Chapter 427: Xiao Haotian Woke Up

It’s just that the source of his life wants the elves to wake up.

It’s not that simple.

Just like he wakes up, it needs a certain amount of activation.

The elves need to come to him.

The source of life emits a fragrance to activate the elves.

And it wasn’t that he woke up, they just woke up.

Qin Hao said he knew it after listening, and nodded.

So now the elves still don’t know where they will go.

It seems to be stuck in a dead end again.

It seems that we still have to find the elves.

After Qin Hao knew the ins and outs, he felt that the source of life was useless.

Turned his head and left.

Came to the place where Xiao Haotian kept in good health.

Qin Hao wanted to return all these powers to Xiao Haotian.

But now, Xiao Haotian’s physical condition seems a little difficult.

As soon as these forces enter, it will probably cause all his meridians to collapse.

Then it will be over.

Qin Hao could only wait silently.

Waiting for Xiao Haotian to wake up to solve this energy ball by himself.

But don’t want him to return this energy to the source of life.

After all, part of it is Xiao Haotian.

Then a few people stayed like this.

The source of life has been decadent for a long time.

It can be said that this is the first time in his life that he has met Waterloo.

Some are good, some are helpless.

People said with confidence that he did not do it right.

The source of life is also known.

Plus this person is so powerful.

Take away all his energy.

There is no way to recover the source of life.

Because he is very weak now.

It can be said that the source of life has never been so severely injured in his lifetime.

The source of life is a bit scared.

I feel that I don’t know when I can recover.

After all, his recovery requires a very strong force.

In addition, looking at my branches, most of the leaves have fallen.

The source of life is very distressed.

And its own smooth trunk.

At this time, it also became pitted and ruined.

If the source of life is now a child.

He will cry.

But it is just a tree, and suffering can only flow in the heart.

It doesn’t show up at all.

And he dared not make any doubts.

In the past few days, Qin Hao and the others have visited the entire elven clan.

Even after I found the clue, I searched again.

Unfortunately, nothing useful was found.

Qin Hao didn’t give him a good face every time he passed by the source of life.

Qin Hao discovered it.

In addition to the source of life, it can give birth to elves.

It’s of no use.

It’s just useless.

But he knew nothing.

Just like a fool, there is a bit of wisdom and experience.

So yeah, this person can’t understand it deeply.

I still feel tall when I look far away.

After really knowing it.

You will find that it is simply refreshing the three views.

Qin Hao didn’t know what others were like.

Qin Hao knew how he felt.

At the same time, the ancestor of Hongyun also felt this way.

And Qin Hao also found that the feeling of Old Ancestor Hongyun was particularly strong.

After all, the ancestor Hongyun had been to the elves before.

Received warm hospitality from the head of the elven clan.

After the elven clan patriarch with filter shaping.

Can the source of life not be high? !

In the evening the next day.

Xiao Haotian finally woke up.

At that time, Qin Hao was right beside him.

The moment Xiao Haotian opened his eyes.

What I saw was my master.

He did it blankly.

I looked around and asked curiously: “Master, where is this?”

Qin Hao saw Xiao Haotian appear pale.

There is nothing wrong with the activity.

Only then showed a gentle smile.

“Elves, we are still in the Elves, how do you feel?”

Xiao Haotian suddenly realized when he heard Qin Hao’s knowledge.

Then I remembered, when I didn’t have much energy.

Xiao Haotian felt that his energy was being drawn.

He wanted to step back immediately.

But there is absolutely no way to stop it.

In this way, I watched the energy in my body slowly flow into the source of life.

That kind of powerlessness.

The feeling of waiting for death is terrifying.

Xiao Haotian remembered it, his face a little pale.

“What’s wrong? Is it uncomfortable?”

Xiao Haotian endured it, feeling that he was making a fuss.

But coming from the bottom of my heart, the fear is so real and strong.

Xiao Haotian didn’t hold back in the end.

Pounced into Qin Hao’s arms.

“Master! I’m so scared. I thought I was dead like this. I wanted to shout, but I couldn’t shout at all. I couldn’t even move it. I could only watch my power be taken away.”

Qin Hao looked at the little apprentice in his arms.

And the choking voice.

Qin Hao felt very distressed, Xiao Haotian was such a good child!

He has a good personality and is very sensible.

Unexpectedly, he would suffer such a crime.

And it’s still under his nose.

How could Qin Hao not blame himself?

Just this time.

Qin Hao has always endured it.

Qin Hao stretched out his hands and slowly patted the back of the boy in his arms.

Said to comfort Xiao Haotian.

“Don’t worry, it won’t happen in the future. At that time, it was the master’s negligence that made you suffer such a serious crime, but I have already avenged you, and I will give you back your energy, and I have to return some interest. .”

After a while, Xiao Haotian calmed down slowly.

Then I remembered what Qin Hao said just now.

Asked Qin Hao with teary eyes.

“Interest? What interest?!”

Qin Hao didn’t speak either.

Directly from the battle of the universe, he took out the green energy ball before.

Xiao Haotian widened his eyes and opened his mouth.

Look at the energy ball that he can hold with both hands.

“Master, what is this?”

Qin Hao still felt a little uncomfortable.

After a cold snort, he answered.

“Your energy, as well as the interest of the source of life, I will help you extract it, and I didn’t let him take advantage of you.”

Xiao Haotian’s face was at a loss at this time.

He could understand what his master said.

But why are you so confused?

Qin Hao felt Xiao Haotian’s face blank.

So just speak directly.

“You close your eyes and feel the power in it. You should be familiar with it.”

Xiao Haotian nodded and closed his eyes obediently.

Slowly feel the power inside.

Sure enough, he just felt a little bit.

I feel that the power inside is very familiar.

Pounced towards him super kindly.

Xiao Haotian was startled, and immediately opened his eyes.

Then I saw the energy ball in his hand glowing green.

Qin Hao smiled and pointed to the energy ball.

“I know what’s inside this time. You have some damage to the meridians now, and you need to repair it before you can absorb it. So you hold this first and try to absorb it a little bit, but don’t force yourself.”

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