And over the years, when "Big Mouth Ying" helped Uncle Tong take care of the smuggling business, he had been safe, and it was smooth, why should people take this risk to let him get involved and come out to mix, especially at Uncle Tong's age, isn't it just seeking stability.

are already people of their uncle's generation, and they want to become bigger and stronger and create brilliant campaign talkers

Besides, even if you want to choose the speaker, and Liansheng's real boss Fat Deng doesn't agree, how can you still come out to choose the speaker after your sixtieth birthday, and the term of office of the speaker system with Liansheng is only two years, and you can't be re-elected, to be honest, it's not interesting to be this kind of talker, and you have to be on the blacklist of the bad guy when you talk about it, and there is a bad guy who comes to the door immediately after a little thing, and he hasn't seen it in the past two years.

It is not for nothing that blowing chicken is the most powerful person in the history of Liansheng, first of all, because of Fat Deng's one-handed balance system, the previous speakers are not the strongest, of course, they are not the weakest, a year ago, the strength of the blowing chicken in Heliansheng is actually still okay, it can't be said to be the strongest, but it is not the weakest, otherwise he would be embarrassed to come out and choose the speaker.

But since the top speaker, to be honest, the strength of the blowing chicken is getting weaker and weaker, although it is not as good as in the movie, there are only two bars left, but it is almost the same, and now there may be a few saunas and horse pens...

He wondered if it was the last time he was campaigning for the speaker, he blew the chicken and said that he was not qualified enough because of the big D who fished without a helmet for more than a year, and the big D brother who fished without a helmet was crazy for more than a year, and today he played with Hongxing to call the number gang tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow to play Dongxing, anyway, for more than a year, the most powerful thing in the whole and Liansheng is the big D brother who fishes without a helmet.

However, this big D brother who fishes without a helmet is indeed fierce enough, and in the past year or so, others have been getting poorer and poorer, and he has become richer and richer, and he just drove the "Tyrannosaurus" of the number gang out of Tsuen Wan last month.

is also because the big D brother who does not wear a helmet has been too active for more than a year, resulting in the blowing of the chicken, the person who is the subject of Liansheng, being invited to drink milk tea five days a week, which is more punctual than the school class, and there are two days because the bad guy also has to take two days off...

And because of blowing chickens, he was invited to drink milk tea five days a week, and someone in his own territory came to make trouble.

This has also led to more than a year of time, and there are fewer and fewer chicken-blowing chickens whose strength is not outstanding, if it weren't for the fact that this hanging hair is a person who is a person who is not a person who is not a person in the movie, but he has to give him some face and leave him some territory to support his family, it is estimated that he will become the first person in the history of Liansheng who does not even have a territory.

Don't look at Ah Le's Jordan chassis is small, Jordan is located in Yau Tsim Mong, which is the most prosperous area of the entire Hong Kong Island like Wan Chai, with major gangs, and can occupy the whole Jordan in Yau Tsim Mong, although the strength is not as strong as the big D that makes Tsuen Wan all the same, but it is also ranked number one in the whole Helian Sheng, at least much stronger than Chen Dong's boss Uncle Tong, his boss Uncle Tong's territory is also in Mong Kok in Yau Tsim Mong, but there are only five streets, two of which he led people to fight down, which are the two streets he is looking at now。

Although Uncle Tong said that he gave him two streets, it was also because he pushed the boat down the river....

Like Uncle Tong is old, and he has lost the momentum of his youth, I heard that some time ago he was ready to let his wife and children immigrate, and after two years, he almost got the seat and gave up his position, either to "Big Mouth Ying" or to him, and he took his wife and children abroad to live for a long time, this is the practice of most of the old people in the community, when he was young, although he couldn't be a talker, he could also be a boss, and when he was old, he took the whole family to immigrate.

So Uncle Tong is bent on stability at this time, since he has used "Big Mouth Ying" for so many years and has never had an accident, of course, he will not blindly let him go to mess up, although the two tigers compete with each other is a means to play balance, but it is also easy to have problems.

He now says that he is the head horse of the same uncle, that is because he got a novice gift package, so that he can play a little bit, but when it comes to his own son, he has followed him for more than ten years "Big Mouth Ying", he is not even qualified to meddle in the smuggling business, let alone have any intersection with selling fish Biao The younger brother came to his field to ship, but he didn't have any contact, and they were all "selling fish biao" and talking to the bosses of the same uncle.

"Declining boy, you don't have any contact with the little brother who usually sells fish biao when he ships to your yard?"

"Deadly scissor legs" + "Gun of Kindness" slanted a glance, and the eldest nephew said angrily.

"Big guy, those are all "selling fish biao" and my boss to talk about, I don't count, I never touch that thing, the field is what I watch, but I still have a boss above, I can't help it, they all say that my nephew is more like an uncle, don't you know who I am, although I am a dwarf mule, but I am also a dwarf mule with a moral bottom line!"

Seeing the eyes of this dead fat man, Chen Dong spread his hands with black lines.

Although he is different from gambling and drugs, but this thing can't be banned in today's environment, you don't do a lot of people, Lu Xun said: When the profit reaches 100%, the wife and children also say that they will sell it, not to mention that the profit of that thing is more than 1,000 percent, this Nima short financial road is like killing parents, okay?

Besides, you must not be an alternative when you come out to mix, otherwise you don't know when you will be stabbed twice in the back by your own people, all he can do is ensure that he doesn't touch the thing that cuts off his grandchildren is already the biggest limit, after all, the younger brother below is also going to make a fortune.

Who doesn't want to get rich when they come out to mix?

You must know that he usually uses his own money to pay his younger brother's salary, but fortunately, his younger brother is not very many, and he can barely afford it.

It's also that his system is too rubbish.,Can't speak and can't move.,Except for a newbie gift pack and a property page when I was bound at the beginning, there was no movement at all.。

There is no task reward mode, point mall, lottery mode, otherwise he wouldn't be so hard.

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