Chapter 439

Qin Hao himself didn’t expect to recognize it from so many alien forms.

Soon, these two forces fought against each other.

Although what is visible is the same kind killed by aliens.

There is also an alien with the head removed.

Qin Hao’s previous methods to deal with aliens were still easy to use.

It’s just that the difficulty is much greater than before.

Qin Hao raised his head and glanced at the entire battlefield.

I think the time is almost here.

Qin Hao blew his whistle.

Then no matter what they were doing now, all the human races and witch races began to withdraw backwards.

No one does not run back.

After seeing the other races, they also left the battlefield subconsciously.

Qin Hao was still very satisfied with this.

I think it’s pretty good, and I have a lot of brains.

Qin Hao saw people retreating, almost.

Just urge its final whistle again.

Although they are all whistles, the pitch is obviously different than before.

Seeing everyone in the Wu tribe lined up in a row, at the same time they began to gather their magical powers.

At this time, other creatures in the Great Wilderness found that their neighbors began to fluctuate.

Slowly gathered here to the Wu Clan.

Instantly condensed into a huge light group.

There is everything in those light clusters.

Water, fire, earth, gold and wood are obviously the five elements of mutual growth and restraint.

They are inexplicably fused together.

It became a huge light group.

Everyone of the Witch race aimed and threw the huge light ball in their hands towards the distance.

The sound of direct rumbling rumbling.

There was a cloud of smoke in front of everyone.

I couldn’t see what was happening in front of me at all.

And those aliens have long been wrapped in this huge light ball.

None of them escaped.

Just when people thought it would be done.

Qin Hao blew the whistle again.

Then the direct human race took out a weird weapon.

Launched bottomlessly into the smoke.

It’s like rain

Enveloping the entire light group.

And after all this is done, it is not over yet.

I saw the human race holding a black ball in his hand.

No one knows what it is.

Qin Hao gave an order, and everyone told the black ball to throw into the light group.

Then everyone felt the vibration of the ground and the roar of their ears.

The explosion sounded one after another.

This scene shocked all the creatures in it.

What are these things?

What happened again?

What did the Human Race take, why is it so big?

In short, many greetings come from their minds.

Unfortunately, no one can answer.

Everyone looked at the battlefield.

Can’t move for a long time.

After Qin Hao watched for a while, he raised his sleeves.

A light wave toward the front.

The smoky venue just now became clear a lot in an instant.

The scenery in front of them surprised everyone even more.

Some even took a few steps back.

Others seemed to be unable to bear it, and ran to the side and threw up.

Qin Hao was proud of his face.

I can’t stand this anymore, it seems that I still have less exercise.

Qin Hao looked back at his people again.

Apart from a few pale faces, the others were still standing steadily on the spot, not moving.

A look of satisfaction flashed in Qin Hao’s eyes.

Not bad, this is my first time on the battlefield, and the effect is beyond my expectation.


“Ding! Shock from Donghuang Taiyi!”

“Ding, the emperors are shocked!”

“Ding, the Nuwas are shocked!”

“Ding, shock from Luo Hu!”


“Reward the host for one hundred and ten years of cultivation!”

A smile appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

Qin Hao hadn’t heard the rewards of the system for a long time.

It’s also a long-lost voice.

Qin Hao looked at the various fragments on the battlefield. Of course, these were all aliens.

Now that this series of operations has been completed, only less than a quarter of those who can stand are left.

“There’s only so little left, kill them all, protect me from the great famine, and eliminate outliers!”

Qin Hao raised his arms and shouted.

All the human and witch warriors rushed to the battlefield.

But the unparalleled excitement, and the expectation for the future.

The blood boiled to kill.

Seeing this, other races also joined their ranks.

Qin Hao also rushed in afterwards.

Qin Hao made comments in his mind while committing suicide.

Sure enough, after such a long period of time.

The strength of alien individuals has improved.

However, the growth of these strengths is still within a controllable range.

It’s not that kind of existence against the sky.

Qin Hao suddenly sensed something at this moment and raised his head to take a look.

The alien captain I knew before, this one flew in the air, overlooking himself.

Captain Alien, will it give birth to two meat wings?

Take him to fly high in the sky.

Qin Hao squinted his eyes and summoned the Chaos Sword instantly.

Qin Hao stepped on the Chaos Sword and looked at the alien captain opposite.

The other party was obviously very afraid of Qin Hao.

So I took a few steps back subconsciously.

Qin Hao is exactly the opposite now, and Qin Hao is very excited.

Finally let him catch the alien captain again.

Let him run away last time.

Qin Hao was full of regret, this time, since he was destined to be sent to the door.

How could Qin Hao not let him stay?

But it is undeniable that the alien captain is indeed very shrewd.

And the routine is slippery.

From time to time, it fell to the ground, hid for a while, and then took off again.

Just go up and down like this, and shuttle in the team.

Really let him kill people.

Could Qin Hao let him do this? This kind of carefreeness.

Naturally, it’s a pity, now Alien seems to occupy his own alien species.

So behead the great wilderness creatures.

Qin Hao was particularly angry.

Qin Hao thought for a while, it was not impossible for him.

Qin Hao took out the Qiankun Net, saw the timing, and then threw it over.

What Qin Hao actually mastered was just right.

The alien captain just took off, speeding up.

There is no way to change direction or slow down halfway.

I can only watch myself crashing into the universe.

Qin Hao immediately held his palm in that moment. immediately tightened, and it became tighter and tighter.

Qin Hao felt that it seemed a little too smooth and a little unrealistic.

Then I took out a few more and tied up the rest of the restless.

Finally, they used the identification numbers and threw them one by one.

In this way, Qin Hao caught a lot of them as soon as he caught it.

Before, Qin Hao’s inverted alien would run away.

It’s because I don’t have enough proficiency with Qiankun King.

In addition, his realm was not enough at that time.

That’s why I have never dared to face the alien captain.

But for three days, you should look at it with admiration.

Qin Hao has been very proficient with sharp and delicate use for the past half a month.

Especially for Qiankun.

It is a thorough study.

And he invented several ways to play.

All Hongyun ancestors did not know.

Qin Hao didn’t intend to kill everything this time.

Instead, grab a part and go back to study.

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