Chapter 431

The ancestor Hongyun seemed to know him too.

Even the Ksitigarbha has contact.

Such a deliberation, then the identity of the man.

It’s very obvious.

Gluttonous asked tentatively.

“Are you the holy lord of the Witch race? Human race guardian?”

Qin Hao was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect Taotie to know his identity.

Qin Hao felt that there was nothing to hide.

Nodded directly.

The voice of gluttonous surprise rang.

“Ah, it’s really you, I want to follow you.”

Qin Hao immediately filled his head with black lines.

Obviously he said before, let him not follow himself,

And when Taotie first came out, he didn’t even see that he wanted to follow him.

How can Taotie know his identity?

Qin Hao squinted his eyes.

“What is your purpose? Why follow me?”

Gluttonous laughed twice.

“I know, I may not speak words, but I have no words, but that is when I don’t know who you are. If I know who you are, I will definitely not agree to the request just now.”

A sneer appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

Raised his finger and pointed to gluttonous.

“You still have the vines tied to me. If you can save you, you can naturally throw you down again.”

Qin Hao’s words were a blatant threat.

Taotie was dumbfounded immediately.

This is not right! Qin Hao didn’t seem to be the same as what he heard.

It’s not that this big man is very hospitable.

And as long as you really have a good relationship with him, there is no way to disagree.

Now it seems, why are you so alert?

Is it because you are gluttonous?

Taotie felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Taotie knew that he was not very popular in the Great Wilderness.

After all, where to eat, there is no restraint.

No one can stand it when watching what to eat.

Taotie didn’t want to be like this either, but this was his talent and magical powers.

Born is destined.

Can this thing be changed?

Taotie thought of this and immediately pleased.

“Holy Lord, don’t get me wrong. I have no other thoughts. I’ve heard your name before. I was very surprised by you. I know that I’m not very popular, but we are destined when we meet.”

Qin Hao directly stretched out his hand, interrupting Gourmet.

“Okay, don’t say so much. We have something to do now. It’s really inconvenient to stay. Since we have rescued you, it depends on our kindness to save you, so don’t disturb us.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he took Qingteng back.

Others saw Qin Hao’s attitude so clear.

Naturally, he wouldn’t say anything.

The last few people separated.

Begin to search for the last wood butterfly.

Did Taotie give up? of course not.

It’s just that Gourmet knows that it can’t be too eager.

Instead, it will make others think that they have some ulterior motives.

Taotie can only walk around in the forest at will.

Swallow some monsters.

Then restore his spiritual power.

That’s right! As a gluttonous family.

They do not need to practice.

As long as they eat, there are more and more types.

The number is increasing.

Their realm and ability will naturally become stronger and stronger.

It is practiced by swallowing.

Gourmet Nowadays, it is natural to eat something to heal.

Qin Hao was carrying out a carpet search in the forest.

Naturally, I have encountered gluttonous several times.

Qin Hao frowned once when he met him.

This is the fifth time they have encountered gluttonous food.

Although the others didn’t say anything.

But some are not too impatient.

Although Qin Hao knew that gluttonous food was not intentional.

It can only be said that the forest is so big.

None of them left here.

Meeting each other is a natural thing.

Qin Hao frowned because he thought of another thing.

Qin Hao and the others were sitting together to rest.

Met the glutton looking for food again.

Qin Hao sat there watching for a while, then sighed.

Stand up and walk over.

“Come with me, I have something to tell you.”

Gourmet was taken aback for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hao was able to speak to himself proactively.

Taotie has a guilty conscience.

Taotie knew that he had met Qin Hao many times.

Although so many times, most of them are accidental.

But it cannot be denied that one or two of them were deliberate.

After thinking about it, Taotie obediently followed Qin Hao and walked over.

After Qin Hao sat down again, he asked straightforwardly.

“You are injured, can you heal your injuries by eating?”

Taotie opened his mouth in surprise.

There was no reaction for a while.

Taotie thought that Qin Hao asked himself to come over, probably to inquire about the crime.

Or teach him, warn him, and tell him not to follow them anymore.

But I didn’t expect this to be the problem.

Taotie nodded subconsciously and gave an affirmative answer.

“Yes, didn’t I get hurt? We gluttonous just eat and come to practice. I don’t know if the people outside are still chasing me. It’s safe here, so I’m looking for it here. I didn’t mean to follow you. .”

Qin Hao felt a headache deeply.

You can’t let people leave this area for no reason.

Although this is a land of no owner.

After all, the whereabouts of the elves are still unknown.

Qin Hao didn’t seem to have any right to let his family leave.

He could only admit his fate and took out a small bottle from his universe bag.

Then threw it toward the gluttonous food.

“Take it, this thing should be able to help you heal your injuries.”

Taotie looked at the small bottle in his hand with suspicion.

Just when Qin Hao threw it over, Taotie subconsciously stretched out Qin Hao’s claws and caught it.

Gourmet even sniffed vigorously.

Smell the fragrance from the bottle.

This is a herbal scent.

Taotie doesn’t like eating grass very much, just like eating meat.

But gluttonous does not seem to reject this taste.

And the more I smell it, the more comfortable I feel.

Unable to bear it, Taotie opened the lid.

In an instant, a particularly strong fragrance floated out.

This taste is not worse than meat.

Di listen, who was lying next to him, suddenly stood up at this moment.

Walked a few steps in the direction of gluttonous, and then sniffed.

Taotie looked and listened, and immediately hid the small bottle to his side.

He stared at Die with a guarded look.

Qin Hao felt a little funny looking at the way the gluttonous food protects the food.

Qin Hao took out another small bottle from Qiankun’s bag.

Throw it to Di listen: “Here, it’s the same as his, I still have it here.”

Di listened beautifully and smashed the bottle that fell on the ground.

He walked to the side, and when he left, he took a triumphant glance.

Taotie didn’t care about that much.

Only those who don’t want me are fine.

Opened the cap of the bottle and poured out the contents.

I found a lot of small pills inside.

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