."

This is no small matter!


Then the next day, the Ni family once again gathered cadres.

Gandhi's eyes seemed to want to eat people:

"Achen, have you received your goods?"

Han Chen smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth:

"Thank you for not arguing with me. It has solved my urgent need."

The nigger asked quickly:

"What is the quality of the goods?"

Gandhi snorted coldly:

"Premium No. 4, it will kill people if used directly. It needs to be diluted."

"One piece can make four pieces!"

The nigger looked at Gandhi with a ghostly expression on his face:

"how do you know?"

Gandhi suddenly stopped talking.

Guoliang explained to him:

"The reputation of Xinliansheng's goods is well-known on the road."

"However, their goods are not all high-quality products."

"This is the last batch of goods that Tim stored."

"As for why I know……"

"I heard that the four of us had a chance to get a share of the pie. Who would have thought that Gandhi would make the other party's car spin in circles?"

"What a coincidence that the ghost guy from the Political Department bumped into me!"

"Not to mention that this transaction was dirty, the money of No. 4 of New Liansheng and Gandhi were all swallowed up by the ghost guy."

"How do I know?"

"My little brother followed Gandhi's men and listened to what the ghost guy who had captured them said in a triumphant manner."

Gandhi shouted:

"Shut up!"

Guoliang was also angry:

"Just shut up!"

"If it weren't for you, we would have had a share"

"That's Premium Number Four, one piece is worth four!"

"Because of you, everything is gone."

The nigger stood up suddenly:

"Lose money!"

Wen Zheng is a wallflower and has always followed the crowd.

Guoliang and the black ghosts attacked Gandhi, but he was not weak and shouted:

"Lose money!"

Gandhi was almost mad!

Yesterday he came here to pretend to be crazy, just to prevent the people from Xin Liansheng from causing trouble for him.

0 ···Asking for flowers·· ···

Who would have expected that the people from Xinliansheng did not come, but Guoliang and the others did the opposite!

Gandhi said angrily:

"Have your goods not been scanned by the police?"

The nigger said sadly:

"We didn't miss for stupid reasons like this"

"Let the truck given by Xin Liansheng spin around in circles. How can you actually express such crazy ideas?"

"You have to pay!"

Gandhi shouted:

"Why should I pay?"

Guoliang is well-founded,

"You are not the only one who goes to Xinliansheng to buy goods."

"We still have a share of this money"

"Because you lost the goods because of your mentally retarded operation, can you do it without paying me?"

Wen Zheng suddenly asked:

"Brother Chen, how did you trade?��"

Han Chen was really enjoying watching a show. He suddenly heard Wen Zheng dragging him into trouble, and he laughed dryly and said:

"Very simple, right?"

"I had the car delivered to my spare warehouse, and I got the goods at the same time."

"Luo Sheng and I drank tea and chatted."

Gandhi was unwilling to give in:

"Is this the end?"

Han Chen said puzzledly:

"Not enough?"

"Luo Zhiming is the leader of Xin Liansheng. They have a person from the society to vouch for him. Can he be a piao?"

"We, the Ni family, are also big fishermen in this industry, and we know each other well."

"Isn't this kind of transaction very simple?"

Gandhi was speechless!

Guoliang took the opportunity and shouted:

"Gandhi, your self-conceit has caused heavy losses to our three families."

"In front of Ah Xiao, if you don’t give us an explanation, we won’t be able to spare you."


Nigga and Wen Zheng echoed in unison.

Gandhi didn't know what to say for a moment. boom!

Ni Yongxiao placed the tea cup heavily on the table.

Everyone stopped talking at the same time.

Ni Yongxiao said coldly:

"The most common thing my father said when he was here was,"

"If you come out to fool around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later!"

"Since you have decided to go into business as a partnership among the four of you, you will have to bear the responsibility yourself if anything happens."

"Which of your products has never had any accidents?"

"Whatever Gandhi's fault, forget it this time"

"You are the boss, how can you take care of your younger brother if you don’t look like a boss?"

The four of them fell silent immediately.

Ni Yongxiao shook his head.

Gandhi had no face to stay here anymore and left quickly.

Guoliang rolled his eyes and said to Han Chen:

"Achen, you have to save us."

"We really can't open the pot."

Han Chen said with a smile:

"Brother Guoliang, I am no bigger than your family. I haven’t opened a business for a long time."

Guoliang was anxious:

"There are so many high-quality No. 4s, so we should be more or less even with them."

Niggi and Wen Zheng also said:

"Give us some peace."

Han Chen pretended to be embarrassed, gritted his teeth and said:

"I can give you a little, but we���My brothers will settle the score, and you will have to add 10% of the money."

Guoliang was unwilling.

Who would have expected that the nigger would immediately agree:

"This is Premium No. 4. One piece can be divided into four pieces."

"It would be fine if the black heart were divided into five pieces at once"

"Just do as you say."

Guoliang glared hatefully like a nigger, and secretly cursed this idiot.

Wen Zheng said quickly:

"Brother Chen, please give me some."

Now Guoliang is helpless.

"Achen, don’t forget me."

Han Chen looked as happy as Maitreya Buddha

"It’s all there!"

So in a short period of time, half of Han Chen's goods were scattered!

He collected it at 10% lower than the market price, and now sells it at the market price plus 10%.

This is a 20% profit.

It seems that he doesn't make as much money as selling by himself, but it's safe and fast!

In addition, he also received favors from Guoliang, Nigui, and Wen Zheng, and favors are the most important thing. It will kill people!

Guoliang and others left with satisfaction.

Ni Yongxiao looked at Han Chen in admiration:

"Achen, you did a good job. I did not misjudge the person."

Han Chen grinned:

"Ah Xiao, I learned from Uncle Kun."

Ni Yongxiao smiled and raised his tea cup to Han Chen. The two touched it lightly and drank it in one gulp.

On the other side, Luo Zhiming pointed to two boxes of cash and said to Richard:

"Anyway, I got 40 million silver paper easily."

Richard said sincerely:

"Ah Luo, I wish I had known you earlier. Compared with you, Ah Tian is nothing! Luo

Zhiming shrugged.

"I'm not here to listen to your flattery"

"We had agreed before that when this business is completed, I will enter the gold club."

Richard agreed:

"What the Gold Club needs is talents like you, and the Jazz will definitely welcome you."

"Just wait for my news!"Also.

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