Chapter 372

Terran is now developing rapidly.

Only a stage is left for them to be recognized by other races in the Great Wilderness.

That evening.

Qin Hao got the news.

There seemed to be some changes in the enchantment.

Qin Hao immediately called an emergency meeting with a group of Witch soldiers.

Came to the enchantment.

Sure enough, the color of the barrier became even darker.

Qin Hao glanced around, and it seemed that besides their Wu Clan, no other race had come.

Qin Hao kept the Witch Clan’s people here, always inquiring about news.

So it was the first to receive the news.

As for other races.

Either you know the power of this, and don’t want to be involved in it, so you can enjoy the benefits of the fisherman.

Or just don’t know.

But no matter what kind, Qin Hao didn’t care.

Now his idea is to grab a few aliens and go back and study them.

Find the weakness of the alien, and then make a targeted blow based on the weakness.

Qin Hao glanced at the witches behind him.

Tian Hao called Hou Tu and Zhu Rong aside.

This time only three of the Twelve Ancestor Witch Group came.

Zhu Rong is what I said before.

Houtu and Tianhao were called before he left.

The four leaned aside and began to discuss in a low voice.

Qin Hao told them the method he had thought of.

Then we separated.

Hou Tu and Zhu Rong left with a group of people separately.

3 Stay with Qin Hao.

Hide your figure and just look at the situation.

Be ready to cover Hou Tu and Zhu Rong at any time.

3 Quietly said: “The Holy Lord is simply too powerful, you can think of such a method.”

Qin Hao sighed.

“In the final analysis, the strength is still inadequate. I can only have mental arithmetic and unintentional, and hit them by surprise.”

3 nodded.

The only thing Qin Hao worried about right now was not the alien.

But worry about running out of time.

After all, a lot of time has been wasted since they discovered the changes in the enchantment and now they rushed over.

Qin Hao doesn’t know how these alien IQs are?

Qin Hao didn’t think about treating Alien as a fool.

They are treated with equal IQ, and even look at them high.

Because this is the only way.

Qin Hao can make perfect preparations.

Really drove the alien away.

Regarding the enemy as a fool, only yourself will suffer in the end.

I don’t know if Qin Hao’s prayer works.

It’s because Heaven is on their side.

Hou Tu and Zhu Rong have just returned.

He even said that he hadn’t had time to breathe.

With a bang, the barrier opened.

Qin Hao immediately made a silent action.

Let all the witches hide their bodies and don’t be discovered by them.

Alien speed is very fast.

In the blink of an eye, the number far surpassed Qin Hao.

Qin Hao also let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he made some arrangements just now, otherwise he would directly face it.

There is no advantage in the number of people.

After the alien came out, it seemed that there were no other races around.

Walk back and forth casually.

It’s like a disc of loose sand, even gathering in twos and threes.

Qin Hao frowned and looked at the scene in front of him.

Alien doesn’t seem to come out to plunder.

On the contrary, it seemed to be released after being locked up for a long time.

Qin Hao immediately threw away the unreliable thoughts in his mind.

After a while.

Until the alien no longer came out of the enchantment, the alien began to agitate.

Haven’t waited for them to take any further action.

The alien that looked like the leader came out of the barrier.

Qin Hao recognized at a glance that this was the leader last time.

Don’t ask why, ask is just instinct.

After all, Qin Hao had already fought each other, and also chopped off the opponent’s head.

The leading alien came back to life.

Qin Hao can be said to be obsessive.

Qin Hao kept thinking about the floating scene.

So it’s natural to recognize it at a glance.

After the alien leader came out.

Alien immediately became nervous and gathered together.

The leading alien stood in front.

There were some low-frequency sounds in his mouth.

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows when he saw this, somewhat surprised.

It turns out that these aliens can speak well.

Loud, high-frequency roar as before.

It should be their weapon, but also a way of attack.

Qin Hao came to prepare adequately this time.

It’s another high-frequency roar directed at the alien.

Several plans have been studied.

Qin Hao didn’t believe that they couldn’t be cured.

That’s right! Qin Hao didn’t just come here this time.

It’s still for the experiment.

Qin Hao thought about some conjectures he had seen on TV before.

There is also my own experience last time.

Try to list the many alien weaknesses.

Qin Hao has devised several solutions to these weaknesses, which can be said to be well-intentioned.

After the alien leader finished speaking.

Those aliens are scattered, it seems that they should be acting separately.

Qin Hao raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

I will give you the first lesson now.

Qin Hao waited for those aliens to be scattered.

Qin Hao turned his head and looked at Houtu.

Houtu nodded and raised his hand to pinch.

Then I saw that it formed a circle around the periphery of the entire enchantment.

A deep gully appeared.

Many aliens fell in without reacting.

And more than that, this deep ditch seems to have some appeal.

Even if you walked a long way, not more than five meters, you were all sucked in.

This sudden change caught these aliens by surprise.

Some even want to pull the companions around.

The result was also taken in.

So for a while, the people on the alien side turned their backs on their horses, and it was extremely chaotic.

This was not over yet, and then a raging fire emerged from the gully.

The aliens who fell in, struggled back and forth in the fire, trying to escape the siege.

It is a pity that the attraction in the gully still constrains them.

It’s not too late, Qin Hao turned his head and winked at Tian Hao.

Tian Hao also intervened in a decision.

I saw a strong wind blowing on the flat ground.

Blow up all the dirt in front of you and lift it into the air.

It instantly obscures the sky and the sun, so that all the aliens can’t see clearly the scene in front of them.

Suddenly it became more chaotic.

Qin Hao quietly faced Tianhao and gave a thumbs up.

Several people looked at each other and smiled.

The alien leader saw such a scene.

Changsheng couldn’t help but roared to the sky.

Qin Hao just watched quietly.

Then I felt that they should be stimulated.

He took out Pangu bows and arrows.

Out of the current hiding place.

As soon as Qin Hao appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of the leading alien.

The leader of the alien turned around and opened his mouth.

Roar again.

Unfortunately, it is destined to disappoint him.

Qin Hao didn’t react at all.

Although the leader of the alien could not see what expression it was.

Qin Hao was able to guess based on his paused state.

The Alien in the lead must be surprised.

And just at this time.


“Shock from Captain Alien!”

“Reward the host for 25 years of cultivation!”

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