Chapter 39

“There is one more over there, kill them.” McDonald saw Su Yu who had just appeared, and was frightened and angry.

What was shocking was that the opponent’s marksmanship was so good, he was the one with the most superb marksmanship among all the people he had seen, one shot per shot, with a headshot.

Angrily, forty people on his side, the other party dared to rush out, don’t you put yourself in the eye?

“Da da da……”

A series of gunfire sounded, and McDonald realized that the other party really didn’t pay attention to himself.

Su Yu, who has a gun in his hand, is an invincible killer in the world. Who can stand it with a gun and a headshot?

“Surely Su Yu is here, let’s go out.”

Hearing the sound of firefighting outside, Yazi’s expression was shocked and said hurriedly.

After all, regardless of Gundam’s reaction on the side, he jumped directly behind him, fired several shots in mid-air, and then fell to the ground, rolled around and avoided the terrorist shooting.

The coherent movement of Yezi just now is not only elegant but also heroic. The key is that it can kill people, which is very good.

Of course, Gezi couldn’t kill as accurately as Su Yu, and even shot five or six shots and only barely killed one person.

At this moment, Su Yu has killed more than a dozen terrorists in just one or two minutes from his appearance to the present.

If it weren’t for Su Yu’s shot to change a place and the need to constantly dodge bullets fired by terrorists, the result would at least double.

The moment Yazi jumped out, Gundam moved. Unlike Yazi, Gundam jumped out from the hole under the bar with a strong kick under his feet.

Sliding on the ground four or five meters away, while sliding, shot and killed two terrorists, and when the sliding was over, as high as one turned over and rolled to the other side of the bunker.

“It can’t go on like this.” McDonald looked at the situation and realized that it was not right.

On his side, a total of more than forty subordinates, now in the blink of an eye, they are almost half dead.

It was mainly the later guy. It was too terrifying. He shot one by one and had a headshot. Who could bear it.


After thinking about it, McDonald’s broke, and directly chose to retreat.

If you continue to fight, you will lose all your family background.

The space in this ballroom is too big, and the other party moves around, which is extremely detrimental to him. If it is a small space, it will be different.(Read more @

Under McDonald’s orders, the remaining twenty terrorists fought and retreated. Among them, twenty terrorists’ muzzles were aimed at Su Yu on the second floor.

Keep suppressing Su Yu with firepower to prevent him from appearing, otherwise as long as Su Yu appears, they will suffer casualties.

The rest of the people paid a little attention to Mead and Gundam, not allowing them to make trouble, and slowly withdrew from the dance floor hall.

“How about it, are you all right?” After McDonald retreated, Su Yu jumped down from the second floor and came to Yazi and took a look at Yazi and Gundam.


Gundam shook his head.

Then I took a look at the surroundings. The ground was full of dead bodies. Except for terrorists, the rest were tourists on board. According to preliminary estimates, at least forty or fifty people died.

“This time it’s a big mess.” Yazi sighed as he looked at the dead bodies all over the floor.

“McDonald must not be allowed to escape this time.” Su Yu has made up his mind.

The tragedy on the Fuguimaru this time is more real than in the movie.

The deaths of so many people, especially the deaths of ordinary people, will surely arouse heated discussions among fishing boats.

At that time, the police will definitely be blamed.

And he and Gezi were on the boat. If McDonald was allowed to run away, it would be impossible for them to be punished, but it would be affirmative that there was no light on their faces.

Especially Su Yu, a star inspector built by the police force, now the TV station broadcasts the original scene on the campus almost every day.

Subconsciously, the citizens of Hong Kong will think that as long as the police force has Su Yu, they are not afraid of any criminals.

At that time, McDonald was taken off, and Su Yu’s face and the police force’s face were not crackling.

The citizens don’t care how many terrorists you have, they just want results.

“Everyone split up and looked for the hostages captured by McDonald.” Su Yu looked at Ge and Gundam with a serious face: “After you find it, don’t act rashly. After an hour, you will meet here.”

The Fugui Maru is big and big, but not small. With such a large hull, if one person finds it, it may not be possible to find it even at dawn.

When the time comes, McDonald is likely to leave after getting the money, and it will be difficult to find each other at that time.

“At the same time, try to contact the outside world to see if we can notify the Flying Tigers and come and support us at any time.” Su Yu suddenly thought.

It’s not a movie now, and no one knows what the next development will be.

Moreover, there is never any explanation in the movie as to how many people there are in the McDonald group.

Now it seems that the other party has died a lot of people, there are about 20 people, but how many twenty people are there on the other side?

On the Fugui Maru, it must have been full of bombs at this moment. Maybe McDonald will detonate at any time, leaving them not much time.

“Okay, I get it.” Meeko nodded earnestly. This is not the time to worship Su Yu. When the matter is over, I will talk about other things.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” Gundam nodded slightly. He was not from the police. If he hides and doesn’t take action, no one can say anything.

“Okay, I owe you a favor.” Su Yu patted Gundam on the shoulder.

“Hey, can you save my cousin.” At this moment, the bigfoot suddenly rushed to the three of them, and said with a sad expression on his face.

This bigfoot was also fortunate. When the gun battle happened just now, he hid directly under the table and was forgotten.

Now that McDonald was leaving, the bigfoot saw Su Yu and the three of them suddenly became excited.

“Your cousin?”

Yazi frowned, and suddenly thought of the woman who had been captured by the terrorist Longhair.

She was thinking, but she wanted to have a tight task…

“Okay, leave it to me.” Su Yu nodded, even if it was a bigfoot, Su Yu would go to Huixiang to rescue her.

Nothing else, just because of her long legs, Su Yu doesn’t want her to be possessed by others, even if it is possessed, it should be her own right, right. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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