Chapter 444

Bi Nan’s expression appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

Hesitated for a moment.

Then the subject changed.

“Today is the victory to clean up this battle. Let’s not discuss so much, everyone, eat and drink!”

Da Peng Taoist and Duobao Taoist, the others looked at each other.

Naturally, I saw Qin Hao’s intention to shirk.

So I know it naturally in my heart.

That thing must be of high value.

It is also the secret weapon of the human race.

Otherwise, why should Qin Hao hide it like this?

This also confirmed their heart that they must find a way to get it.

Qin Hao picked up the teacup on the table and avoided a sip of tea.

Cover up the corners of his mouth that is slightly cocked.

He just said, he really likes the Great Desolation Era.

Although the productivity technology is backward.

But because of the abundance of resources.

The number of creatures is small.

Therefore, the enhancement of resources is also very small.

This also creates these.

The people of Dahuang have simple thinking.

There are not so many twists and turns.

There is not so much thick black school.

No negotiation skills.

It happened to be cheaper for him, Qin Hao.

Da Peng Taoist couldn’t help but speak again

“Holy Lord, it’s not right for you to do this. I didn’t say anything about it before. Will everyone work together to protect the Great Wilderness? So every life in the Great Wilderness is very important to us. Should we go deeper and watch them go to death? ?”

Qin Hao frowned, disagreeing with all his face.

There are even some guilty conscience and anxiety.

“Taoist Dapeng, you have misunderstood, how can I mean this?”

Taobao Taoist couldn’t help but rush to ask.

“Then Holy Lord, what do you mean by you? I keep changing the subject and don’t answer our questions positively.”

Qin Hao pretended to sigh.

A series of complicated expressions flashed across his face, such as struggling, tangled, and painful.

The face of Di Jiang sitting next to him was equally complicated.

Di Jiang never knew.

The saint of their family is actually an actor.

The expression is so rich.

If he doesn’t know the cause and effect.

He really believed it.

So at this time, Di Jiang was very admired in his heart.

Others saw the entanglement on Qin Hao’s face.

And more people also saw the entanglement on Di Jiang’s face behind Qin Hao.

Luo Hu is a famous cold noodle in the Great Wilderness.

So there is no expression, it is natural.

What he was doing naturally excluded Luo Hu’s expression.

So most of them looked at Dijiang beside him.

The complex expression on Di Jiang’s face.

This also convinced others.

Let them feel that the weapons of this human race must be valuable, and they can dig deeper.

Otherwise, the Wu Clan Dijiang will be so painful.

Everybody knows.

Now the two groups of Witch and Human are married.

What the Human race has, the Witch race naturally also has it.

I didn’t see that there were so many Wu people in the human tribe.

The Wu Clan must have used it first.

Then I tasted the sweetness.

I don’t want other races in the Great Wilderness to have the same advantage.

Before, the two clans of the Lich and the Monster Clan fought.

Yaozu is even better.

But now that may not be the case.

So everyone speculated.

The Wu Clan may take this opportunity to reverse the previous defeat to the Yao Clan.

So everyone’s hearts are even more fiery.

Urgently want those weapons of the human race.

In the end, Qin Hao closed his eyes as if forced helplessly.

He gritted his teeth and admitted: “Okay! I can tell everyone that the strength of the human race is increased by relying on those weapons.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he stopped.

Those who continue to want to listen down were stunned.

Qin Hao is fine, just like people.

Slowly picked up a pastry and chewed it.

“Holy Lord, why don’t you say this? Holy Lord, don’t worry, we are not asking you for nothing.”

“Yes, yes! Let’s make a deal! Can we exchange it?!”

“We can also buy, not for you to send us.”

“Holy Lord, you say something, or make a statement, this thing will not be sold to us.”

A surprised expression appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

The expression seemed to say that he had never thought that this thing could be sold.

At the same time purchase price and the attitude of others.

Qin Hao’s expression pleased most people.

It’s a pity that Qin Hao’s words changed most people’s faces.

“As a real misunderstanding, no, I don’t want to provide it to everyone, mainly because we are not enough.”

Some smart people, such as the East Emperor Taiyi.

At this time you will understand.

Qin Hao is raising the price.

There are some brains that can’t react.

I really thought that there were too many human races and there were not enough things.

After all, this situation abounds in other races.

They only have a little bit of a lot of things, but there are many people who want it.

So many individuals did not immediately refute it.

Some even really believed it.

A regretful expression appeared on his face.

It can be said to be super devotion.

Qin Hao felt that he was almost the same.

If you go further, it might be a bit too much.

So Qin Hao’s conversation changed.


The people underneath raised their heads, their eyes full of breath.

“But what?”

“Is that something that can be used for us?”

“Is there any other way?”

Qin Hao listened to questions one after another.

I was very happy.

On the surface, Qin Hao remained calm and continued to fool these people.

“As I said just now, it is not enough, but it can’t make everyone really sacrifice in vain. Fortunately, we seize the time to produce, first use less, and evenly give it to everyone.”

When the others heard this, their faces were surprised.

Qin Hao came again but.

“But, there are really not many things. They are distributed to everyone on average. There is not much left for each race. It is of no use at all, so I thought, one race, one race.”

No matter how many people, their faces become unsightly.

Indeed, if there is not much of this thing.

It’s really useless to get an average score for each race.

They all really saw it.

When on the battlefield, that person organized one for each.

The number is still quite large.

That’s why the current victorious war was created.

If there are only a few, it would be better for them to race themselves.

Why bother?

So each had a small calculation in his heart.

It seems that money alone is not enough, and you have to learn how to deal with it.

At this time, the others present were envious of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Yes, long ago, the two clans of the Lich hadn’t officially started war.

Donghuang Taiyi once publicly pleased Qin Hao.

At that time, all of them thought Donghuang Taiyi was crazy.

I think Taiyi is a fool.

Let the Yaozu, and the Human race, trample him under their feet.

But now I will look back and see what the Emperor Taiyi did.

Everyone would applaud him.

Tell him that this is really a wise move.

Many people regret that their intestines are blue.

Why was there so no vision at the time?

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