Chapter 397

Because there was a rust in their ears.

The endless voice.

Just listen to it, there are a lot of them.

Qin Hao looked back at several people.

Tacit understanding of each other.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu stood at the forefront.

Holding the weapon in his hand.

Ancestor Hongyun stood in the middle, always preparing to cast the net.

Diting stands at the end, don’t hold back yourself.

Di Ting is also a little helpless.

When I followed the master before, I didn’t feel that I was so incompetent.

How come after being with Qin Hao, Luo Hu and the others.

The weakest thing here is true listening.

Is this no harm without comparison?

Di listened and thought about it for a while, and felt wrong.

Doesn’t this just admit that your master is weak in disguise?

Haven’t waited to hear the difference clearly.

There was a fight in front.

Qin Hao was right what they thought.

This time it was indeed not one or two, but a large group.

A large group of scorpions, desperate scorpions, crawled towards them.

These scorpions seem to be different from the previous ones.

One by one, the red eyes stared roundly.

Just like that crazy.

Attack them desperately.

Qin Hao casually took a sword.

It overturned a large group.

But those in the back didn’t seem to be seen.

Still leaping toward this side one after another.

Qin Hao just took advantage of that time and had already observed it.

There is no alien reincarnation in it.

“Kill directly!”

Qin Hao shouted loudly.

Afterwards, Luo Hu and the ancestor of Hongyun also let go.

Suddenly, all kinds of noises in the cave were endless.

Diting stood at the back, staring blankly at the front.

I don’t have any idea to get involved.

You said that if it is about the same size as his large one.

Diteng can also fight for it above.

But it’s not big, small, densely packed.

Di listens to a headache.

Di listen to understand what this thing is on his body.

Climbing into his body, it is difficult to remove it.

Hearing and thinking of these things, I crawled all over my body.

I couldn’t help but fought a cold war.

Di Ting took two steps back instead.

Because these poisonous insects have no strength.

Even after practicing for a while.

Qin Hao was just like cutting cabbage.

Hand up the knife and drop it without thinking at all.

After a while, these poisonous insects rushed out.

Basically they are almost wiped out.

That’s good, suddenly a black figure rushed out.


After he arrived, he rushed directly to the front door of Old Ancestor Hongyun.

The ancestor Hongyun quickly backed away a few steps.

But he hasn’t stood firm yet.

Another black figure flew over from the side.

Luo Hui has quick eyes and quick hands.

With a sharp spear in his hand.

Picked out the dark shadow that came later.

Qin Hao also took the opportunity to let the Chaos Sword slash at the dark shadow that appeared first.

Although any communication between the two people.

But the tacit understanding is full.

It can be said that they shot at the same time.

The ancestor Hongyun quickly backed away a few steps with the truth listening.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu only saw clearly at this time what it was that had just attacked the ancestor Hongyun.

There are two scorpions with white patterns on their bodies.

The head is only slightly larger than a normal scorpion.

But the strength is completely different.

Qin Hao felt it.

These two scorpions at least have the cultivation base of Jinxian.

But obviously there is no enlightenment.

In other words, just by relying on the instinct of the scorpion, he has cultivated to the present level.

Qin Hao and Luo Hui looked at each other.

Naturally, I saw the solemnity in each other’s eyes.

Two people deal with one each.

Although the strength of this scorpion is stronger than that.

Did not say that they encountered the highest state during this time.

But it’s still not enough for Luo Hu.

Luo Hu didn’t belong to the ancestor of Hongjun at all.

It is conceivable that Luo Hu’s combat effectiveness.

In the midst of the great wilderness, the ability to assume responsibility is not just casual talk.

Qin Hao is naturally not bad either.

Qin Hao received constant rewards from Heaven.

The strength has reached Da Luo Jinxian.

So to the scorpion who hasn’t resuscitated yet.

Naturally, it is easy to catch.

It took a while for the two of them.

Killed two scorpions.

You can’t kill without killing.

The main reason is that these two are crazy, attacking them frantically.

Even if they backed away.

It is also a desperate posture.

After Qin Hao solved the scene, he turned the corner and found that there was a scorpion hole in front of him.

It is on the side of the cave.

A separately developed piece.

And there are many female scorpions in the cave.

But some scorpions are carrying many small scorpions on their backs.

The size is only the size of a nail.

Qin Hao naturally understood why these scorpions were so desperate.

I am afraid that Qin Hao is going to hurt them.

Qin Hao couldn’t help but sighed.

It can only be said that this is a big misunderstanding.

At this point, Qin Hao didn’t care about the scorpion den, and continued to walk into the cave.

This cave is really big.

And it’s also very deep.

A few of them turned a few more corners and solved some of the poisonous insects that attacked.

Qin Hao finally determined through induction, and their destination was in front of them.

It’s just that this place seems a little different from other places.

They stopped in front of a wall.

That’s right, the cave seems to have come here, it’s come to an end.

But Mingming Jade sensed that there was an alien reincarnation in front of him.

Qin Hao turned his head to face Luo Hu, the ancestor Hongyun said.

“It should be hidden. It seems that the alien is indeed a problem. Let’s look for it and see if we can find the location of the exit. Act separately.”

The wall on this side is huge.

It is about ten meters wide.

So a few of them were scattered, looking for one.

Qin Hao fumbled everywhere.

Even occasionally use Chaos Sword to test.

It’s a pity that there are very hard walls in front of you.

There are no other findings.

After Qin Hao finished searching, he continued his search ahead of time.

Finally, a few of them reunited.

Luo Hui shook his head.

Ancestor Hongyun also had a trace of regret on his face.

“Nothing was found.”

Qin Hao looked at the wall in front of him again.

“There must be something in it. I didn’t find it. The alien reincarnation must be behind this.”

Qin Hao looked at it for a while, and felt that he couldn’t find the organ.

Then destroy it with violence.

“I used the Chaos Sword to split this out, you guys go back a little bit, don’t hurt it by mistake.”

Luo Hu, Di listen, Hongyun ancestors all retreated to a safe position.

Qin Hao threw out the Chaos Sword.

The Chaos Sword began to cut along the edge of the mountain wall.

A gate about two meters wide and three meters high was cut off.

During the entire process, all of the Chaos Sword was submerged in the stone wall.

Only the hilt is left outside.

While the Chaos Sword cut, he told Qin Hao how he felt.

Qin Hao knew that he was right.

There really is a space behind the wall.

Qin Hao stepped forward and put his hand on the door that was cut.

A light push.

With a bang.

The stone wall fell and fell to the ground, torn apart.

At the same time, a cloud of dust was stirred up.

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