Chapter 20 An elegant Ni Yongxiao

In the car, Chen Yongren finally couldn't help but said:

"Ayan, don’t underestimate Ni Yongxiao"

"It took me more than a year in the club to realize that Ah Xiao is particularly scary."

"I heard from those young and Dangerous boys that when Ah Xiao returned to China, no one among the generals of the Ni family except Han Chen obeyed him at all."

"They even want to connect and rebel. Ana

Shen chuckled and said:

"So why did they rebel?"

Chen Yongren was startled:

"Are they not convinced by Ah Xiao? Ana

Shen asked back,

"What was the date on which Ni Kun died?"

Chen Yongren thought for a while,

"It seems to be the 14th?"

Ana Shen revealed the answer,

"On the 14th, it was the day when Gandhi and the other five bosses handed over their plans to the Ni family."

"The deeper reason why these people gather together is fear!"

Chen Yongren was stunned,

"Fear? Shen

Yan said to Lu Qichang:

"Huang Zhicheng didn't say anything to Aren?"

Lu Qichang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Chen Yongren was so ignorant that he didn't even understand the basic principles of the world.

Huang Zhicheng really didn't give him any help.

Chen Yongren asked:

"What's the meaning?"

Ana Shen sighed,

"The 14th is the day when Gandhi, Guohua, Nigui, Wen Zheng, Han Chen and other five priests report to the Ni family."

"It happened that on this day, Ni Kun was shot and killed."

"Let me ask you, who killed Ni Kun?"

The expression on Chen Yongren's face is wonderful,

"Could it be these five big guys? Ana

Shen chuckled and said,

"Anyway, the five big guys must be scared themselves. Maybe they all think that each other killed Ni Kun."

"When they got together, they certainly looked down upon Ni Yongxiao."

"On the other hand, it is about protecting yourself. Chen

Yongren said in surprise:


Ana Shen mocked,

"if not?"

"Go ask these five guys who killed Ni Kun?"

"I can guarantee that the five of them will definitely guess that the murderer is among the five of them."


Chen Yongren gasped.

Lu Qichang said,

"Ren, you have wasted the past year and a half."

"After returning to the police force, learn more from Sir Shen"

"You must improve yourself well."

Chen Yongren immediately said yes.

Ana Shen chuckled and said,

"Ni Yongxiao is very powerful"

"You don’t need to remind me about this"

"However, maybe the two of us have completely different understandings"

"In my opinion, Ni Yongxiao is a good partner."

Chen Yongren opened his mouth wide:

"Do you want to discuss cooperation with Ah Xiao? Ana

Shen asked back,


Chen Yongren shook his head,

"Ah Xiao would not agree."

Ana Shen smiled,

"My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours"

"He will agree."

Chen Yongren was puzzled. Ni Yongxiao is a well-known Tsim Sha Tsui boss and a brain-eater.

How can he cooperate with the police?

Ni Yongxiao is the current head of the Ni family and a well-known boss in the world.

He met with the police?

However, it was completely Contrary to his expectations, Ni Yongxiao actually opened the door of the villa and came out to greet them in person.

Especially when he saw Chen Yongren, Ni Yongxiao was even more happy.

"Aren, you are back."

Chen Yongren was silent and didn't speak.

Ni Yongxiao didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, his brother's coming back was already a very good start.

After everyone introduced each other, Ni Yongxiao arranged for people to serve tea.

Although it was not the first time that Chen Yongren met I couldn't believe it when I saw him.

Is this the feared boss Ni Yongxiao? Looking at him from side to side, he looks like a scholar. Elegant and easy-going. He looked like a scholar. No wonder Gandhi and Guohua wanted to rebel. When they first saw Ni Yongxiao, they couldn't help but think. Are you going to rebel? This guy is obviously a scholar. Ni Yongxiao asked happily and curiously:"Two police officers, what did you learn from this visit?" Ana Shen corrected,

"Not two police officers, but three police officers."

Ni Yongxiao's expression changed, and then he recovered:

"You mean, Jin is also a policeman? Ana

Shen smiled and said,

"When you first met him, didn't you know that he was in the police academy?"

Ni Yongxiao looked at Chen Yongren with an incomprehensible expression. After a while, he suddenly smiled:

"fair enough."

Chen Yongren didn't know why, what would be good?

Ana Shen clapped his hands and said,

"We came here this time to tell Mr. Ni two things."

He looked around,

"Why don't we two take a moment to talk?"

Ni Yongxiao was particularly surprised.

"Among the three police officers, isn’t Inspector Lu the highest in rank? Lu

Qichang immediately said:

"What Sir Shen means is what I mean."

He stretched out his hand and said,

"You two are welcome."

Ni Yongxiao showed a look of surprise. Shen Yan was obviously about the same age as Chen Yongren, but he could actually make the decision?

He stood up and smiled,

"I really want to know what Sir Shen can teach me. Ana

Shen said lightly,

"There's no point in giving advice, but there are some private words."

The two of them arrived on the balcony.

Ni Yongxiao took out a thin cigar and gave one to Ana Shen. The two lit it and puffed for a while before he asked,

"Sir Shen, if you have anything to say, you can say it now. It is safe here. Ana

Shen said softly,

"What did you think when you saw Aren becoming a police officer? Ni

Yongxiao smiled and said:


"Really good"

"When dad was alive, he always asked us to be good people and live our own lives."

"When we were young, he warned us sternly not to join the underworld, join gangs, or get involved in the family business."

"He often said that sooner or later he would have to pay back his money. Shen

Yan said bluntly,

"I have a lot of ill will towards Ni Kun. He sold drugs and caused many families to be destroyed."

"Ironically, he wants his children to live an ordinary life"

"Don't do it to others……"

"I have to say that Ni Kun’s education for his children is still in place."

"The eldest son is a doctor, the eldest daughter is married to a good family, and you are a top student who has returned to China. Even the former Aren, although he was idle, he did not join the underworld."

"This is something to be thankful for. Ni

Yongxiao frowned and asked:

"How could Aren become a policeman? Ana

Shen said with a dark face:

"There is a bastard who wants to be undercover on the road so that he can attract your attention and finally go undercover at Ni's house."

Ni Yongxiao paused:


Ana Shen mocked,

"Don't you know?"

"Why pretend not to know again?"

Ni Yongxiao smiled, looking at Wen Wenya, the cold light in his eyes made people shudder.

"Thanks for letting me know, I'll find someone to greet him properly."

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