Chapter 89

“Wow, it turns out that Teacher He was an undercover when you met your boyfriend.” Sandy said with a surprised look on her face.

Undercover, it’s often performed on TV, so cool.

“Yes, later…” He Min nodded, and then talked about Su Yu’s deeds.

“Teacher He, I envy you so much. It turns out that your boyfriend is the legendary police star Su Yu, Su Sir.” Sandi looked at He Min with envy.

“What? Do you know him?” He Min looked at Sandi in surprise.

Generally speaking, Su Yu’s name is only circulated in the police and Xiangjiang associations, and the citizens of Xiangjiang also know it, but not many people usually remember it.

“Of course, Su Sir’s campus shootings and the Fugui smashed the terrorists and saved so many hostages. It was amazing.” Sandi nodded vigorously, and then said: “Su Sir is my idol. It’s just that I’ve never been able to see it. I’m all right now. It turns out that Su Sir is the boyfriend of Teacher He. It seems that I will be able to see my idol with my own eyes in the future.”

Sandy at this moment is like a little girl chasing stars, but it doesn’t need to be that others are chasing stars, and Sandy is chasing police officers.

“Okay, when I have time, I will show you to him.” He Min said casually.

“That’s great.” Sandy’s face was full of smiles, as if looking forward to the moment of meeting her idol.

“Okay, let’s…” He Min looked at Sandi with a gentle expression, just about to say, let’s go back.


At this moment, a sound, not too loud, came from the direction of the teaching building.

“What’s the matter, Teacher He?” Sandi looked at Teacher He with a puzzled face, how could her expression suddenly become so scary.

“not good.”

He Min recovered, and hurriedly pulled Sandi and left the place.

“Let’s go quickly.”

Although Sandy didn’t know what happened, she still left the place with He Min.

Others might not know the sound just now, but He Min heard it right away. The muffled sound was gunshot, but with a silencer, so it wasn’t that loud.

As soon as the gunshot sounded, He Min suddenly thought of the thing Su Yu told her in the morning, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The goal here in the playground is too big, it can be seen from the teaching building at a glance, so to be safe, leave this place quickly.

He Min knew that at this moment the school gate must have been controlled by terrorists, so leaving the school now is definitely not a good way.

The best way is to go back to the teaching building.

The teaching building is so big that terrorists cannot control all the places, there must be a safe place.(Read more @

After that, He Min took Sandi and ran to the basketball court in the teaching building. After watching for a lap, He Min ran directly into the grocery room.

There are a lot of things in it, and it’s very messy, basically it is rarely cleaned up, and it is rare to clean up once a month.

However, it can be used to hide herself and Sandy.

After hiding in the grocery room, He Min finally breathed a sigh of relief after hiding. As long as the terrorists don’t search the place carefully, they will definitely be impossible to find.

“Teacher He, what is going on. 々?” Sandi looked at He Min blankly.

Just now she ran with Teacher He all the way. Seeing Teacher He’s face was bad, she didn’t ask, but now finally stopped, Sandy looked at He Min with some curiosity.

Why take her to a place like the grocery room, which is remote and dirty, and usually no one comes here.

Fortunately, He Min is a female teacher. If it is a male teacher, Sandi should doubt if the other party is going to treat herself.


He Min hurriedly covered Sandi’s small mouth, and whispered softly, “Be quiet.”

Seeing Sandy nodded, He Min let go of Sandy.

“Teacher He, what is going on?” Sandy looked at He Min and asked in a low voice.

“There are terrorists.” He Min looked at Sandi with a solemn expression.


Sandi looked at He Min in horror. If it weren’t for the fact that Teacher He Min asked her to keep her voice down, maybe she had already called out now.

“Teacher He, how is this possible…” Sandy was a little unbelievable.

terrorist? This is how far away from her.

“Really.” He Min smiled bitterly, and then explained to Sandy that the sound he got was a gunshot. At the same time, he told Sandy that Su Yu told her about the terrorists in the morning.

“Is it true?” When Sandi heard that it was her idol Su Yu, she believed in her heart.

In fact, He Min was right. The terrorists didn’t know why they didn’t do it yesterday, but chose today.

“Then Teacher He, what should we do now?” Xiandi felt a little panic in her heart.

Terrorists, when they hear this name, make people rush to fear. They are all a group of guys who kill people without blinking.

what to do? I’m still young, I’m still young, the most important thing is that I haven’t fallen in love yet and don’t want to die.

“Don’t worry, we are hiding here. We should be able to avoid those terrorists. I believe that my husband will definitely come to save us when he knows this news.” He Min is also worried, but when he thinks of his husband Su Yu and He Min The heart that was holding was put down for the most part.

“Yes, there are my idols. As long as Su Sir arrives, these terrorists are definitely not Su Sir’s opponents.” Sandy regards Su Yu as her idol. Of course, idols are omnipotent.

“Now, as long as we hide here and not be discovered by terrorists, it’s fine.” He Min calmed Xiandi.

“Teacher He.” Sandi suddenly raised her head and looked at He Min.

“What’s the matter?” He Min looked at Sandy with all his faces.

“Teacher He, you come with me.” Sandy said, standing up, and after walking for two steps, he beckoned to He Min.


He Min wanted to stop Sandi, don’t make any movement to let the terrorists outside know about the fox.

But considering that Sandy already knew about this, she shouldn’t be impulsive in doing things (good money), so she didn’t say it anymore.

“Teacher He, there is a secret grid here. I only found out by accident. We hide in it, it must be safer.” Sandy took He Min to a corner of the utility room and said to He Min.

“There is a secret grid here?” He Min looked surprised, and then under Sandi’s guidance, he forcefully opened the secret door.

Behind the secret door, there happened to be a space of about five square meters, just enough for the two of them to enter.

Afterwards, the two of them went straight in and hid inside.

At this time, the two of them are completely safe. If you don’t know that there is a secret person here, you can’t find them at all.

Even if you rummaged through the grocery room outside, you might not be able to find them, not to mention that the two of them have not been exposed, so it is safer.

Had it not been for the inconvenience of carrying mobile phones and He Min hadn’t worn them, Su Yu would have been informed of the situation here. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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