Chapter 18 The scariest thing is the human heart.

Chen Yongren’s face turned red and he said after a while,

"Aren’t all our other colleagues in the police force like this?"

"There is a single line of communication with superiors"

"You can only rely on yourself to integrate into the community."

Ana Shen sneered,

"Listen to his nonsense"

"If that's the case, let him go undercover."

"Even if you really want to go undercover, you must create a good environment for you. If nothing else, at least you must have good opportunities to integrate into the club."

"Where is it like now, you have been in society for more than a year and you are still a gangster."

Chen Yongren's face turned red.

"My ability is poor. Shen

Yan said to Lu Qichang,

"Huang Zhicheng is really good at controlling his subordinates. Look at Aren, she has been brainwashed by him."

Lu Qichang said bluntly,

"Ah Ren, Huang Zhicheng has been expelled from the police force. Please stop completing your mission."

Chen Yongren was shocked:

"Aren’t you going to take care of the Ni family? Lu

Qichang said in a deep voice:

"The Ni family needs to be dealt with, and according to the rules, you should avoid it."

The principle of avoidance of relatives applies everywhere.

Chen Yongren said quickly:

"However, without me, it would not be easy for you to deal with the Ni family, right?"

Shen Yan and Lu Qichang looked at each other and were both shocked.

Chen Yongren was such a brilliant student in the police academy, otherwise, Lu Qichang would not have paid attention to him at that time.

What he said now was shockingly childish.

Shen Yan Looking at Chen Yongren funny:

"Without your presence, we wouldn't deal with the Ni family?"

Chen Yongren was startled.

Shen Yan pointed at Lu Qichang:

"Brother Chang sent people to break into the Ni family a long time ago"

"Now it has reached a height that you can't imagine"

"As for you, you are still a gangster on the street, and you haven’t even come close to the Ni family."

"If I continue to put you here, I'm afraid you won't be able to get close to the Ni family for several years."

"The Ni family is just a drug-trafficking family, so forget it if we didn’t pay attention."

"Now pay attention, where can you waste so much time on them?"

Chen Yongren said in shock,

"Then why did Huang Zhicheng send me undercover?"

Lu Qichang sighed,

"Two reasons"

"The undercover agents of our police force usually only have one-way contact. I sent an undercover agent to the Ni family, but Huang Zhicheng didn’t know."

"He sent an undercover agent to the Ni family, and I didn’t know either."

"By the way, he sent more than one undercover agent to the Ni family. Shen

Yan sneered,

"We really have a lot of police force."

Lu Qichang whispered,

"This is also something that can't be helped"

"The safety of informants must be protected."

Ana Shen curled her lips and said nothing.

"Another reason is that Huang Zhicheng is not well-intentioned"

"I'm afraid you don't know that Huang Zhicheng and the general of the Ni family, Han Chen, are still in love with each other."

"You have such a deep relationship with the Ni family, how can he really dare to use you with confidence?"

"You are just an outpost arranged by Huang Zhicheng."

"I even think that if you had any bond with the Ni family, he would even do it to you!"

Chen Yongren laughed dryly and said,

"Will not."

Lu Qichang said with a bitter smile,

"I thought he wouldn't do it before"

"However, what he did was quite outrageous. After a pause, Lu Qichang turned around and asked Ana Shen,

"Should I tell Jin something?"

Ana Shen understood what he was thinking, so he said,

"Aren is our brother, we must tell him both in public and private matters."

Chen Yongren was a little uneasy,

"Ayan, what do you want to tell me?"

Lu Qichang said in a deep voice,

"Ni Kun was killed, you know, right?"

Chen Yongren didn't know why.

"I know, we will know one day"

"Ah Xiao led someone to find me, that's what he said."

He was a little unhappy,

"If it weren't for this, I would be patrolling the streets right now."

Chen Yongren was particularly unhappy. Because of Ni Kun, others doubted his desire to be a good person. He finally applied for the police academy and wanted to be a good policeman from now on. Unexpectedly, Ni Yongxiao actually brought people to notify Ni with great fanfare.

Chen Yongren has always been worried about Kun's death.

Lu Qichang sighed and said with a complicated expression.

"Ni Kun was shot dead. The murderer is unknown."

"The messenger behind it was found."

Chen Yongren asked involuntarily,


Lu Qichang and Shen Yan looked at each other and shook their heads secretly.

Ni Kun is Chen Yongren's biological father after all. Even if there is no family relationship between the two, he still cares about the person who killed Ni Kun.

Lu Qichang said solemnly,

"Huang Zhicheng and Mary."

Chen Yongren's eyes widened and he even couldn't help but pick his ears, for fear that he had heard wrongly.


Lu Qichang sighed lightly,

"Huang Zhicheng instigated Mary to kill Ni Kun!"

Chen Yongren's eyes were wide open and he couldn't believe it at all.

"He instigated Mary to send someone to kill Ni Kun, and he also wanted to send me to the Ni family as an undercover agent?"

"What on earth was he thinking? Shen

Yan said bluntly,

"It's a shame to be a thief"

"Why do you think he doesn't give you any help at all?"

Chen Yongren said in shock,

"Could it be……"

Ana Shen mocked,

"On the one hand, he is taking advantage of your identity as the illegitimate son of Ni Kun, but on the other hand, he is concerned about your identity."

"No matter what, you have the blood of the Ni family flowing in your body."

"No matter how bad your relationship with Ni Kun is, it will always be different in the eyes of caring people."

Chen Yongren said expressionlessly,

"In other words, if Huang Zhicheng wants to use me, he still has to be on guard against me? Ana

Shen asked back,

"if not?"

Chen Yongren's face was a little distorted.

Ana Shen sneered and said,

"The most terrifying thing in this world is the human heart. Do you think Huang Zhicheng really cares for you?"

"Then you are wrong"

"As Ni Kun's illegitimate son, he is destined to not make it easy for you."

"You will become his tool to climb up"

"Huang Zhicheng will never dare to let you be a real policeman"

"He hopes that as few people know your identity as possible."

Chen Yongren rubbed his face vigorously,

"Ayan, you were right at the time, my boss is really inhumane."

Ana Shen shook his head,

"You are wrong, he is not inhumane, he is too humane"

"Huang Zhicheng has actually been afraid of you"

"He is afraid that one day, you will discover the truth"

"What to do then?"

Chen Yongren's face was dull, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Ana Shen gently patted Chen Yongren's shoulder.

"Well, welcome back to your normal identity."

Chen Yongren looked at Lu Qichang in surprise, and the latter nodded.

"Ayan is right, you are welcome to return."

Chen Yongren subconsciously wanted to stand at attention, but was stopped by Lu Qichang.

"This is outside, not inside the police force. My brother, you don’t have to be polite."

Chen Yongren immediately forgot about Huang Zhicheng's matter and was very excited.

"Who do I report to? Ana

Shen was very surprised:

"Of course I reported it to Sir Lu. Do you still want to wear military uniform?"

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