Chapter 83

“Su Sir, what about me?” Huang Zhicheng raised his hand to ask without hearing his name.

“Just stay outside and deal with various situations at any time.” Su Yu looked at Huang Zhicheng and said.

“Yes, Sue Sir.”

Huang Zhicheng responded.

He is the person with the highest police rank in O’s record except Su Yu.

At that time, he will be in charge of the outside, and Su Yu can rest assured.

“Well, if everyone has no problems, go back and prepare separately.” Su Yu looked at them, and after no one had any problems, he announced the dissolution.


After walking out of the meeting room, Su Yu went directly to the director’s office.


“What’s the matter?” Huang Zhiyao looked at Su Yu.

“I am going to take a group of people into the Smith International School as an undercover agent. I need the police to coordinate with the school.” Su Yu said his thoughts again.

“Are you sure, this school will be the target of terrorists?” Huang Zhiyao looked at Su Yu seriously.

Once the wrong choice is made, the consequences will be devastating.

Even Su Yu’s future may be affected by that time.

“80% sure.” Su Yu thought about it after hearing the words.

According to the plot, it is indeed 17 Smith International School, but Su Yu can’t guarantee it absolutely.

The key is that he has no choice. There is no undercover on the terrorist side, and no one can know their specific hiding place, so he can only take a gamble.

Bet that they choose Smith International School just like the original plot.


Since Su Yu has said so, all Huang Zhicheng can do is support him.


“You’re back.”

When Su Yu returned to the office, Cheng Leer and Banana were still waiting for her in the office.

“En.” Su Yu nodded, and then said: “Let’s go out for dinner at noon, I’ll treat you.”

After receiving such an expensive gift, of course you have to invite the other party to have a meal.

“Okay.” Cheng Leer nodded happily, then she didn’t know what she thought of, and turned to look at banana: “banana, didn’t you just say that you have something to do?”

“Ah~! That’s right. Okay, since Su Yu is back, I’ll leave first, or it’s too late.” After banana finished speaking, she left immediately.(Read more @

“What is she?” Su Yu was taken aback.

“Oh, nothing, she has always been like this.” Cheng Leer looked at Su Yu with a smile.

Su Yu nodded slightly, and didn’t ask anything.

After eating dinner with Cheng Leer at noon, Su Yu walked with her for a while and sent her back, and then returned to the police station.

“Okay, you Cheng Leer, a guy of the opposite sex and innocent, who cares about sex and loves friends.” Watching Su Yu drive away, when he couldn’t see him, suddenly a person came out from the side and stood in front of Cheng Leer.

“Banana, why are you here?” Cheng Leer looked at her curiously.

“What else? You guy who values ​​sex and despise friends.” Banana complained to Cheng Leer.

“Oh, you are my good sister, don’t care about that much.” Cheng Leer chuckled, holding Banana’s arm and groaning.

“Hmph, it sounds good, I don’t know who it is. The good sister I said at the beginning wants to share, and I haven’t seen you give me half of Su Sir.” Banana glanced at Cheng Le’er and said as if it were true.

“Well…” Cheng Leer said haha, and did not answer Banana, and Banana did not follow up, but Cheng Leer gave Cheng Leer a blank look.


After returning to the police station, I don’t know how the police communicated there. The principal of Smith International School called Su Yu directly.

“Excuse me, is it Chief Su Yu? I’m Steve, the principal of Smithsonian International School.” The other party speaks fluent Chinese, but in fact the other party is a British guy.

“I am.” Sue

“The police have already communicated with the school, and the school manager asked me to fully cooperate with Su Sir’s actions. If Su Sir has any needs, the school will fully cooperate.” During the call, British Steve said.

“Okay, I will take someone to your school later and meet the principal in person.” Su Yu smiled and said to the other party.

“On behalf of the school, I welcome Su Sir to come here.”

After communicating a few words, Su Yu hung up the phone, and then called Zhou Xingxing and others in, ready to go to school with him.

An hour later, Su Yu took Zhou Xingxing, Cao Dahua, You Hui, Cao Liang, Curry Chili and Ma Jun to the school.

After some talks, Su Yu asked for several positions from the school and directly arranged for Cao Dahua and You Hui to enter the training office.

Ma Jun, Zhou Xingxing and Cao Liang entered the security office and were responsible for the security measures in the school.

Among the three of them, except for themselves, they have the highest force value.

Curry and chili were arranged in a clean place.

In this way, the whole school will be known for the first time if there is any trouble.

As for the last Su Yu, I wanted to relive school life, meet Sandy, and have a pure love on campus.

It’s a pity that in the end things backfired. The ghost knew how his woman He Min became a teacher at Smith International School.

Moreover, it is also the head teacher of Sandy’s class, which is very disheartening.

The plot was disrupted, and Su Yu’s plan was disrupted.

“The plan has changed, so I won’t go undercover with you.” After that, Su Yu went straight away.

Su Yu was flashed only by leaving everyone with their faces full of consternation.


“Su sir”

As soon as Su Yu came back, Huang Zhicheng came.

“Okay, I’m still responsible for the outside.” Su Yu said to Huang Zhicheng.

“Yes, Sue Sir.”

Although Huang Zhicheng didn’t know what had happened, since Su Sir had returned, of course he was in command.

Fortunately, O Ji has no more cases to handle now, otherwise, Su Yu doesn’t even have a usable person on hand.

“Forget it, wait until this case is over, it’s all right.” Su Yu put his legs on the desk and said leisurely with his legs folded.

Over the next 20 days, the entire Mong Kok was extremely quiet, and almost no cases occurred.

Under Su Yu’s jurisdiction, who dare to make trouble?

It is worth mentioning that every day since the first time, Cheng Leer will come to the police station to find Su Yu, eat with him at noon, and then go home.

In the current relationship between the two of them, everything that should have happened, except for the last step that didn’t happen.

During this time, Su Yu did not neglect the women at home, including the fine grains hidden by her own golden house, and would stay for a while when she was fine. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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