Chapter 23

“Be careful to avoid”

At the moment when the first person in front was shot and fell to the ground, Da Feiliu reacted and hurriedly shouted.

However, during the Dafei shouting, there were three more gunshots, each of which represented a person falling to the ground.

Only at this moment, four people died.

“Ma, fight back for me.” Da Fei yelled angrily.

Before they met, four people died on their side. It is estimated that the two men in the auditorium were also dead at this moment. This is six people.

Da Fei brought all his gunmen along with him this time, plus him, there were only twenty people in total.

It’s not good now, but nothing is going on, there are only 14 of them left, how can Da Fei not be angry.

Bang bang bang

With a series of gunshots, Da Fei and others began to fight back.

However, this series of counterattacks had little effect, and two of them were shot, and without a scream or wailing, they were shot and fell to the ground.

“Damn it, I provoke some monster.” Da Fei’s heart burst into a sudden.

Suddenly I regretted it very much. Why did I regret provoke him? If the arms are gone, what can be done? If the money is gone, you can make more money.

But this one is the only one, if it is gone, it is really gone.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.


With a series of gunshots, Da Fei and the gunman were fighting back, and the other side was shooting.

To put it nicely, they are gunmen, but to put it ugly, aren’t they just ordinary people who hold a gun and pull the trigger.

After two rounds of confrontation, they found the location of the opponent’s gun and where the bullet came from.

But at this time, on Da Fei’s side, plus himself, there were only six people left.

After only two rounds of confrontation, more than ten people fell.

It was also due to the terrain. There were squares tens of meters around them, and there was not even a place to hide.


There was another shot, and a gunman who was lying one meter away by Da Fei’s side was directly headshot.

The brain plasma, blood, and red and white were intertwined, splashing Dafei’s face directly.

“Don’t, don’t fight, I surrender, I surrender.” Da Fei couldn’t stand the torture and wanted to surrender.(Read more @

But, does Su Yu accept this surrender?

Either you don’t make a move, or you want to make a move directly and cleanly, this is the criterion that Su Yu has set for himself.

As a police officer, in the process of handling a case, you will definitely offend people and provoke enemies, especially desperadoes like Da Fei.

You know, Xiangjiang does not have the death penalty. How can Dafei not hate Su Yu in his heart? Who knows, after he is released or escaped, he will not retaliate against Su Yu?

He might hide himself, but what about his family, women, and friends?

Su Yu didn’t dare to bet, so either he didn’t make a move, or if he wanted to make a move, he would be thunderous and kill the opponent directly.

Therefore, Su Yu did not keep his hands on the surrender of Dafei and others.

After changing a magazine, Su Yu continued to shoot with G17 in his hand.

This gun battle lasted less than ten minutes. When the gunfire stopped, only eighteen corpses were left in the square in front of the auditorium.


Su Yu stood at the window on the second floor of the auditorium and breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning to the end, Su Yu never left this window. It can be seen how bad the marksmanship between Da Fei and his gunmen is.

“Hey, Director, you can send someone to collect the corpse.” Su Yu took out his eldest brother from his arms and dialed the number of Director Huang Zhiyao.

On the other side, Huang Zhiyao has been waiting for Su Yu’s news. After receiving Su Yu’s call, he sent police officers over without saying anything.

‘Fortunately, it’s solved. Huang Zhiyao can also breathe a sigh of relief.

Here, after Su Yu hung up the phone, he took his eldest brother into his arms.

‘I don’t know when the mobile phone will be developed. ’The phone is too big now, it’s not convenient to hold it at all.

Just as Su Yu opened the gate of the auditorium and walked out, a white light suddenly appeared in front of him.

‘not good! ’

Su Yu secretly said in his heart, and then hurriedly flew onto the ground, rolled around, took out the G17 pistol from the gun bag and pointed it forward.

Su Yu thought he was ambushed, and just wanted to pull the trigger to fight back.

But when he looked up, he found that there was a camera lens directly in front of him.


Su Yu’s brain froze for a while.

“Hello, police officer, can I interview you?” At this moment, a beautiful female reporter in a short skirt walked out next to the cameraman, looked at Su Yu with beaming eyes, and rushed directly in front of him.

Le Huizhen looked at Su Yu in front of her, her eyes seemed to be a lone wolf who had been hungry for a long time after seeing delicious food.

This is not to blame Le Huizhen, she hasn’t reported an explosive news for a long time.

Just today, when she was passing by this school with her assistant cameraman, she suddenly heard a gunshot.

The daring Le Huizhen suddenly moved in her heart and brought her assistant cameraman and came over the wall. She happened to pass by the dormitory building, knowing that a group of gangsters had kidnapped them, and then the police came to fight with the gangsters.

Afterwards, Le Huizhen rushed to the scene with her assistant and almost filmed the entire gunfight.

After the gun battle ended, there was only one feeling left for Le Huizhen, and that was shock.

It was too shocking. The police were alone, facing nearly 20 gunmen, almost without a shot, one shot at a time.

Le Huizhen counted them carefully, and never had a gunman killed by two bullets.

Then, the scene just happened.

“Hello, I’m Le Huizhen, a TV reporter, can I interview you?” Le Huizhen looked at Su Yu with blazing eyes.

For Le Huizhen, this is an excellent report. Once it is released, Le Huizhen will be an instant hit in the industry.

“Sorry, I can’t accept the interview for the time being.” Su Yu returned to his senses, took a look at Le Huizhen, shook her head and refused.

The police force has police discipline. He cannot accept any interviews at will, unless requested by his superiors.

Otherwise, what should I do if I say something wrong? What should I do if I am taken out of context by a reporter? You know, what the reporters at Xiangjiang like most is to make things out of nothing.

Seeing Le Huizhen in front of her, she suddenly remembered, isn’t this the female reporter in Die Hard?

No wonder, Su Yu felt familiar with the other party just now. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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