Chapter 189: Let all societies work for us in the future!

The plane was shaking!

Ever since the big boss paid him one million dollars in silver paper, he knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

One million!

He didn't even know he was worth a million.

Airplane knew he had a big opportunity, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

If what the boss said is successful, then his previous goal will be pitiful.

What a bullshit club. No matter how long you hang out in the club, you will only be a short mule.

Can you walk on the street by yourself openly?

As long as any boss dares to be so stupid, there will definitely be countless swordsmen who will chop you into pieces. There are so many bad guys who want to kill a certain boss to get to the top that you can't even count.

Can I go to the bank to deposit money?

There should be someone with the means to launder money.

Can I go to high society?

None of the bad guys from the gang are qualified.

Even in the era of Lei Luo and Long Chengbang, there were no such people!

The plane roared in his heart:"I actually have a chance to become a human master!"

"Really special���Unbelievable!"

He made up his mind, and he would go wherever his boss told him to go.

The plane was stubborn, but he had one good thing, loyalty!

Jimmy also felt his blood boiling, and suddenly he calmed down and asked:

"Boss, do you really want He Liansheng to go ashore?"

Sister-in-law D was slightly startled:

"what do you want to say?"

She ordered the two of them,

"Don't call me boss, call me sister Meiqi."

Jimmy said softly:

"Sister Meiqi"

"Sir Shen doesn't like to see the club, let alone the guys who have lost their fans."

"Some time ago, Han Chen Group was abolished"

"The Zhongqing Society, which had followers, was also abolished."

"Currently, there is only one club selling powder within the jurisdiction of the Crime Branch of the West Kowloon Headquarters"

"If I remember correctly, that's Dongxing Club"

"According to Sir Shen's style, Dongxing Club will not survive for long."

The plane looked at him like a ghost,

"Dongxing Club is one of the top big clubs"

"There are a total of 40,000 people under his command!"

Jimmy said calmly:

"so what?"

"Are there few people in Zhongqing Club?"

"Not 40,000 to 50,000?"

"But now, where do you see the Zhongqing Society?"

"Those with human lives on their hands were either killed or imprisoned in Stanley"

"Among those who smuggled drugs, except for a few who escaped and entered the East Star Club, the rest were all finished."

"What has become of the huge Zhongqing Society now?"

"It’s completely history, right?"

"There is also Xin Liansheng, which was transformed before."

587"They were the first to give up the white powder trade."

"If there is no connection between them, I will never believe it!"

The plane was stunned.

After thinking about it, he actually felt that what Jimmy said really made sense!

"Sister Meiqi, I think Sir Shen’s goal is not to let us and Liansheng go ashore."

"He wants to eradicate the He Liansheng society!"


Mrs. D and the plane gasped at the same time.

The plane couldn't help but said:

"Is Mr. Le going to burn bridges? Jimmy smiled slightly and said:

"No, how could a boss as big as Mr. Le do something with no taste?"

The plane said puzzledly:

"Then didn't you just say that Mr. Le wanted to let He Liansheng perish? Jimmy agreed:

"That’s right!"

He explained,

"The two of us worship Sister Meiqi, and whether she lives or dies with Liansheng is none of our business!"


I thought about it carefully.

It seems to be true.

He and Jimmy's boss are Big D's wife, not some bullshit Big D, and they are not from Heliansheng. So whether Helianshenghuo is alive or dead ? Who cares about them?

Sister D took out a lady's cigarette and lit it slowly:

"You are right!"

"Whether He Liansheng goes ashore or not is none of our business."

"All we have to do is one thing"

"Complete Sister Zhen’s instructions!"

Jimmy and the plane looked at each other and nodded in unison:

"Yes, Sister Meiqi! Sister-in-law D said calmly:

"this is an opportunity"

"You know how important this opportunity is"

"Sister Zhen is very ambitious"

"In the New Territories alone, at least four factories need to be built"

"The construction cost of each factory is at least HK$300 million."

"Do you know what this means?"

The plane said blankly:

"What does it mean?"

Big D's sister-in-law smiled:

"Opportunity to make a fortune!"

The plane was stunned:

"Make a fortune?"

Jimmy explained:

"If you have someone in your hands, then set up a construction company or a building materials company. As long as Sister Meiqi shows a little bit, it will be enough for you to eat."

"This is different from the society making money from side jobs. All the money was earned from the normal business."

"You can even become a rising star in the construction industry because of these big projects"

"If you miss this village, you won’t have this store!"

The plane smiled bitterly and said:

"I have no money and no one!"

"Even if you have the intention, you are powerless. Sister-in-law D said calmly:

"You two are my right and left hands, there is no need to do such a thing at all."

"Follow me and do things well, I won’t let you down!"

The two nodded in unison.

Jimmy suddenly asked:

"Sister Meiqi, do you want to join in?"

Sister-in-law D asked:

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

Jimmy smiled:

"Mr. Le hinted openly and covertly that we were causing trouble, and even specially granted you 30 million in silver paper."

"I think you can do a lot of things as long as you take out 10 million pieces of silver paper. Sister-in-law D smiled and said:

"Are you saying that Heliansheng is recruiting workers?"

Jimmy shrugged. He felt very happy.

Smart people speak clearly.

If you don't talk to Big D clearly, this guy will never understand what he means.

"The short mules who come out to join society are all there for money."

"Let alone 10 million in silver paper, even if it's 100,000 or 80,000, there are still a lot of people working for it."

"If they need money, we will���Fang Fang took out the money"

"Make sure they take the bait!"

Sister-in-law D praised:

"As expected of my arm, then, how to eliminate He Liansheng?"

Jimmy glanced at Sister D through the rearview mirror and said cautiously:

"I think we can wait and see what happens."

Sister-in-law D frowned slightly:

"What's the reason?"

Jimmy spoke more and more carefully:

"Big D won't give up so easily."

"I can see through his eyes, he has never given up his obsession with Liansheng Leader"

"I think if we don’t move, Big D will have to fight with Lin Huaile. Sister-in-law D said calmly:

"Lin Huaile is a hypocrite. If Big D doesn’t provoke him, he probably won’t go to Big D to cause trouble."

"Although Lin Huaile is a talker, his power is not as good as Big D"

"If Lin Huaile was smart enough, he would never respond to Big D’s matter"

"It's a pity that this guy's desire for power is too strong"

"Just do as you say, we don't have to do anything, just wait for Big D to be stupid."

This is not going to be easy for Jimmy and the plane.


Le Huizhen finished her day's work briskly and returned to the large villa on the top of Victoria Peak.

She began to prepare dinner for the two of them.

The villa in Taipingshan is very big, and he cannot clean it alone.

Le Huizhen hired a lot of workers, including housekeepers, gardeners, nannies, and of course chefs.

However, everything else can be given to workers except breakfast and dinner.

She wanted to do it with her own hands.

Le Huizhen always remembered what Ana Shen said to him: Love means two people eating a lot of meals together.

In this hectic era, both husband and wife have their hands full with work.

In addition to being able to gather together at night, we can also get together occasionally during holidays.

Seriously, all the colleagues in the company have stayed longer than the couple.

Do not believe?

When I get home at night, I plan to go to bed within four hours.

How to increase feelings while sleeping?

But the time you spend with your colleagues will be greatly exceeded.

Le Huizhen cherished the time she spent with Ana Shen, and she prepared breakfast and dinner herself.

As long as she comes home on time, she will cook all the meals.

If his wife cooks for him, Ana Shen will naturally not refuse.

These traditions are still preserved in Xiangjiang and Wanwan - men are the masters outside and women are the masters inside.

While they were eating, the two of them communicated with each other about things they encountered at work.

Le Huizhen told the story about Sister D.

Ana Shen was happy when she heard this:

"Meiqi actually had some tricks up her sleeve, and she actually made money from Yutoubiao's top horse, Airplane, and Guan Zisen's top horse, Jimmy."

"These two people are her good helpers. Le

Huizhen said curiously:

"Hey, do you think highly of these two people?"

"If Jianjun hadn't seen the two people's unwillingness to admit defeat, he would have vetoed it directly."

Ana Shen laughed dumbly:

"Jianjun has been on the battlefield. If it weren't for the prisoner killing incident, he would have been promoted long ago."

"How could the short mule of the society get into his eyes. Le

Huizhen then said:

"I don't understand, why do you choose people from the society?"

"Even if we are selecting people within the club, Xin Liansheng and the Ni family have a lot of mature people."

"Wouldn’t it be great to choose them? Ana

Shen smiled and shook his head:

"No no no!"

"I will not touch the people from Xin Liansheng and the Ni family."

"At least until they settle down in the next ten years, I won't move."

"Both of these companies have transformed from associations, and their hearts have not yet been completely settled."

"Only after a long period of hard work can they completely wash away their charlatanism and truly transform into a white-legged enterprise."

"At this time, they can only be as stable as possible."

Ana Shen simply put down the chopsticks in his hand and explained the matter to Le Huizhen.

"My goal is to eliminate the societies in Xiangjiang"

"There are only two ways to eliminate societies"

"One is physical elimination, the other is subtle elimination"

"Physical elimination is very simple, but it is impossible to completely eliminate a large society!"

"There are not enough prisons in Hong Kong to house that many people"

"The subtle elimination is like what New Lian Sheng did, directly transferring tens of thousands of young and Dangerous boys into workers"

"Which one do you think is better?"

Le Huizhen chose the second option without any doubt.

Ana Shen smiled and said:

"Then the rest is very simple"

"The strongest fortresses only have their weakest point inside."

"It would be easiest to let He Liansheng arrange their future."

"It won't alarm them or cause them to backlash. Le

Huizhen frowned and said:

"Aren't you afraid that the vacant site with Liansheng will let other associations come in? Ana

Shen laughed:

"Is there room for other associations to survive in Xin Lian Sheng's territory?"

Le Huizhen was stunned for a moment:

"Maybe not! Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"of course not!"

"Brilliant established a security team"

"He gathered together the most capable red sticks from the various clubs in Xin Liansheng, and then selected some honest and loyal guys to train every day."

"To this end, he even invited police instructors to give them training courses"

"Xin Liansheng is bleaching their names and will never allow anyone to discredit them."

"The role of the brilliant security team is that once anyone wants to come over and set up a flag, the brilliant team will be dispatched"

"These people all have formal security licenses, and a considerable number of them even have gun licenses!"

"They can shoot if it's legal!"

"Whoever gets over the line will be beaten by Glory!"

"At first there were still people who didn't believe in evil, but after being beaten by Huihuang for a few months, all the clubs understood"

"Even though Xin Liansheng has been cleared, they are still firmly holding on to their territory!"

"What is most intolerable to these Jianghu societies is that"

"Hui Hui not only dragged the security team to fight, he also called the police, saying that someone was carrying out triad operations around their workplace!"

Le Huizhen was stunned.

Brilliance doesn't give people a way to survive!

Le Huizhen's eyes are filled with admiration:

"Husband, you are so great! Ana

Shen smiled and shook his head:


"No, no, no, I just want to clear out the club and ask them to give it to me���Just a little money"

"Forgotten New Liansheng Group or Ni Family or He Liansheng in the future"

"They all work for me!"

Le Huizhen suddenly realized.

Yes, these clubs are all migrant workers.

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"If they are ordinary workers, they will think that working there is still a part-time job anyway, why should I work for you?"

"But it’s different when you switch to workers in a society."

"Those people have suffered enough since childhood"

"Except for some people with cerebral palsy, who the hell would want to join society if they couldn't take the right path!"

"Compared to ordinary people, they want to find a serious job but no one hires them."

"Finally, they have a serious job in front of them. What do you think they will do? Le

Huizhen smiled like a flower:

"Cherish it very much!"

Ana Shen spread his hands,

"Look, isn’t this the end?"

"While eliminating associations, maintaining social stability"

"On the other hand, let these community members work for us honestly and make money for us"

"Isn't this a matter of killing two birds with one stone? Le

Huizhen shouted:

"From now on, let all social groups in Xiangjiang work for us! Ana

Shen laughed loudly:

"Isn't this what it should be?!"

Only then did Le Huizhen understand Shen Yan's plan. What does it mean to know people and be kind to them?

She was looking forward to Shen Yan's vision - to make all the clubs in Xiangjiang work for her. The scene was very exciting just thinking about it!

Le Huizhen Suddenly he was moved by emotion, he came to Ana Shen slowly, and suddenly shouted with his voice:

"Old man! Ana

Shen was excited and saw Le Huizhen squatting in front of him, eating the big baguette crazily!.

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