Chapter 63 Greedy Desire

In a western restaurant in Hollywood, Tim asked Richard calmly:

"I guess you sent someone to kill him, right?"

Richard said without any disguise,.

"He being the leader is not good for you or me."

"The dragon head is the position of three evil spirits, so it is not suitable for him."

Richard looked up and said to Tim,

"We are partners, you don’t need to thank me specifically."

A Tian fiercely put the knife and fork on the dining table and said angrily,

"Are you crazy?!"

"If others knew about your relationship, why would I still be hanging around in Xinliansheng?"

Richard wasn't afraid at all. He even put his face in front of Tim's, put his forehead on his forehead, and said calmly,

"your movements are too slow"

"We need you to be the leader of Xinlian Sheng as soon as possible"

"But you can't do this with your own strength, so we're here to help you"

"You should thank me and nothing else"

"We don't have time to wait for you, and a day's worth of money is wasted waiting for you."

Richard said calmly���,

"If you don’t want to make money, that’s fine. Let’s discuss it later and see which other associations in Hong Kong are suitable."

"Fortunately, there is not only one Xin Lian Sheng in Xiangjiang"

"Fortunately, there are not too many societies in this field."

Ah Tian panicked, he changed his face and said:

"You should have told me in advance"

"At least I have to be on guard"

"You don’t know, when Lin Yaochang asked me, I almost revealed my secret. Richard was slightly startled:

"Do you know that I hired someone to do the calculation?"

Atian laughed and said:

"I didn't do it, it must have been done by you."

"No one in this world is a fool."

Richard thought thoughtfully:

"It seemed that Lin Yaochang and the others also knew. Ah

Tian smiled and asked:

"What do you think?"

Richard shrugged:

"So what if you know?"

"You just need to take it out"

"Xinliansheng will not do anything to you"

"I'm a senior superintendent. Unless they are seeking death, nothing will happen to me."

Ah Tian was silent.

Richard saw Ah Tian's look and smiled:

"You should be happy, lucky to have met me"

"Wait a minute, I'll take you to a place."

Ah Tian disagreed:

"Where? Richard smiled and said:

"A mesmerizing place."

Atian snorted coldly:

"I only like money. Apart from money, I can't think of anything else that can fascinate me. Richard smiled and said:

"trust me!"

"You'll be blown away."

Ah Tian stopped paying attention to Richard, and the latter didn't mind either. He believed that no matter who came to that place, they would be fascinated to death.

The two of them didn't talk and concentrated on eating.

The waiter in the restaurant gave them a bottle of The red wine was specially given in a decanter to open the wine.

This was because the two of them were regular customers of the restaurant, and the boss gave them fine wine.

After dinner, Richard took Ah Tian to an old unit on Hong Kong Island. Traveling through time and space.

It was clearly a rotten country-style salon.

Richard smiled and said hello to familiar people. He almost saw a few"familiar people" in his eyes."——He is the kind of real tycoon who often appears on TV and in newspapers.

He carefully asked Richard:

"This is?"

Richard brought him to a high stool, and the two of them ordered two glasses of whiskey and tasted it slowly.

"I said, this is a place that can enchant people to death"

"There is an old saying in your country,"

"A big man should not be without power for a day, and a young man should not be without money for a day."

"And here there is both money and power"

"Big shots use power to make money, or money to make power"

"Power and money are two sides of the same coin."

"Reaching the extreme is an invincible force"

"This place is the real center of Xiangjiang’s efforts"

"Dozens of people here unite to decide everything in Xiangjiang."

Atian's mouth was dry, and he couldn't help but drink a glass of wine.

Richard was quite proud:

"I am a senior police superintendent and a senior civil servant from my ancestral home. ."

"But here I am, I can only be considered the bottom"

"I was born attached to this circle"

"This circle is growing, my future is bright, and so is my money."

He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of counting money.

"You are from a mixed club, so you were not qualified to come here."

"When I bring you in, you have such qualifications"

"But to be honest, this is not enough"

"You have to convince our partners that you have this ability."

Ah Tian asked involuntarily:

"Your partner?"

Richard nodded:

"Yes, our partners"

"The adults who hold key positions in the Hong Kong government, the big chaebols in the Hong Kong comprehensive market, and the law enforcers in various powerful departments."

A Tian was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"for example?"

Richard shrugged:

"For example, a senior superintendent like me, an investigation director in the ICAC, a member of the Legislative Assembly……"

Ah Tim waved his hand quickly,

"Enough, enough!"

"Say no more."

Richard gave him an appreciative look,

"You are a smart person, smart people live longer"

"Those fools always want to guess everything"

"As everyone knows, the more you know, the faster you will die."

Atian laughed dryly.

Richard said seriously:

"We have also cooperated for a long time"

"You should also know our energy"

"Before you cooperate with us, you have half a dime in your bank account"

"Specifically, you don't have a bank account"

"Are you afraid that you will be frozen by the police at any time?"

"After we cooperate, you will have millions of Hong Kong paper in your bank account."

"Those are legal money and can withstand scrutiny."

"No matter which major���Come here, he can't find any fault at all"

"This is our sincerity"

"As long as you can continue to cooperate with us, I guarantee you that one day, you may enter the Legislative Yuan."

Ah Tian believed it!

He saw many big shots that he would never dare to think about. It

's quite sad to say that being one of the Five Tigers of New Liansheng seems to be a big name.

However, only he knows that this It 's a shitty name.

Those bosses won't even look at you.

If something happens, they will send you money to help look after the situation.

This is the reality of Dao Shang.

How is this kind of brother different from the security guards in the supermarket?

After all, if something happens to the security guard, the bosses will pay for it.

If something happens to the big brother, will the bosses pay attention to it


I was trying to settle things for you, but you were beaten even if things weren't settled - why is it so useless?

Richard said in a timely manner.

"If you want to officially become one of them, you must master Xinlian Sheng as soon as possible"

"If you delay for one day, it’s all money and power! Ah

Tian said fiercely:

"I will definitely seize the time!"


Xin Liansheng’s family temple and ancestral hall—In Xiangjiang, any large-scale community will have a family temple and ancestral hall.

This is their place of faith.

Luo Zhiming called everyone together again.

He asked Hui Hui,

"Have you called Tim?"

Brilliant was confused:


"I told him that he was killed by that ghost guy Richard."

"I want him to be careful about Richard. Luo

Zhiming asked:

"When did you call him?"

Brilliant blurted out:

"I hit him after we got back from the factory."

He took out the phone,

"You see, there are records here."

Although Hui Hui is reckless, he is not stupid:

"Did something happen?"

Luo Zhiming shouted:


He Jiaju took out a stack of photos:

"According to Brother Luo's instructions, I hired a private detective to follow him. Luo

Zhiming explained:

"We are not the police, and we are not familiar with tracking this thing."

"Tim is very familiar with us. If he sees the flaw, we can't explain it clearly."

Everyone nodded in unison, secretly praising Luo Zhiming for being cautious.

However, what Luo Zhiming told was a lie.

He did not ask He Jiaju to find someone to track Ah Tian at all. Shen Yan's order to him was to protect his own safety.

It was Shen who followed Ah Tian. Yan arranged people to do it.

They were all real elites.

Luo Zhiming sent the photos to everyone and reminded:

"Guys, please take a look at the time of filming. Huihuang took it and took a look and was stunned.

In the photo, Tim was talking and laughing with a ghost guy. The time was the day after he made the phone call.

He had a bad feeling:

"Who is this ghost guy? Luo

Zhiming said in a dull voice:

"He is the mastermind behind the killing and bombing, Senior Superintendent Richard of the Political Department. Brilliant was furious:

"He is Richard��!"

"You're not mistaken? Luo

Zhiming glanced at him expressionlessly:

"It's so clear in the photo, don't you recognize him? Brilliant said dejectedly:

"I recognize him. He has come to see Tim many times."

"It's just that I still have some delusional thoughts. Lin

Yaochang sighed:

"This is Richard, you can’t go wrong!"

Brilliant gritted his teeth and said:

"Brother Chang, please issue the order. I will go to Ah Tian to settle the score."

"He swore to me on the phone that he would take revenge on Suan Huo."

"As a result, he turned around and started talking and laughing with Richard."

"This guy is treacherous."

He Jiaju said coldly:

"Richard killed my boss, and Tim couldn't even be happy in his heart. Luo

Zhiming scolded:

"The boss is talking, why are you interrupting?"

He Jiaju apologized angrily:

"Sorry Brother Huihuang."

Brilliant shook his head:

"You don't need to apologize, there's nothing wrong with this idea"

"It's not you who should apologize, it's Tim!"

He asked Lin Yaochang,

"` 々Brother Chang, do you want me to do something? Lin

Yaochang thought for a while and finally shook his head:

"Not yet."

Brilliant was anxious:

"Tim is like this, why don't you let me do something?"

"Are you still thinking about waiting for him to change his mind? Lin

Yaochang shook his head:


"My concern is for Richard, who is the senior superintendent."

Huanghuang suddenly stopped talking.

They are thieves, and the other party is the police.

It's okay for the thief to yell in front of the police, but does he dare to confront them head-on?

Luo Zhiming suddenly said,

"Richard is Senior Superintendent of Police."

Lin Yaochang was very surprised by Luo Zhiming's reaction:

"They are ghosts and have high positions, so we cannot touch them."

Luo Zhiming smiled,

"Brother Chang, actually these guys are different from the people in the anti-gang group. Lin

Yaochang was startled:

"Why is it different? Luo

Zhiming said softly:

"The Political Department has never been favored by the police. It is like our former torture chamber."

Lin Yaochang and others suddenly realized.

Nowadays, there is basically no punishment hall in Xiangjiang's societies.

Once someone breaks the family law, the leader will sit in the hall and wait to discuss it.

In the beginning, there was really a punishment hall. Punishment Hall. The hall has a high status and has great strength.

The ordinary red stick is nothing compared to the masters of the Xingtang. If a member of the society makes a mistake, it is really handled by the masters of the Xingtang according to the family law.

What about the serious people in the community who want a torture hall above their heads?

Besides, isn’t it a waste to put such a group of experts in the torture hall? So later on, the torture hall gradually declined.

Although their status was respected, they were definitely not welcome. No one in the club wanted to hang out with them. Lin Yaochang suddenly had an idea.

"You mean, they can't mobilize the anti-gang group? Luo

Zhiming nodded slightly:

"Can't adjust"

"Not only can't he be transferred, but they don't want to see him anymore."

"After all, are they ghosts? Lin

Yaochang suddenly smiled bitterly:

(Li Haozhao)


"No wonder there were always only a few of them when they met me. I thought they were afraid of being known and leaking their whereabouts."

"Now it seems...that's not the case at all. Luo

Zhiming said again:

"Brother Chang, we are afraid of them, but they are still afraid of us."

Lin Yaochang was as confused as Hui Hui:

"Are they afraid of us? Luo

Zhiming said softly:

"They are not clean! Lin

Yaochang suddenly realized:

"That’s right!"

"Their butts are not clean!"

He suddenly calmed down.

"How many transactions have we made with them in the past five years?"

"If you tell me the amount of white powder, they can sit through the bottom of the prison!"

"Everyone is unclean, so there is no need to say anything more."

"The power they can use is very limited."

Lin Yaochang completely grasped Luo Zhiming's thinking,

"you mean……"

"They won't use other police officers?"

Luo Zhiming was very contemptuous:

"They don't dare!"

"These ghost guys are all black police officers."

"What if the police are used and there is a slight mistake, and the real police get the information?"

He reminded,

"How did Suan Bao die? Lin

Yaochang murmured:

"Shot to death by Richard's hired killer."

His eyes flashed,

"Ah Luo, you are right"

"These guys are the police. If they want to deal with bombs, they can do it through superficial force."

"But they dare not!"

"They can only be forced to use secret methods."

Lin Yaochang smiled evilly and said:

"If we use secret methods, who are we afraid of?"

"We are a community. Luo

Zhiming had to remind:

"Brother Chang, be careful, they will use any means. Lin

Yaochang smiled:

"Comparing yourself with us?".

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