Chapter 400

The Chaos Sword rolled up and down in this lake.

Come out in a while, get in in a while.

What I know is to find something.

I don’t know, I thought I was playing here.

Rummaging around like an excavator.

Mi was thrown to the shore with a blank face.

Exposure to the sun.

Ai reacted quickly and just fell to the shore.

Squirm his body to drill beyond the lake.

How could Qin Hao make him wishful?

Throw out the Qiankun net directly.

Trapped the girl in place.

Qin Hao looked at the struggling girl on the ground.

This thing is better for eating.

Coupled with the innate geographical advantage.

Now it has reached the realm of Jinxian.

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Staring at the wriggling and struggling girl on the ground.

He winked at the truth.

Di Ting was just about to step forward.

When I went to see this, I spit out a drop of water towards Diting.

Seeing that this was not good, Qin Hao stepped forward immediately.

Pulling away the truth listening, let him avoid the danger of being corroded.

Those drops of water fell on the ground.

There was a big hole in an instant.

The soil on the ground was even corroded.

It became charred.

And it exudes an unpleasant smell.

Di listened to see this, scared each other back a few steps.

Ni seems to be endless.

Take advantage of this gap.

By grabbing the gap in his universe.

Continue to spray the corrosive venom towards Hongyun ancestor and Luo Hu.

Although they are not too afraid of this venom.

But it is not always easy to resist.

Plus the incident happened suddenly.

There is no better way other than avoidance.

Anyway, the distance of spraying is limited.

Qin Hao couldn’t help frowning.

I didn’t expect this girl to be so cunning.

It’s pretty hard to deal with.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu, the ancestor of Hongyun, I heard everyone dispersed.

Exited the scope of Ni’s attack.

Qin Hao and Luo Hu looked at each other.

Is planning to step forward to stop Ni.

But the surrounding ground was corroded with potholes.

It also revealed an unpleasant smell.

The white smoke that this produced enveloped this piece.

Qin Hao suddenly reacted.

Immediately ran forward.

And he came to

Found that there was nothing inside.

Qin Hao’s face was not so good.

Xiao actually took advantage of the gap just now and escaped.

So he was deliberately spraying venom to disturb their sight.

Then take the opportunity to get out.

Qin Hao gritted his teeth a bit.

Such a mindless species.

It turns out to be so smart.

Qin Hao couldn’t let him go even more.

After all, his body is alien.

At this time the smoke has dissipated.

The ancestor of Hongyun, Di Ting also came over.

“Ah, why did he run away? It’s too cunning.”

Dihei stomped his feet in situ with some anger.

Old Ancestor Hongyun also nodded and narrowed his eyes slightly.

“My Qiankun online class is not an ordinary thing. I didn’t expect him to escape from it. He has some skills, and he deserves to be the overlord of this side.”

Qin Hao looked back at the lake in the middle of this oasis.

Summon the Chaos Sword again.

I plan to go in again and stir it up.

Qin Hao didn’t believe it.

Can you run too much the first time, can you run the second time?

The first time was not prepared for the second time.

The treatment is completely different.

Qin Hao just wanted Chaos to set off first.

Die heard the sound and it rang.

“He’s not here anymore, he ran away?!”

Qin Hao turned back instantly.

“Can you know where he is now?”

Di listened and nodded.

“I just listened to it and come with me.”

When Die heard about it, he turned around and ran towards the inside of the oasis.

Qin Hao and several others looked at each other and followed.

Di Ting ran for a while, then stopped, bowed his head and listened.

Then a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He ran some distance ahead.

At this time, Di listens so it takes a lot of time to listen.

A hint of hesitation flashed across his face.

Di listened and then ran out of the oasis and ran forward.

Qin Hao also flashed a hint of surprise.

They chased them all the way, directly outside the oasis.

Didn’t it mean that this 巭 didn’t live in this lake?

Abandoned the base area and escaped to life?

Qin Hao felt a little wrong.

Diting stopped at this time, spinning around in place.

Still muttering in his mouth.

“That’s not right! Where did it go?”

Qin Hao came to Diting.

“Lost it?”

Di Listening was a little embarrassed, and scratched his head with his claws.

“There seems to be something confusing my vision. After I checked, it was indeed here, but he seems to have disappeared from here.”

Qin Hao took out the jade card and checked the inside.

Checked Ni’s position at this time.

As expected, what was shown in the jade pendant was no longer here.

And there is no clear instruction in the jade card.

Qin Hao moved into his brow, what’s the situation?

Caught so many alien reincarnations.

This is the first one to find a location.

It seems that it should be like what Di listened to.

There should be something blocking his position.

Let them find it out.

“How’s it going, is there a place in the meeting?”

Old Ancestor Hongyun asked.

Qin Hao shook his head, the expression on his face was not pretty.

Even said it was a little gloomy.

“There is no detailed location in the jade card, it seems to be blocked.”

A hint of surprise flashed across Old Ancestor Hongyun’s face.

Even Luo Hui showed a surprised expression.

Qin Hao thought for a while, looked at several people and said.

“Let’s go back, back to the oasis, after all, there is a nest on the site of Ni, and I will definitely not give up so easily.”

Hongyun ancestor, Luo Hu nodded.

There is no better place now.

It’s better to go back to where you started.

Coupled with their understanding of Niu.

This thing does not seem to be able to leave the water for too long.

The best place to live in this area recently is Lake Nabi.

In addition, the lake is covered with mud and sand, so it is very convenient to hide it.

Everyone returned to the oasis in this way.

Now the oasis is the same as when they left.

Except for the sand that has been eroded by the lake.

It’s no different.

The lake water settled again.

Qin Hao was a little bit self-blaming at this time, and felt that things went too smoothly before.

Let him be careless.

I didn’t expect such a small bug to be so difficult to catch.

And there must be something on the body that can block the position.

This thing must be obtained.

Otherwise, if it falls into another alien reincarnation.

That would be troublesome.

Qin Hao hoped that this was Yao’s own magical powers.

Instead of other props.

Several people were sitting on the edge of the lake.

All thinking about what should be done.

Qin Hao had already ordered the Chaos Sword in the lake to stir constantly.

Even in this lake.

Qin Hao estimated that he would be back sooner or later.

So it’s better to turn his nest upside down.

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