Chapter 446

This time the treat is really worth it.

These are all ingots delivered to your door!

Qin Hao glanced at Luo Hu who was sitting next to him.

Blinked his eyes, showing a particularly proud expression.

The meaning seems to be saying.

Come and praise me, isn’t it great?

Luo Hui almost couldn’t help it, and was about to laugh.

Hastily picked up the tea cup to conceal himself.

Di Jiang’s eyes shone brightly at this time.

Of course, the goal is not Qin Hao.

Instead, it was the other races present.

Wait until most people have determined what supplies they want to buy.

These talents slowly withdrew.

Qin Hao smiled again and said.

“Everyone continue to drink and eat.”

Da Peng Taoist’s face showed a tangled expression.

I want to say something, but I can’t talk about it.

Qin Hao just pretended not to see it.

Qin Hao clapped his hands again, and at this time many more women came.

All women wear dance skirts.

Of course, at the same time there are many instruments to accompany it.

Qin Hao knew that there were no entertainment projects in the Great Wilderness.

So I just want to do something about the human race, ethnic dance, sword dance and so on.

Before this matter, Qin Hao arranged for a long time.

It is also to increase the usual entertainment items of the human race.

They are all in this circle, and they don’t tell others about entertainment.

This person is suffocated.

So Qin Hao didn’t just call Human Race, how to grow and increase his strength.

I also taught them how to play.

Doesn’t this have a result?

Nothing is useless.

It depends on whether you can use the blade.

There happened to be an empty place beside the yard.

After these people came in, they played the music slowly.

Qin Hao doesn’t know much about musical instruments.

But the most common national musical instrument trumpet, bass drum, and erhu are still known.

So I tried to make it by humans who know how to make it by hand.

Let alone, these people will really give themselves a lot of surprises.

Several musical instruments were invented in this way.

Of course I want Pipa, Guzheng and the like are more troublesome.

Qin Hao can only provide them with an idea.

I really don’t know how to make it.

So when the musical instruments here sounded, the dancers of the human race danced.

Changed the attention of all the races that came.

And all of them showed surprise expressions on their faces.


“Ding! Shock from Donghuang Taiyi!”

“Ding, the Taoist from Tianyou is shocked!”

“Ding, the Taoist from Dapeng is shocked!”

“Ding, the shock from Taobao Taoist!”


“Reward the host for one hundred and sixty years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao really wanted to smile in his heart.

I didn’t want to receive these people.

I didn’t expect these people to surprise themselves one after another.

Not only is this cultivation base a constant brush.

Even this Terran bought a lot of things.

Qin Hao was thinking in his heart.

Should the Terran tribe hold this kind of celebration on a regular basis in the future?

The soil buns in these great wilderness have a long experience.

By the way, increase Terran GDP?

Qin Hao felt that this could be arranged, and this matter could also be improved on the schedule.

Today, these people came here.

It should be a temporary decision.

Qin Hao thought of all this temporarily.

Unexpectedly, the effect is so remarkable.

Wait until the dancing girls stopped.

Those who had gone out came in again.

It’s just that everyone is holding a tray with a Qiankun bag on it.

“Everyone take it well, I count the Qiankun bag as a gift to everyone, so it is not convenient to go back with these things, oh, and…”

Qin Hao clapped his palms again.

After these people returned, this was the tray.

Qin Hao is just the things in those trays, telling everyone.

“Human race researched many weapons this time. For different races, everyone knows that what you use is not necessarily what I use. The most important thing is to spend money on the blade. The best for you is the best. Okay, right?”

Everyone nodded.

Otherwise, right? Just nod your head first.

What’s more, this sentence itself is correct.

Qin Hao laughed twice.

“You don’t need to be so nervous. As long as we have all the weapons on this pallet, I have prepared one of each. Let everyone take it back and study it to see which one do you want and how many do you want? Contact me when the statistics are complete.”

Qin Hao glanced around.

“This is a free gift for everyone. It’s a trial. After all, this stuff is not cheap. You have to learn about it before you know what you should buy, right?”

Qin Hao welcomed him to do it after he said it, and everyone else showed expressions of surprise and excitement.

They were very worried before.

Qin Hao will be biased.

As a result, Qin Hao treated everyone equally, and everyone prepared a copy.

And everyone has seen each other, they are all the same.

More importantly, I gave a free copy for them to study.

This shows what?

Explain that if they can study and understand by themselves.

You don’t need to buy it again, and you don’t need to ask Qin Hao again.

Can this keep everyone from getting excited?

Qin Hao is naturally not a fool either.

Hurry up and give it to them for free, naturally in terms of technology.

It’s not that easy.

Qin Hao launched a trial outfit, one is to win their favor.

Let them know that they are treated equally.

Righteousness and righteousness do not exist in business, so don’t inherit hatred for it.

The second is to show them the true value of the human race.

Qin Hao knew in his heart, don’t let these people take the initiative to flatter themselves.

Compliment some of the facilities of the human race.

But in fact, they were slightly genuine in their hearts, and they liked the human race.

It’s just that the victory was suddenly won, and it was shocked.

But for the human race, they might look down from the bones.

After all, the human race does not have a strong physique.

This is a racial defect doomed from birth.

So Qin Hao wanted to make up for it from other places.

What is the biggest advantage of Terran?


Of course, to maximize the advantages.

In order to prevent all races from underestimating and despising.

Of course there is a third point. The third point is to let them patronize again.

Qin Hao already knew that these people couldn’t make these things.

If you use it well, you will naturally know the benefits of these things.

Are you afraid that they won’t buy it obediently?

So this time when the party was at the door.

When Qin Hao saw these people,

When you know the purpose of these people coming to the tribal resident,

Qin Hao had never thought of selling weapons to them in the future.

Qin Hao’s main purpose of doing business today is to buy daily necessities.

Something to eat, drink and play.

Tables, chairs and benches, delicacies, and other consumables.

Not bad, Qin Hao’s goal has already been obtained.

Of course, this is thanks to Donghuang Taiyi, this powerful childcare.

Qin Hao had to say that getting along with smart people is a lot easier.

Naturally, Qin Hao would not treat the Eastern Emperor Taiyi badly.

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