Chapter 367

The Chaos Sword seemed to be an outlet.

Save the previous face.

There was a ray of light on his body.

He pierced into the alien’s chest fiercely.

The alien was not aware of it, and was successfully attacked by the Chaos Sword!

The alien looked up to the sky and uttered a howl of piercing pain.

This voice is really different.

All the Dahuang races present suddenly felt dizzy.

He was weak, and Qin Hao never escaped.

And this cry just made the other aliens pause for a while.

The other aliens, taking advantage of the Great Desolate Race, stopped their attacks because of the harsh sound.

Take the opportunity to sneak over.

Qin Hao saw several monster races die under their hands in this way.

Qin Hao felt a bit cruel in his heart.

Rushed forward quickly.

Planning to cooperate with Chaos Sword, when the leader was killed.

In this case, the group of dragons has no leader.

Dahuang can at least breathe a sigh of relief.

Relieve the stress.

Otherwise, these will probably die here.

That leading alien is indeed smart.

It seems that Qin Hao’s thoughts have been sensed.

Jumping back and forth to avoid Qin Hao’s attack.

But the mouth never stopped.

This made Qin Hao angry.

You are not over yet.

Qin Hao took out something from Qiankun’s bag.

Aimed at the alien mouth and threw it over.

The unbiasedness happened to be stuffed into Alien’s mouth.

Alien was taken aback suddenly, forgetting to jump and move.

Then he reacted, and then he wanted to spit out what was in his mouth.

How could Qin Hao let him do what he wanted?

Said it was too late and soon.

Qin Hao directly threw a ribbon over.

With a swish, he tied the alien mouth firmly.

It also covers the alien eyes.

Alien reacted quickly and immediately wanted to jump up and avoid it.

At this time, Chaos Sword suddenly opened up.

Flew to the feet of Alien and tripped Alien.

The alien mouth was entangled by Qin Hao.

Otherwise, he really fell a dog chewing mud.

Qin Hao had already come to Alien.

Alien struggled instantly.

All the cloth strips on his body were also broken away by him.

Alien just wanted to keep opening his mouth and howling.

Qin Hao threw out another tuft and stuffed it in.

Then Pangu God Axe took this opportunity to chop off the alien head directly.

At this moment.

All the aliens looked in Qin Hao’s direction.

Then there was no organization.

They retreated one after another and returned to the door.

Qin Hao was somewhat puzzled for a while and didn’t move.

The other races also stopped.

And just now.

After Qin Hao had just chopped off his head, his body moved unexpectedly.

Qin Hao hasn’t reacted yet.

It’s like there is an inexplicable power.

Putting back the alien body just now.

And the head also flew.

Qin Hao reacted quickly.

Throw the Chaos Sword, wanting to stop it.

But still not, that force is fast.

Qin Hao just watched the alien who had his head beheaded.

At that door, reunited with the body.

The wound visible to the naked eye slowly healed and disappeared.

The recovery is as before, just like a dream just now.

Qin Hao’s heart sank.

It feels a bit bad.

And at this time,

The aliens that had been killed before also all flew up.

He was taken back by this force, and disappeared after entering the black gate.

Qin Hao’s expression changed.

Watching the opposite side alertly.

Alien did not come back to attack again.

Instead, he took a deep look at Qin Hao.

Then he split his mouth.

Got into the door.

Enter the gate on the last line.

The barrier that had disappeared before.

Appeared out of thin air again.

Qin Hao, I have no way to track it down.

Can only go back.

The corpses of the wild races who were killed or wounded just now.

Part of it was also separated in the barrier.

After they reacted.

Want to retrieve the body.

It’s too late.

Qin Hao shouted to the surroundings loudly.

“First, get out of here.”

The witches came to Qin Hao instantly.

Retreat back! Withdrawn to a safe location.

Qin Hao looked at the injured and demanded other races.

The casualties were not particularly serious.

But compared with those aliens.

Although they lost a lot in the Great Wasteland.

“Are you okay?”

Qin Hao walked over and sympathized with several other races.

The attitudes of several other races are very cold.

After a polite nod, they left one after another.

Qin Hao could only sigh helplessly.

Walked back to the side of the Wu clan team.

“You two, stay here and try to stay as far away as possible. If there are any such changes, you will notify us immediately.”

Qin Hao ordered two of the witches.

The two witches nodded to express their understanding.

Qin Hao gave them some life-saving things.

This led to the other members of the Wu Clan and left here.

Back to the human tribe.

As soon as Qin Hao went back, he saw everyone else greeted him.

Qin Hao had no choice but to take everyone to the chamber.

Tell the others about the situation just now.

“Holy Lord, listening to you say that, there seems to be a power in that door that can bring them back to life?”

Qin Hao nodded when he heard Di Jiang’s question.

“As far as I saw it, it should be like this. I don’t know what it looks like. I can only save the leader, or if the others are saved. We need to try again.”

The other witches frowned.

Zhu Rong walked back and forth anxiously.

“This matter is difficult to handle. If we kill them and go back and live again, when will we be heads? And if we die here, we will die too. This is obviously inappropriate! How can we fight this!”

Qin Hao was really worried.

But he felt that he took back those alien bodies.

It doesn’t seem to be for resurrection.

But it is certainly useful.

As for what’s the use?

It can only be checked.

But the resurrection of the leader alien is real.

Qin Hao saw it with his own eyes.

Sure enough, this place is still different.

Qin Hao had never heard of the alien that had been split in half and could still be resurrected.

What a terrible power this is.

This is equivalent to countless lives!

It certainly can’t be that simple.

Qin Hao felt that the number of times this resurrection should be limited.

But repeating it several times in reality is also quite disturbing.

Qin Hao chopped off his head.

Alien can be resurrected.

The Chaos Sword pierced his heart.

Alien is not dead.

So where is the Alien’s weakness?

Qin Hao felt that although they could be resurrected, there must be a fatal weakness.

Just find this fatal weakness.

Alien is not to be feared.

What a pity! The alien bodies were all recovered.

There is no way to study.

Qin Hao thought that he should steal some corpses next time.

Why let them alienate the race that studies the great wilderness.

The reverse will not work.

It’s all life, what’s the difference?

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