Chapter 99

This time, the covers of the various newspapers were very unified, and it was the scene of Huang Qifa’s interview.

Moreover, the newspaper used bright red fonts with a large line: How can the decaying Xiangjiang police ensure the safety of citizens?

You don’t even need to deliberately exaggerate, just this one title is enough.

At this moment, all senior police officers in Hong Kong are holding meetings at the police headquarters to discuss how to respond to terrorist attacks.

“Flying Tigers have set off, presumably it should have arrived at this moment. As soon as the Flying Tigers arrive, these terrorists will inevitably give their heads.” As the leader of the Flying Tigers, he stood up and said with a confident expression.

“It’s just that it’s easy to deal with terrorists, and the hostages may be killed or injured.”

“There is no other way. There are more than 3,000 hostages, and everyone should understand how difficult it is to rescue them.”

“More than 3,000 hostages, even if they were killed or injured, would understand it compared to the citizens.”

This time, the police has reached a unified opinion and dispatched the Flying Tigers to eliminate terrorists as quickly as possible.

Only in this way can the international terrorists be deterred, and even if some hostages are killed or injured, there is no way.

It’s just that the students of Smith International School are all the children of celebrities in politics and business circles. When the matter is over, the police are busy.

At this moment, the phone of the chief of police suddenly rang.

Originally, no one was allowed to bring a phone in the conference room, but he was the Chief of Police and the brother of the police force. Who would dare to say nothing when he brought the phone?

“Hello?” The Commissioner of Police answered the phone and said casually.

In the next second, a roar came from the phone.

“Hey, please, can you, the Chief of Police, do it? You can’t do it right away. If such a big thing happened, what did the Chief of Police do?”

The curses on the phone were extremely loud, and the conference room was originally empty, and now the big brother’s voice is usually loud.

Therefore, all the senior police officers in the entire conference room heard that their brother, the Chief of Police, was scolded.

However, no one dared to speak alone, and even the Commissioner of Police did not dare to speak.

Until the other party got tired of scolding and stopped for a while, the Commissioner of Police said, “Hong Kong Governor, what’s the matter with you? There was such a big fire. 々?”

Even at this moment, the Chief of Police’s grievances and the flames in his heart can only be held back, and can only be pleased.

Who made the other party the Governor of Hong Kong?

“What’s wrong with me? Then you have to ask your superintendent Huang Qifa good, do you know that just ten minutes ago, Laozi’s phone was blown up.” The more you think about it, the more angry the Hong Kong inspector becomes.

However, the scolding was also cursed, and the anger had subsided a lot, and he did not scold him again.

“Huang Qifa?”(Read more @

The first brother of the police force was stunned when he heard the name. The name was so unfamiliar, he didn’t even know it.

“You should take a good look at the live broadcast of ATV and you will know what’s going on.”

After all, the Governor directly hung up the phone.

“Come on, immediately move in to a TV to broadcast the live broadcast of ATV.” The Chief of Police said with an ugly face.

At this time, there is no one who does not open his eyes to provoke the Director. Everyone knows that the Director has just been scolded by the Governor, and he must be angry at this moment.

In less than a minute, the TV outside was moved in.

Then open it to play the content of ATV live broadcast.


As soon as I turned on the TV and heard Huang Qifa’s speech on the TV, the director suddenly looked furious.

“Which police district is this?” The chief was furious and stood up while patting the table.

Listen, what is Huang Qiqihar’s name? What nonsense it said, no wonder the Governor is so angry.

Let alone the Governor of Hong Kong, the Director is almost outraged at the moment.

“This seems to be the boundary of West Kowloon.” The chief superintendent of East Kowloon on the side suddenly said.

“Yes, Smith International School is under the jurisdiction of West Kowloon Region.”

At this moment, the heads of other regions, chief superintendents, and senior superintendents were relieved.

As long as it is not one of your own subordinates, you are a dead dao friend but not a poor dao.

“Old Zhan, tell me, who is this person?” The director looked at Uncle Zhan with an ugly expression.

Uncle Zhan, but an old man in the police force, when he was a sergeant, the Commissioner of Police was only a numbering police officer.

For Uncle Zhan, the director is usually considered to be a face.


Uncle Zhan stood up, feeling bitter in his heart. He had long known that he would not come. He was a deputy who could have not come, but who made the Chief of Police of West Kowloon have a cold, so he was not here, so he had to come. .

“This person is called Huang Qifa. He is a senior inspector in the Kowloon City District, Kowloon City District.” Uncle Zhan stood up and reported.

For his subordinates, especially those above the inspector level, Uncle Zhan knows, let alone Huang Qifa is a senior inspector.

“. “Please don’t worry, the director, after you go back, you must properly handle this Huang Qifa and give everyone an explanation.” Uncle Zhan said with a serious face.

“Okay, then I’ll wait for your confession.” The director thought for a while, but still gave Uncle Zhan a face and let Uncle Zhan deal with this Huang Qiqiu by himself.

Then he looked at others: “Now, how can I restore the reputation of the police force?”

Now, the most difficult thing is this, because a sentence inspired by Huang just now puts the police in a passive position.

Once something happens, it will be irreparable.

“If I want to tell you, I’d better withdraw the Flying Tigers first. It’s not a good time to attack now.” Suddenly, the senior superintendent of the Security Department spoke.

If it were before, the Flying Tigers attacked, even if it was killed or injured some hostages, but as long as these terrorists can be quickly cleaned up, the citizens of Xiangjiang would not say much.

After all, if you want to save people under the hands of terrorists, how is it possible that a hostage will not die.

But now the situation is not the same (of Nono’s).

After this happened, if the hostage died again, it would be even more out of control.

“Yes, the most important thing at the moment is that the death of hostages can no longer happen.”

“Yes, I agree”


In less than three seconds, all senior police officers in the conference room raised their hands to agree.

Even the head of the Flying Tigers agreed.

Now it’s not about the success or failure of the Flying Tigers, but about the entire police force. What should we do next?

“The key now is, after the Flying Tigers cease operations, who will take over the case on the police side?”

“I suggest that it is better to let the senior inspector of Wan Chai District, Chen Jiaju, go out.”

Chen Jiaju, before Su Yu appeared, had always been an icon of the police force.

Until Su Yu appeared, Chen Jiaju was overwhelmed by the campus shooter case and the terrorist hijacking case of the Fortune. .

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