Chapter 33 The birth of the stock god

"With incredible understanding, the host continuously checked the stock market and successfully understood the essence of the stock market."

"With incredible understanding, the host continuously checked individual stock briefings and successfully understood the essence of the stock market."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully understanding the essence of stock trading and reaching the full level of practical skills! Ana

Shen was slightly startled:

"Is it already at the max level?"

"Is this easier to upgrade than criminal investigation?"

What does full level mean?!

That's the existence of the top O level.

In the gambling world, he is the god of gambling, and in the stock market, he is naturally... the god of stocks!

Shen Yan's eyes seemed to be full of red and green, one stock code after another The flash disappeared from his eyes, and soon he locked on a stock code, and a voice suddenly rose in his heart:

"Monster stock!!"

"A demon stock actually appeared here!"

Ana Yan immediately bought all the 100,000 yuan from the five people in Group C to buy demon stocks.

He looked at the plate. It was not big at all. It only cost 3 million.

Normally, few people would buy this kind of plate. Buy.

The base of the plate is here���One hundred thousand dollars can make you a big shark.

At this time, the share price per share was only a dime.

Shen Yan said to the stock broker:

"Don't sell this stock unless the stock price rises to more than 100 yuan."

The stock broker nodded repeatedly, but looked down and was dumbfounded:

"Sir, this stock is junk stock."

"It is easy to become a shareholder by stock trading"

"How about I recommend a few stocks to you, all of which have good prospects, and you can make much more money than this stock."

A stock worth ten cents per share has to rise to more than one hundred yuan before it is sold?

Isn't this a joke?

Can you see it in your lifetime?

The stockbroker felt that Ana Shen was going crazy because he wanted to get rich.

Ana Shen smiled lightly:

"I don’t like making small money. If I want to make money, make big money."

"I'm sure about this stock"

"Your professional quality is good, so I suggest you buy some to ensure that you can work alone."

"Anyway, just listen to me"

"I have entrusted this stock to you. If it does not appreciate in value, let the money lie there and treat it as savings."

The stockbroker smiled bitterly.

How far can the stock price fall if it's a dime?

It might even rise a few points.

In this way, it can indeed be used as a savings function.

However, it is difficult to appreciate...!

Ana Shen greeted his stockbroker and turned around to leave.

"This is another guy who is crazy about wanting to get rich."

"One hundred thousand yuan, that’s money!"

He sentenced Ana Shen's investment to death in his heart - it can maintain value, but it is impossible to make big profits.

If it is placed in a bear market, as long as it maintains value, it will be a success.

But now it is a bull market, so just put it on any stock It means making a lot of money.

If you make less money, you will lose money!

Who doesn’t want to get rich overnight? How many people have lost their money overnight?

How many people line up to jump down on the rooftop of the stock market ? If you follow me, how long will it take you to make a fortune? The stockbroker just thinks it’s funny:

"With a total of only three million dollars, you actually want to get rich overnight? Isn't this nonsense?!"

He threw the stock aside and went about his own business.

He didn't remember such a stock until he was about to eat at noon.

To be honest, an order worth 100,000 yuan is a small order after all, but the order No matter how small they are, they are still meat, so you still have to look at them as usual.

"It’s only one dollar per share. I’m really overly concerned about such a small order."

The stockbroker was just about to row away when he suddenly felt something was wrong!

He quickly rowed back and carefully compared the price - yes!

The price per share is one yuan!

The stockbroker was afraid that he had made a mistake, so he rubbed his eyes vigorously - still One piece!

His expression suddenly changed!


He clearly saw that when Shen Yan bought these stocks, the price was just a few cents! In an hour, the price of this stock has increased tenfold!

The one hundred thousand on paper has become one million!

The stock broker quickly called Ana Shen:

"Mr. Shen, your stock has gone up, it has gone up! Ana

Shen asked casually:

"Has it reached one hundred?"


The stockbroker was speechless. He quickly advised:

"Mr. Shen, although it has not risen to one hundred yuan, this stock has increased tenfold!"

"How about selling it? Shen Yan criticized seriously:

"What I want is to get rich overnight, and this is only ten times... What does that mean?"

"Unless this stock can appreciate to more than one hundred yuan"

"Otherwise, I won't sell it."

The stock broker said earnestly, but Ana Shen was unmoved.

"I see that your professionalism is good. Listen to me. You still have a chance to enter the market before the price rises too much."

The stockbroker smiled bitterly and was speechless.

People are just too greedy.

They always think about getting rich overnight.

If it were so easy to get rich overnight, how could we have a share?

But I have already said what I should say, and I have advised everyone. Don't move.

The stockbroker has long known that he can't persuade him.

He has seen too many things after being in the industry for so long.

However, due to professional ethics, his words are ambiguous..

Otherwise, some people would trouble him because of profit issues.

The stock broker was uneasy. A stock has reached its peak value of ten times.

Is it possible that it can rise again?

Before leaving work, he suddenly reviewed the market. He covered his mouth for a moment, with a ghostly look on his face.

He could see clearly that the stock that Ana Shen bought was only one yuan at noon!

Now it was five yuan!!

It rose fifty times in one day!

What kind of magic stock is this?

The stock broker immediately wanted to call Ana Shen again, but after thinking about it, he finally gave it up.

"The value has increased fifty times... can it still increase in value?"

The stockbroker's face was unsettled.

Reason told him that the basic value of this stock is a small market worth three million. Even if it appreciates in value, it will not rise much. It is extremely easy to become someone else's takeover.

However, there is another A voice said in my mind,

"Buy up or down, take advantage of the fact that few people are aware of it now, if you don’t take action at this time, it will be too late by then."

The stock broker thought of Ana Shen's determined face. He gritted his teeth and invested one hundred thousand yuan!

He said to himself secretly,

"I can't see clearly the trend of this stock, but I can follow the customer's lead"

"If the customer says when to throw it, I will throw it!"

The stock broker paid attention to this stock in the next few days, and then he almost grinned to the back of his head - the stock was like a rocket, rising from five yuan to ten yuan, and from ten yuan to twenty. From twenty to fifty.

By the time everyone in the stock market paid attention to it, the price had already reached one hundred yuan!

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