Chapter 382

Master Tongtian nodded.

“I don’t know, you mean Captain Alien came back from the dead.”

Qin Hao did not refute.

At that time, the two of them witnessed that moment together.

So Master Tongtian thought of this.

Qin Hao was not surprised.

Master Tongtian spoke again.

“The way of heaven in this great wilderness, I have already felt that there are indeed many restrictions on this matter, but if you see if I can help, please mention it. I am also a member of the great wilderness, and it is impossible to watch it. ”

Qin Hao just likes to steal the god master.

Although selfish.

But who doesn’t?

The selfishness of the Lord Tongtian is upright.

Just want to step into the realm of saints.

And the leader of Tongtian who has entered the realm of saints.

Now it is more and more different from before.

The heart is more broad.

There is also a big change in showing this one.

If we say that in the great wilderness now, who among these saints is the most like a saint?

Qin Hao will definitely vote for Master Tongtian.

It’s not that the two of them have a better relationship.

It’s because of all the things the Master Tongtian has done.

Just like a saint, really should do.

And not those who are cold, thinking about themselves.

Never consider others.

What’s the point of living like this for a lifetime?

With a long life, one can live for one day, what’s the difference?

Anyway, Qin Hao didn’t quite understand.

There is always something to be pursued in life.

Some things must be done.

Qin Hao never declined.

Even if it causes trouble.

This may be the beauty of life.

Obviously, Master Tongtian thinks so now.

Qin Hao said directly.

“I really wanted to ask the leader for something before I came here. Please the leader to inform the other saints. I want to know how their attitude is, and what is the degree of hindrance by the way of heaven against this matter?”

Master Tongtian didn’t know why Qin Hao asked this.

But I also know.

Qin Hao is mysterious.

Qin Hao naturally had his own ideas.

If I don’t say it now, maybe I haven’t thought about it yet.

Master Tongtian nodded.

“Any other things?”

Qin Hao hesitated for a while.

Said hesitantly.

“Before the leader, you have already passed a level. The final solution to this matter is in the southeast, and it falls on the human race. Now this matter is more complicated than we thought, so I want to know if the hexagram has changed.”

The reason why Qin Hao hesitated was because.

The realm of saints like the Lord Tongtian.

The arithmetic ability is very strong.

Just one tube can affect the changes between heaven and earth.

Qin Hao guessed that it also had some influence on their competence.

That’s why Qin Hao hesitated to do this, whether or not the Master of the Heavens would count.

Master Tongtian understood and nodded.

“I know what you mean, but recently, I might not be able to count it.”

Qin Hao understood this as soon as he heard these words. Sure enough, the way of heaven had restrictions on them.

Although Qin Hao was a little disappointed.

But soon I didn’t care about it.

After all, Qin Hao had guessed this possibility before.

Master Tongtian smiled slightly at this time.

“However, I can go to the master. The master’s hexagram is the most accurate. Although he can’t involve too much in this matter, it is considered a hexagram. If I ask the master, it is still possible. He should not refuse.”

Qin Hao was not as optimistic as the leader of Tongtian.

What if it succeeds?

So Qin Hao didn’t say anything discouraged.

Nor did he persuade the Lord Tongtian.

This is an expectant nod.

“Then you will be the leader of this matter in large numbers, and I am waiting for good news.”

Afterwards, Qin Hao left Penglai Fairy Island.

Qin Hao hurried back to the human tribe.

When Qin Hao left, just like this investigation, the result was told to the great witch.

So Zhu Rong and Houtu did not continue to study aliens.

They locked up the aliens and guarded them strictly.

Just saw that nature is different from before.

Previously, I was worried about alien out-of-tune.

Now it is to prevent the aliens from having other changes.

It’s like suicide.

Fortunately, Zhu Rong and Houtu found out.

Alien does not have this tendency.

After Qin Hao returned to the Human Tribe.

For a while, I don’t know what I should be busy with.

So I went to the trial territory.

It was discovered that the descendants of the human race and the witch race grew up very fast.

I feel more relieved.

Finally went to find Shennong.

Although alchemy is not as busy as before.

But who can seem to have found the direction of research.

Especially the study of medical skills.

Because with the development of the human tribe,

More and more human races are sick.

It’s still just a simple condition.

Like a cold, fever, asthma, allergies, bumps and so on.

Shennong can be said to be having fun.

Qin Hao was walking back to his house bored.

I saw it, and came to his ancestor Hongyun.

The first words of the ancestor Hongyun saw Qin Hao: “I finally found you.”

Qin Hao smiled and invited Old Ancestor Hongyun to sit down.

“I don’t know what to do with me.”

Old Ancestor Hongyun looked at the expression on Qin Hao’s face.

“Is the alien matter deadlocked? I saw the pictures you sent, and I knew that this matter is not easy to solve, but you don’t have to worry about it. This matter is not your matter, it can be said that it involves the whole Great Wasteland.”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

“I know, so I went to see Master Tongtian later, and the leader said that he planned to find the ancestor of Hongyun, let him count as a hanger, and see if this matter is bad or bad.”

The ancestor of Hongyun hesitated to speak but stopped.

Qin Hao asked directly.

“What is the ancestor, it doesn’t hurt to just say it.”

Ancestor Hongyun smiled and tidied his clothes.

“The main reason is to ask, see if there is any, I can help. You were in the Underworld before, and I know what happened. Since some aliens have been reborn, do we want them to catch them? ”

Qin Hao suddenly realized.

Indeed, he always felt that he had overlooked something before.

So in the past few days, nothing has been done.

After Hongyun ancestor reminded.

Qin Hao reacted immediately.

Indeed, he had allowed the Lord of the Nether to always control the new soul before.

But forgot, the alien soul that has entered the cycle of reincarnation before.

Those souls are basically reborn as Cordyceps.

Survival, short life span.

Maybe some have returned to the Netherworld.

If you ask them to recognize it at this time.

I’m afraid it is very difficult.

Should I find them all together before they die again?

It really allows him to work out how to recognize it.

Put on the aliens of other living souls.

Qin Hao stood up immediately thinking of this.

“Ancestor, you are right. I even forgot such an important thing. Wait, I will go to the Netherworld and be back soon.”

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