Chapter 370

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t say a word.

It can be regarded as acquiescing to Qin Hao’s statement.

Indeed, the Yaozu needs these things most now.

Dong Huang Taiyi asked tentatively.

“I don’t know the price of these things in the hands of the Lord?”

Qin Hao changed his sitting position.

“I don’t want to sell too much, I just want to change some resources. You know, human resources are scarce. I always want to improve the survival rate of humans. See what you monsters have. Let’s change something, oh, also The demons have a large territory, and I still need some herbs.”

Too Donghuang nodded.

It seems that this sale is not very easy to negotiate.

Both sides are testing.

What is suitable for Terran?

What kind of thing the Yaozu needs to exchange, this is a very particular thing.

This is the first time this thing has appeared in the Great Wilderness.

It was obviously produced by him, Qin Hao.

It’s unique.

So what kind of price is not what he said.

And in the middle of the wilderness.

There are thousands of races.

If you don’t sell it to the monster race, Qin Hao said just now, there are other races waiting.

Naturally, other races will buy it.

Besides, this thing is really easy to use.

Donghuang Taiyi had just heard that there was even an improvement in his realm.

If he missed it.

Then there will be something good next time.

Qin Hao might not be the first to think of his monster race.

Thinking of this, Donghuang Taiyi sighed.

Forget it.

If you suffer, just suffer a little.

Just as a stepping stone to Qin Hao.

First, please yourself for so long.

Qin Hao didn’t see any response.

This time, Qin Hao took the initiative to come, and he was the first to come to their monster race.

It can be considered sincere.

Moreover, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi also heard about it.

Some time ago, Shennong actually entered the semi-sacred state.

Don’t think about it, it must be Qin Hao’s handwriting.

So if you have a good relationship with Qin Hao.

I want to ask about something about raising the realm.

Qin Hao probably won’t ignore himself as before.

Donghuang Taiyi made up a lot of brains.

Also thought about all aspects.

Finally, he smiled and said to Qin Hao.

“Holy Lord, it’s true that you are really easy to use this thing. I really don’t know what price I should give you, so that what you say is nothing.”

Qin Hao raised one eyebrow in surprise.

What does Donghuang Taiyi mean?

Just say yes?

Interesting, Donghuang Taiyi.

This Donghuang Taiyi is indeed not a waiting person.

Qin Hao wasn’t the kind of person who wanted to slaughter guests either.

Besides, there are so many races in Dahuang.

These will be her long-term customers in the future.

There is no need to commit suicide.

Qin Hao gave a very reasonable price.

Donghuang Taiyi was a little surprised, and then he was overjoyed.

Since the price is reasonable, he is naturally happier.

Then the two people discussed for a long time and finalized the deal.

Qin Hao did not leave in a hurry.

Instead, he analyzed the situation in the Great Wilderness with Donghuang Taiyi.

At the same time, he also expressed his attitude.

These foreign invaders will definitely be driven out of the great wilderness.

Donghuang Taiyi nodded very firmly.

Donghuang Taiyi simply wrote down some of the quantities they needed.

Qin Hao took this purchase order and left the monster clan.

After that, Qin Hao went to several other races that shared the enemy’s defense.

Qin Hao had never come into contact with those races before.

Fortunately, they all live nearby.

The distance is not far.

After they all tried the request.

They have ordered a batch of medicines to varying degrees.

After all, Qin Hao’s people’s livelihood is still very loud in the entire Great Wilderness.

No one is willing to reject him directly.

What’s more, the effects of these drugs are really good.

Qin Hao wandered around and got a bunch of purchase orders.

He returned to the human tribe.

I found Shennong directly.

“Yes, let’s make a fortune now, and you are also busy.”

She raised her head from the herbal medicine blankly.

Then see the paper in front of you clearly.

And the numbers above.

Shennong instantly understood what this was.

Then he stretched out his finger.

Pointing at Qin Hao with a little trembling.

His face was flushed.

“You, you are exhausting me! Damn it too! It’s really unsatisfactory to meet people! Oh, Xiao Haotian, look at your master, is this a human thing? ”

Xiao Haotian picked up the paper on the table and flipped through it.

Then the surprised expression on his face couldn’t be concealed.

Finally puffed up his cheeks.

“Master! I’m not on your side this time. It’s too scary. With so many, when will it be done? Do you want us anymore? You want us to be exhausted.”

Qin Hao laughed at the words.

To be amused by this pair of live treasures.

“Master, you still laugh.”

Qin Hao waved his hand.

“Don’t worry! You two will be responsible for this in the future. I have already said that many disciples with alchemy qualifications will be brought over in a while, and you will be able to get started soon.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he threw another universe bag.

“This is the herbal medicine I asked for from the Yaozu. If it’s not enough, you can tell me again. I’ll let someone make up and see what can be produced and what to do first.”

After hearing what Qin Hao said, Xiao Haotian breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

“Master is scared to death! Master, why do you want to give these things to other races? Isn’t it good for us to keep them for ourselves? It makes us so tired, Master, are you short of money?”

Qin Hao reduced the expression on his face when he heard this.

“No, I have to give it.”

Shennong seems to know a little bit.

Xiao Haotian didn’t know at all.

“Foreign races invade, we always have to drive them out. After we drive them out, will we all die? If other races die, the power to help us will be reduced. After all, we are all people in the wilderness and we must always defend this piece of land. land.”

A trace of movement flashed across Xiao Haotian’s face.

Nodded obediently.

“I see, Master, I will make all these things seriously and quickly.”

Qin Hao walked over and touched Xiao Haotian’s head.

Now, Xiao Haotian is already a responsible teenager.

“Don’t worry so much. Combine work and rest. Take your time. Okay, you know this. If you have any difficulties later, please tell me. I will find a place for you as your exclusive.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he left here.

Qin Hao found Huang, the leader of the human race, and told Huang to organize manpower to classify and process the medicinal materials.

First tell them some ways to deal with it.

And try to meet the demand of Shennong and their herbal medicine.

And in the end, it was like a human race with potential to send it over.

Help refine the pill.

After this period of development.

Many qualified people were born one after another.

Qin Hao helped them calculate their qualifications when they were born.

At the same time, they told the human race the direction of their future development and training.

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