Chapter 47 Brainwashing

Shi Xuan panicked.

"Dear sirs, this is a misunderstanding! Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"It is indeed a misunderstanding that you came to the police station twice to invite us to drink tea, but our actions are not a misunderstanding."

"The eldest sir first asked the boss for instructions, and the boss asked the first brother for instructions, and the first brother personally ordered the people. This is a complete set of procedures."

"There is no misunderstanding at all."

Shi Xuan was horrified:

"No, no, no, this is really a misunderstanding"

"Sir, can you let me go back? I will personally advise our commissioner."

Ana Shen looked at him with caring eyes,

"what's on your mind?"

"Let you out?"

"Xiangdong's case has not been completed, do you still want to go out?"

Shi Xuan was startled, and he suddenly felt a chill.

"You want to keep me here? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"You are a criminal suspect!

Superintendent Chen said in a deep voice :

"Ayan takes people to the ICAC to ask for someone"

"Uncle Tian, please make notes for Sir Shi."

"I want to know why he entered the police station without proper procedures twice."

"Forget it the first time. It can be said that those who don’t know are not guilty."

"Ayan has already warned him, but he still makes a second mistake. I don't believe that an ICAC elite would be so careless."

"I suspect he has other motives."

Shi Xuan was horrified:

"You can't do this to me!"

Lin Kuangtian knocked on the table slowly,

"Drug trafficking is always a serious crime"

"Citizens in Xiangjiang will also call the police if they see it."

"How good of you are you for actually giving him shelter?"

"No wonder our police can't find any trace of them no matter how hard we search."

"Who would have thought that a drug lord would be protected by the ICAC commissioner."


Everyone in Shi Xuan is numb!

Listen, is this really human talk?

Lin Kuangtian has put a big label on the commissioner!

He said quickly:

"The commissioner has a distinguished status and can be said to be inferior to one person in Xiangjiang."

"How could he be covering up drug dealers? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"That call was made in the commissioner's office."

Shi Xuan was startled.

Shen Yan said leisurely:

"In order to fish out Xiang Dong, you know that Uncle Tian and the others sacrificed their reputations"

"After the leaders approved the 10 million silver paper, they didn't report it."

"This gave Xiang Dongdong the illusion that the silver paper had been embezzled by Uncle Tian and others."

Superintendent Chen nodded majestically at the right time, endorsing this sentence.

Shen Yan is not a long-winded doctor. He kept repeating the topic of 10 million pieces of silver paper to brainwash everyone, and there was a strong hint.

He told too many lies. ,

Lin Kuangtian was in a daze when he heard it.

"The ten million silver paper was really meant to fish out Xiang Dong, right?"

"Yes, it must be!"

He is like this, not to mention Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan frowned and said:

"So what? Ana

Shen smiled slightly and said:

"We are the police. Is it reasonable for the commissioner not to trust the police but to trust the drug dealers?"

Shi Xuan was startled.

Everyone in the interrogation room was also stunned.

The people listening outside the double-sided mirror were also lost in thought.

The relationship between the police and integrity is indeed not good.

But you insist that the ICAC commissioner does not trust the police and drug dealers?

It doesn't make sense either logically or rationally. Why would Commissioner do this?

"After much thought, I only came up with one reason."

Shi Xuan's mouth was dry, and he asked carefully,

"Sir Shen, may I ask what is going on?"


Ana Shen snapped his fingers.

"This matter is easy to explain"

"Whatever Xiangdong wants, probably the commissioner wants?"

Shi Xuan was stunned, and after reacting he said loudly:

"You are talking nonsense!"


Ana Shen put his hands in the middle of the table and leaned forward:

"Then tell me, why does the commissioner not trust the police but trust a drug dealer?"

Shi Xuan was dumbfounded.

He was speechless.

This matter is difficult to answer!

Ana Shen sneered, and kept pouring dirty water on the ICAC commissioner.

He knew that there were countless people gathered inside and outside the interrogation room.

To If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, how long will it take?

As Shen Yan expected, there were basically too many people inside and outside the interrogation room.

The reason was simple - Shi. Xuan Ke is the investigation director of the ICAC.

When will the police be able to interrogate people from the ICAC?

They are willing to come even if it is just for fun.

That is why people from Group A, Group B, and Group C are all here.

Everyone in Group A naturally knew what was going on, and they were told by Ana Shen to shut up.

Group C was Shen Yan's direct descendant, and they were not big talkers in Group B. I know!

Their eyes widened when they heard this.

Yuan Haoyun particularly agreed with Ana Shen’s judgment:

"Sir Shen is right. I think there is a high probability that the ghost commissioner must be interested in the 10 million silver paper."

Lu Qichang gently touched Yuan Haoyun:

"Sir Yuan, be careful what you say. Yuan

Haoyun snorted coldly:

"What else is there to say?"

"Sir Shen has already made it clear"

"We are not stupid, we can deduce it with a little inference."

"The ghost guy actually dares to bully us, thinking that we are easy to bully. Yuan

Haoyun said to Lu Qichang:

"Your eyes are so poisonous"

"Sir Shen's reasoning and analysis skills are quite good."

"Especially those who dare to take on tasks and are so heroic"

"Otherwise, would you give it to me?"

Lu Qichang immediately turned his face:

"Don’t even think about it!"

"Ayan is the brain of my Group C. Have you ever seen anyone give their brain to someone else? Yuan

Haoyun muttered:


The thing that made Ana Shen pass was originally the idea of rushing to hunt rabbits. If you can hit it, just hit it, and forget it if you can't.

Now it seems that people really don't want you to hit it.

There is no way to do this..

He curled his lips and asked,

"Is what the big sir said true?"

"Go to the ICAC to ask for someone? Lu

Qichang asked with a smile:

"Do you dare to go?"

Yuan Haoyun thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said:

"We can't let others bully us, aren't we just ghosts?"

"I go!"

Lu Qichang secretly gave him a thumbs up::

"Sir Yuan is so domineering"

"But you don’t need to go, I guess Ayan will go in person. Yuan

Haoyun shook his head and said:

"I don't doubt Sir Shen's ability, but if he goes, will it be possible? Lu

Qichang suddenly said:

"If you and Ayan were the only two candidates to go to the ICAC, who do you think the Sir would let go?"

Yuan Haoyun looked at Lu Qichang in disbelief:

"you mean——"

"Will the great sir choose Sir Shen?"

Everyone was in an uproar.

Yuan Haoyun is known as a tricky detective.

He is not only brave but also strategic.

From what Lu Qichang said, it seems that Sir admires Sir Shen more.

This is impossible, right?

Superintendent Chen has already opened the door and came out, followed by It's Shen Yan

"Sir Shen, take someone to the ICAC to bring Xiang Dong back."

"Remember, this is Brother Yi’s order!"

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