Chapter 389

Qin Hao saw that the ancestor of Hongyun was controlling the cloud again, and he dropped a bit.

It’s too late to say, then it’s fast.

At this moment, from the magma.

Flying quickly, a red shadow sprang out.

Qin Haogang wanted to give an early warning.

Luo Hui instantly passed something.

Hit the red shadow.

Qin Hao heard the sound of metal collision.

The red shadow got into the magma again.

And the ancestor Hongyun had already controlled it at this time, and Yunduo returned to them.

“It was really a risk just now. You can see clearly, what is that?”

Qin Hao shook his head.

The inquiring looked at Luo Hui.

“I didn’t see it clearly, just saw a red shadow.”

Qin Hao discovered that Di Ting was not born at this time, and seemed to be thinking.

“Di listen, do you have an impression of this thing?”

After hearing this, Yan Zhong had a trace of doubt.

“No, the good thing I said is not this thing, but I feel that the thing just now is a bit familiar with my feelings, but I came up with it in a moment.”

Qin Hao saw that Di He was so entangled, so he didn’t ask him again.

Instead, he asked Luo Hu and Hongyun ancestor next to him.

“This magma is really powerful. The Red Shadow who just raided can live in it. It must be extraordinary. Do you need anything below?”

Luo Hui was indifferent.

Ancestor Hongyun only looked curious on his face.

Qin Hao himself didn’t feel much about these things.

If this thing is not too dangerous.

For another time period, Qin Hao could also spend some effort on it.

But now, track down the alien reincarnation.

A large part of the aliens are reborn as insects.

Those with a long life.

Those with a short lifespan cannot allow them to enter the second reincarnation.

If it is contaminated with too much cause and effect of the great famine.

It is difficult to chase him to their figure.

So for Qin Hao now, nothing is more precious than time.

To exaggerate a bit.

Qin Hao is now racing against time.

So for the treasures.

Qin Hao’s current interest is not particularly strong.

And it can be omitted.

Qin Hao himself is like this.

But you can’t force others to be like yourself.

That’s why Luo Hu and Hongyun ancestors were asked about their thoughts.

Qin Hao naturally saw that the two of them had no other interests besides being curious.

So I just thought about suggesting.

They leave first, abandon the treasures here, and look for other alien reincarnations.

He heard it before Qin Hao could speak.

Suddenly, I heard the truth that I had been thinking.

“Got it, I know what this feels like.”

Di listen to the sound naturally attracts everyone’s attention.

Di Ting’s face has unprecedented seriousness and solemnity.

“There is an alien aura on that thing.”

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment.

“What’s the meaning?”

Di Ting fell into entanglement again.

Going back and forth a few times.

“I can’t tell, because the time is too short just now, but I really feel that the smell of the bugs we caught before is the same.”

Qin Hao went through what he had heard in his mind.

“You mean, the alien that just emerged from the magma is also reborn?”

Di Listening nodded hesitantly, then shook his head.

“I’m not sure, but it feels delicious, but there are some differences in it, I can’t tell.”

Qin Hao was a pity.

If Di listened to adulthood, I am afraid it would be so ambiguous.

However, even if that is the case.

Hearing what I said just now seems to be a major discovery.

Qin Hao immediately took out the jade that the Lord Nether gave him.

Qin Hao closed his eyes and felt the quantity inside.

Not much found.

And no, they stayed in this position at this time.

This shows what?

It shows that there will be fish that slip through the net.

Qin Hao’s mind was very confused for a while.

If it is said that the things in the speech just now are really out of shape.

Then the alien ability may exceed their imagination.

I was going to leave.

As a result, this change occurred.

Qin Hao immediately gave up his previous ideas.

Just have an interesting connection with Alien.

I would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Be careful to make Wannian ship.

At this stage.

The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light, only to grasp the clue every time.

In order to be fully prepared.

“Let’s bring that thing out, no matter what, since we have encountered it, we must investigate this matter clearly, and don’t leave any troubles.”

Luo Hu and Old Ancestor Hongyun nodded.

The two naturally agreed with Qin Hao’s statement.

Qin Hao walked over, patted and listened to his head, and said complimentingly.

“Regardless of whether this thing has anything to do with Alien, you did a good job this time.”

Di listen and nodded with a grin.

Diting is still a cub now, equivalent to a seven or eight-year-old child.

This is the time for encouragement.

Qin Hao was very worried, if not this time.

Shocked the enthusiasm of Di listen.

If you really encounter unexpected situations in the future.

Especially with regard to aliens, Di Ting concealed it because of uncertainty and hesitation.

Eventually caused irreparable consequences.

It is really not worth the loss.

That’s why Qin Hao specifically came to praise and listen.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu and Old Ancestor Hongyun discussed.

This time the plan is to attract the attention of the thing in the magma in the past by the ancestor of Hongyun.

Qin Hao and Luo Hu lie in wait outside.

Pull out that thing.

Now that some details have been negotiated, action is taken.

Di Ting let him stay where he is.

Afterwards, the ancestor of Hongyun recruited the cloud again.

Sitting on it, floating above the magma.

This time it is cooked and cooked again.

Naturally, it is much smoother than last time.

In addition, the Hongyunlang team also has some preparations.

Qin Hao took out the Chaos Sword.

Give yourself and Chaos Sword, there can be no formation outside.

Condensed the breath and hid the body.

Following the ancestor Hongyun, it also floated above the magma.

Intend to wait for an opportunity.

Luo Hu was still on the side.

Help anytime.

Old Ancestor Hongyun took out a sword.

Like a bait for fishing.

Holding the handle, he was still agitating above the river.

I don’t know if it was because I had disturbed the red shadow just now.

The matter didn’t even come out.

But they still persisted to the power of magma.

You must know the weapons in the hands of the ancestor Hongyun.

There is nothing bad.

The sword just now was simple and unpretentious.

No sword spirit was born.

But it can be seen that the momentum is restrained, and it is a good sword at first glance.

But now, the ancestor of Hongyan just put it in the magma and stirred it.

When it was taken out again, it was completely corroded.

Only the part left in the air is left.

This sword is considered useless.

A surprised expression appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

Gently patted the Chaos Sword under him.

“How about you, can you bear it?”

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