Chapter 69

It turned out that after entering Xiangjiang, these terrorists hid directly in a warehouse at the seaside dock in order not to reveal their identity.

“Inspector, it should be this warehouse.” An agent from the Political Department reported to Zhou Jianhui.

“Well, everyone, knock in, don’t make too much noise, don’t shoot without my order.” Zhou Jian came this time and brought more than a dozen members of the Political Department.



Zhou Jian gave an order, and then everyone directly touched in quietly.

The moment Zhou Jian and others stepped into this warehouse, they were detected by terrorists in the warehouse.

“Boss, someone has come in.” In a mobile room in the warehouse, a terrorist with a computer suddenly reported. ‘

“It seems that we are undercover here.” The boss looked at several people around him, one of whom was an Asian face.

“Boss, you don’t doubt me, I’m not an undercover agent.” The Asian face said immediately.

“As long as you talk a lot, check it out.” The boss sneered.

At this time, whoever is the most uncomfortable is more likely to be an undercover agent.


That’s right, this Asian face is the undercover agent of the Political Department infiltrating the terrorists.

“Boss, that’s right.” The two big guys directly controlled the undercover, and found a locator on him.


The boss snorted coldly: “Kill him, then leave here.”

Don’t kill undercover, why keep it?


Then, without waiting for the undercover to struggle, he was directly cut off the throat.

When he died, he didn’t know how he exposed.

“Boss, there are more than ten police officers outside, what shall we do?” One of the small terrorist leaders asked the boss.

There were a lot of people coming to Xiangjiang this time, 70 or 80 people, but in order not to arouse suspicion, they scattered all of them.

There are only four of them in this warehouse.

“Kill out. 々.”

Just over a dozen police C’s, to this group of experienced terrorists, it’s nothing to say.

“Bang, bang, bang”

In the quiet workshop, there was a gunshot.(Read more @

“No, the enemy found it, and fired back.” Zhou Jian hurriedly ordered.

Although he doesn’t know how he exposed this time, the most important thing now is not to let the opponent run away.

Bang bang bang

For a time, gunshots resounded throughout the warehouse, and the same screams rang out from time to time.


An agent next to Zhou Jian was about to speak when he was suddenly headshot by the terrorists.

“Fucking” Zhou Jian was taken aback and stunned. Fortunately, the terrorists didn’t fire any more shots, otherwise he would also explain here.

A few minutes later, the gunfire stopped. More than ten agents of the Political Department were killed, five were killed, six were seriously injured, and the terrorist was one dead, injured, or even arrested.


Zhou Jian yelled and called for support, and at the same time called an ambulance.


“Director, you are looking for me.” Su Yu appeared in Huang Zhiyao’s office early in the morning.


Huang Zhiyao nodded, and then talked generously: “Just now there was news from the Political Department that Zhou Jian took someone to the seaside pier early in the morning, but was ambushed by terrorists and killed several people.”

Huang Zhiyao’s expression is also not pretty. Although he is not in the same department, he is still a colleague. How can he be happy.

“What’s going on with Zhou Jian this time? Didn’t I ask him to communicate with me in everything.” Su Yu shouted angrily.

He remembered that in the original plot, an undercover brother died because of the recklessness of the Political Department.

So yesterday, he deliberately told the other party that he should communicate with himself about everything and not be in control of himself.

But now it’s fine, the other party took the person directly, and he didn’t even greet him loudly.

“What’s the above?” Su Yu calmed down the anger in his heart and asked Huang Zhiyao.

“The above said that you are fully responsible. As for the Political Department will be kicked out of this case, the above also said that if you need support, the entire police force will be transferred casually.” Huang Zhiyao said to Su Yu.


Su Yu was stunned for a moment, giving himself so much power?

What Su Yu didn’t know was that, because of Su Yu’s relationship, the senior officers of the police force had not realized the horror of terrorists.

The terrorists are so named because they are really terrifying.

But all along, because of Su Yu’s performance, the police officers thought that terrorists were nothing more than that.

But now, they understand that it is not that the terrorists are not terrorist, but that Su Yu is more terrifying than them, so this time the police officers are preparing to delegate power to Su Yu.

“Of course, in the police force, as long as the police officer you see can be transferred to your hand.” Huang Zhiyao nodded.

If you want horses to run, but don’t want horses to eat grass, is there such a reason in the world? Therefore, Su Yu was directly given the right to mobilize the entire police force.

Of course, it was only in this operation. After the operation was over, everything returned to its original state.


“But what?” Su Yu looked at Huang Zhiyao and asked.

“Actually, you also know that I have accumulated a lot of contacts in the police station for so many years, but I also owe a lot of favors.” Huang Zhiyao was a little embarrassed as he said that.

“Let’s talk, what do you want me to do?” Su Yu looked at Huang Zhiyao with a speechless expression.

This guy, every time he has something to find himself, it is like this.

The relationship between the two people is here. In other words, Huang Zhiyao’s favor is actually his favor.

“Cough cough, then I’ll just say it.” Huang Zhiyao coughed lightly, and said: “That’s right, you know, you have been in the police force recently (Nuo Zhao’s), so you want to have a relationship with you. Lots of lungs.

No, many people are begging me for it, so you see…”

“Okay, I see. I just want to stuff some people for me, right?” Su Yu made a cut, and he could see through Huang Zhiyao’s thoughts at a glance.

“Yes, that’s right, that’s it.” Huang Zhiyao nodded, and then said: “But you don’t have to be embarrassed. After all, I owe the favor, if you feel embarrassed, you don’t need it.”

“Forget it, it’s rare for your old Huang to open his mouth to me once, how can I refuse, but if it is too bad, just let him go wherever he comes.” Su Yu is very principled.

His subordinates may not be very strong, even mediocre is understandable, but they must not be too bad.

“Don’t worry about this, if it’s too bad, I won’t be able to accept it.” Huang Zhiyao said righteously. .

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