Chapter 3 Senior Brother Xinzha

"Ding, you conducted a patrol and your understanding is incredible. You have a complete understanding of the situation in the jurisdiction."

"Ding, you conducted a patrol, your understanding is incredible, and your understanding of the situation in the jurisdiction has been greatly improved."

"Congratulations to the host, you are very familiar with the situation in your jurisdiction. Shen

Yan smiled slightly. The scope of application of the golden finger is not as wide as usual.

In actual work, it is also very easy to use.

Shen Yan led the team back to the police station and ordered:

"This concludes today's patrol. After returning to the team, remember to submit your daily patrol report."


His police officers all said in unison:

"yes, sir!"

Shen Yan took off his military uniform and drove to a bar not far away, where Yang Jinrong was already waiting for him.

Yang Jinrong asked:

"Brother Yan, how is work? Ana

Shen shrugged:

"It went very well, and the senior brothers in West Kowloon were very kind to me."

Yang Jinrong smiled,

"Zhuo Kai, Chen Yongren, Xu Fei, Luo Zhiming, Jiang Lang... these people all dropped out of school. The only two of us and Song Zijie who stood out were the rest."

"I believe Brother Yan will definitely make his mark in the police force as soon as possible. Shen

Yanqi said:

"Where is Ajie? Yang

Jinrong shook his head:

"He went to accompany his girlfriend."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

All three of them are handsome men, especially Shen Yan.

Only Song Zijie has a girlfriend, and Yang Jinrong only thinks about work and has no intention of finding a girlfriend.

Shen Yan is the opposite of ordinary Rouge. The vulgar fans are not interested, so they have to look for stunning ones.

Yang Jinrong sighed:

"Before I knew it, I had been working for a year"

"Time flies so fast! Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Do you feel the difference? Yang

Jinrong nodded:


"When we were in school, we really felt that the whole world belonged to us. After we left school, the world would revolve around us."

"Now it seems……"

"Our world is still a little far away. Ana

Shen chuckled and said:

"It’s not too far! Yang

Jinrong told the truth:

"Brother Yan, I can't compare with you"

"You were already a probationary inspector when you graduated, and now you are a formal inspector."

"I just took the probationary inspector exam two days ago"

"I can't reach your level. Ana

Shen comforted:

"Our start has surpassed everyone in the same period"

"Think about Akai, Aren, Afei, Alang... We have been promoted to senior inspectors, I guess they are still Sanchai"

"Most importantly, I don’t know if they can come back."

At this point, the two fell silent.

Is it so easy to be an undercover agent?

That was just a joke.

Yang Jinrong looked around and whispered:

"Brother Yan, I saw Aren the day before yesterday. Ana

Shen's expression changed:

"Where? Yang

Jinrong whispered:

"Tsim Sha Tsui branch cleared the streets and arrested a group of gangsters"

"Ani... is among them"

"I almost didn't recognize him"

"His clothes were all torn, and his nose and face were bruised and swollen."

"I can't help him openly either."

"I only gave him a cup of hot water and a phone number."

"If he is really desperate, at least we two classmates will still be there. Ana

Shen reminded:

"Ah Rong, those undercover colleagues, don’t worry about anything else. Yang

Jinrong's heart moved:

"Is it particular?"

Ana Shen drank the beer in his hand and pulled Yang Jinrong into his car.

"Do you know what the superiors ordered when the undercover agents were sent out? Yang

Jinrong shook his head.

Ana Shen said softly:

"Every undercover agent sent out will be warned"

"Be sure not to identify any undercover agents casually. Yang

Jinrong was shocked:

"Why is this happening? Shen

Yan explained:

"The club is a big dye vat"

"Undercover agents are under tremendous pressure"

"Living in such a state, no one can guarantee whether the undercover agent will deteriorate."

"Not recognizing an undercover agent not only protects yourself, but also protects others. Yang

Jinrong said:

"This is too cruel to the undercover brothers."

"Only one person can endure loneliness and resist pressure. Ana

Shen nodded:


"However, our classmates who went out in that period are all good, and they will withstand the pressure. Yang

Jinrong suddenly sneered.

Ana Shen frowned and said:

"Did you do anything else?"

Yang Jinrong never concealed anything from Ana Shen.

"Jin called me and told me how miserable he was."

Yang Jinrong looked at Ana Shen with a complicated expression,

"Brother Yan, you are right"

"Jin’s boss really has no humanity at all"

"He didn't give Aren any support, he only gave him orders"

"Aren was chased by a hostile group and captured by his own people"

"He almost collapsed"

"He called me to complain and he wanted to evacuate."

Ana Shen took out a Marlboro and gave one to Yang Jinrong.

The two of them never smoked in the police academy. Within three months of joining the police force, they smoked more skillfully than anyone else.

Ana Shen frowned slightly:

"It shouldn't be!"

He analyzed the situation with Yang Jinrong,

"No matter how inhuman a boss is, he will not order people around like this."

"Not even the slightest support is given."

"This is not the attitude of a police officer towards his subordinates"

"No matter how inhumane this officer is, he will still be more or less caring."

"In the final analysis, the inhumane leader wants to get promoted and make a fortune. If he wants to be promoted, he naturally has to let his subordinates gain a firm foothold in the society."

"If you can't even stand firm, what's going on? Ana

Shen was a little disgusted:

"I smelled something disgusting. Yang Jinrong was obviously a little surprised:

"you mean?"

"Is there a conspiracy here? Ana

Shen asked back:

"What do you think? Yang

Jinrong gritted his teeth and said:

"I will remind Aren well when I turn around. Ana

Shen nodded:

"If Ren needs help with anything, just tell me later."

"We don't have enough positions, so we should try to have as little contact with him as possible"

"We investigate secretly. Yang Jinrong smiled and said:

"Brother Yan, I listen to you."

Ana Shen gently patted Yang Jinrong's shoulder, and the two said goodbye.

The next day at work, Ana Shen started his routine patrol again.

"Ding! You have conducted a patrol, and your understanding is incredible. Congratulations to the host for successfully memorizing every location in the jurisdiction and successfully activating the map system."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully lighting up the jurisdiction map"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the map warning system."

Ana Shen was startled, then overjoyed.

He quickly opened the map in his mind.

There was only a small section of the map, which was where they patrolled.

There was a big green dot on the map, representing Shen Yan, and four more The little blue dots were Shen Yan's companions.

There were several white dots on the map, which were harmless Xiangjiang citizens. Shen Yan felt happy. With such a system, it would be much easier for him to patrol.

Map, suddenly, my heart was shocked!

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