Chapter 72

“Su Yu, don’t go too far.” Big boss B looked at Su Yu with a look in his eyes.

“I’m so too much. Either you leave now, I assume you haven’t been here, or you follow my rules.” Su Yu sneered.

Today’s boss B is like a bereaved dog, Hong Xing no one wants to protect him, or even persecute him.

For the sake of his family, Big Brother B had to come, put down his dignity and came over to the police station to kneel and apologize.

Big boss B knows that today he is kneeling, not only Su Yu is kneeling, but also kneeling to the whole rivers and lakes.

The fitter at the entrance of the twelve halls of Hongxing Hall, now kneeling down to the police, his reputation instantly wiped out.

I don’t know if I can continue to be a fitter in Causeway Bay after I return.

“I only give you one minute to make a decision, otherwise I will help you make the decision.” Su Jiuqiuyu looked at Big Brother B coldly.

What if a group of short mules have thousands of little brothers under them? A dwarf mule is always a dwarf mule, and will never grow tall in this life.

“Okay, good.” Big boss B knew that if he didn’t ask, he would kneel for nothing. “I beg Mr. Sir Su a lot, and forgive my boss B this time, I will never dare to do it again.”

“Ha ha……”

Seeing the big shot B, Su Yu smiled, just like the villain in the movie.

However, in this world, he is not a villain, but rather decent.

“Get off.” Su Yu said, kicking the boss B who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Someone might ask Su Yu, today he offended Big Boss B as such, why not just kill him and eliminate the roots in order to avoid future troubles?

But what Su Yu wants to say is that it’s normal for Big Brother B to hate him. If he didn’t have himself, he would not go to the police station and kneel.

However, in comparison, the boss B hates more than him, but Hong Xing’s other people.

If it weren’t for their threats, it would be impossible for Big Brother B to come over so quickly.

Letting out a vicious dog can hurt Hong Xing’s interior, so why not do it?

“Order to go down, let Chushuida and others go.” After Su Yu returned to the police station, he ordered directly.


Su Yu gave an order, and Hong Xingzai, who had been arrested before, was released.

“It’s so dangerous.” Chu Shuida walked out of the prison gate, looking at the sky with a fluke.


Hongxing Zhongyi Church Conference Hall.

After leaving the Mong Kok Police Station, Gangster B came here, looking at the “loyalty” plaque hanging in the hall, suddenly felt inexplicable irony.


Is loyalty still the most important thing for gangsters now? No, there are more people and more money.(Read more @

If anyone occupies these two things, it will definitely be unprofitable.

“A B, I’m back.” Jiang Tiansheng looked at the boss B who had just walked in with complicated eyes.

In any case, Big Brother B is his confidant, and now that he has suffered such a grievance, Jiang Tiansheng has some empathy.

“Well” Big Brother B nodded and returned to his position without saying a word.

Today’s gangster B gives people an aura that strangers don’t enter, which is very scary.

But thinking of the encounter with Big Brother B, everyone felt relieved.

“Let’s talk about the counterfeit currency. How did you find it?” Jiang Tiansheng asked when he looked at the others.

This was almost three days away, and the result was nothing.

Jiang Tiansheng was also very enthusiastic about the benefits of this counterfeit currency, and the profits in it were too great.

“did not find.”

“These people are so good at hiding.”

“If it weren’t for knowing that this is a counterfeit coin, I really doubt that Su Yu seduce us.”

For a time, the many people present at the meeting were all sad.

“By the way, I did have a discovery.” Just then, Liang Kun spoke.

“En? What discovery?”

Upon hearing this, other people immediately looked at Liangkun, and even Jiang Tiansheng looked at Liangkun.

“Although I did not find the manufacturer of this counterfeit currency, I contacted another group of counterfeit currency sales and production organizations that are specifically sold internationally.” Liang Kun said.

In fact, this is also a coincidence, and it was accidentally discovered while looking for the other party.

“How is the quality of the counterfeit money?” others asked.

This is what they are most concerned about. If the quality is not good, no matter how cheap it is, it will be useless.

“This is the counterfeit currency they organized and you can take a look.” Liang Kun said, and put the counterfeit currency thing in front of everyone for everyone to see…

“The quality is not bad.”

“Although it’s not as good as the other one, it’s also a rare boutique.”

“What is the profit on this one?”

These are the issues that matter most to them.

As long as they can make money, there is nothing they dare not do.

“I have studied, if we want a large amount, we can eventually make 30% of the profit.” After Liang Kun finished speaking, the people present were in an uproar.

Thirty percent?

This means that if you put in one hundred dollars, you can earn thirty dollars. Ten million is three million. This is no joke.



However, this is much worse than the previous counterfeit bill. Let alone the profit, the key is the low risk.

If you go to any country, you can spend it unimpeded.

“Jiankun is finished, I’m here to ask everyone, are you all interested?” Jiang Tiansheng spoke, gathering everyone’s eyes back.

“Mr. Jiang, is this still necessary?”

“It’s no different from grabbing money, of course I’m interested.”

“This is different from Baifen, and it won’t break Hong Xing’s rules.”

From the day Hong Xing was established, he had set the rules. In any case, no one can touch white powder. This is an iron law.

However, there is no stipulation that counterfeit currency cannot be sold, and the profit of this counterfeit currency is not much worse than that of white powder.

“Well, if this is the case, then, I will take the lead in setting up a company, and this company will be specifically responsible for this matter. I personally account for 20%. How about the remaining twelve staff?” Jiang Tiansheng After speaking, I looked at the twelve fit people in Hong Xing.

After Jiang Tiansheng finished speaking, everyone was thinking and no one expressed his opinion.

“Mr. Jiang, if the twelve of us are divided equally, 80% is too small.” Liang Kun sat in the position, squinting at Jiang Tiansheng, and said with a strange tone of yin and yang.

Twelve people equally divided 80% of the shares. Doesn’t it mean that one person equals 6%, which is far worse than Jiang Tiansheng.

If according to the past, the boss B had already stood up and fought with Liang Kun, but now, I don’t know why, the boss B seems to have not heard it, sitting in the position and motionless. .

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