Chapter 362

Shennong followed along and said.

“What happens if you fail? Are there any consequences?”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

“In the slightest case the medicinal materials are damaged, and a stomach of waste slag is produced, which has no effect. In the worst case, the furnace may be blown up.”

Shennong opened his mouth in surprise.

He even rubbed his ears.

It’s incredible at all.

The eyes are almost staring out.

Pointing at the alchemy furnace in front of him.

“You told me that this thing would explode? Such a big lump, exploded?”

Qin Hao smiled and shrugged and nodded.

Shennong’s face changed, and he turned around and waved.

“Here, you can take it back here. I don’t want it anymore. What gift is there. I think you just want me to become a waste. This is all going to explode. Am I going to go to heaven?”

Xiao Haotian laughed at the scene said by Shennong.

He laughed out loud.

“Uncle Shennong, no, my master is probably teasing you, how could this happen, right, master?”

Qin Hao shook his head very seriously.

“What I said is true, that kind of situation will really happen, so how about I protect you by the side?”

Shennong still looked at Qin Hao hesitantly.

Qin Hao added another sentence: “Blow up again, let’s blow up together, even if it blows up, I will protect you first.”

Shennong looked a little better now.

Turning his head, he said to Xiao Haotian, “Go and grab the medicine from the first prescription on the table.”

Xiao Haotian turned to the left to look at the master, and to the right to look at Shennong.

Xiao Haotian saw his master’s encouraging eyes.

This is the time to grab the medicine.

Xiao Haotian waited until after he left.

Shennong just walked over and frowned at Qin Hao.

“Why are you giving me this? And why do you have to come to practice that pill? And most importantly, you asked me to compile this herbal collection. Don’t think I don’t know, you deliberately guided me at the time. ,right?”

Qin Hao nodded with a wry smile.

Shennong has already pointed it out so clearly and positively.

Qin Hao felt that there was no need to continue to deny it.

It was straightforward, he admitted.

Shennong looked up and down Qin Hao.

There were no other negative emotions in his eyes.

Only deep doubts.

“Why are you doing this? What is it for? If you don’t tell me clearly, I won’t be able to use this thing today, just put it here.”

Shennong deserves to refer to the alchemy furnace beside him.

Qin Hao didn’t have any irritation on his face.

On the contrary, I was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, Shennong reacted so quickly.

It seems that they are old monsters who live a long time and are hard to deal with.

“I did so much without any malice.”

Shennong nodded in agreement.

Shennong is not a fool, so he can naturally feel who is good to him and who is bad to him.

This is also the reason why Shennong has always been more cooperative and has not debunked Qin Hao.

“You always know Master Tongtian.”

The doubt on Shennong’s face deepened.

Of course he knows the Master Tongtian.

Didn’t you still come to their human tribe some time ago as a guest?

Although it is acquaintance.

So he nodded naturally, and frowned randomly.

“What does this have to do with this matter?”

“Do you know the reason why the Lord Tongtian became holy?”

Shennong’s face was solemn, and Shennong had a guess, staring at Qin Hao closely.

Qin Hao spread out his hands very generously.

“Tongtian hierarch became holy because before the time came, he did what he should do, reached a certain level, and got the approval of heaven, so he entered the realm of saints.”

Shennong listened quietly, without saying anything.

Qin Hao continued to speak downward.

“Didn’t you just ask me, why do these things? It’s very simple, because these things are also what you need to do.”

Hearing this, Shennong couldn’t believe it.

The answer has come out of my heart.


“Shock from Shennong!”

“Shock from Xiao Haotian!”

“Reward the host for 25 years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao heard the system prompt.

Turning around, I saw the little apprentice hiding in the doorway.

Smiled and beckoned.

“Come in, don’t overhear.”

Xiao Haotian was a little embarrassed to force himself whether to grab the bag.

With a flushed face, he took the medicine and walked in.

Ai Ai said in the future.

“Master, I… didn’t mean to… listen. I was stunned for a while, so I just…”

Qin Hao took Xiao Haotian and sat down.

He patted Xiao Haotian’s head smoothly.

“Listen to it, I didn’t intend to hide it.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he continued to look at Shennong.

Shennong had regained his composure at this time.

Xiao Haotian interrupted the one just now.

Let Shennong calm down slowly.

Start thinking about what Qin Hao said before.

Every sentence, every tone, and even every pause.

“You mean, I can also buy into the realm of saints now? Just like Nuwa back then, is it because the creation of humans directly crosses the two realms and directly enters the realm of saints?”

Qin Hao immediately stood up to appease Shennong: “Don’t be nervous, it’s not what you think, I’m afraid the heart of the saint is a bit difficult.”

When Shennong heard this, a bucket of water instantly fell.

Calm down immediately.

Shennong said after he calmed down.

“Aren’t you still teasing me? Forget it, how about love.”

Qin Hao just smiled and called the following words to finish.

“But it’s more than enough to enter the semi-sacred state.”

Shennong stopped suddenly and almost bit his tongue.

In an incredulous tone.

Looking at Qin Hao, he stretched out his finger to point at himself.

“You mean me? Enter the realm of saints?!”

Qin Hao did not hesitate to click this time.

And it’s more certain.

“It’s true, so I guided you to do so many things before. Of course, even if you didn’t have me, you would definitely do it, but I made the time a little bit earlier, that is to say, let you do this thing. , Smoother.”

Shennong nodded clearly.

He had a feeling at the time.

Although I don’t know why.

But these things Qin Hao asked him to do were all his own.

It just seemed easier than he thought.

It can even be said that it is easier than he imagined.

Shennong obviously thinks it will be very difficult.

But whenever there is such a situation or feeling.

Qin Hao will appear to help solve it.

Shennong looked at Qin Hao seriously.

“Who are you? Why do you know so much? Even if the ancestor Hongjun doesn’t know anything, you know, except for me, forget it. You can remember everything about other people clearly.”

Qin Hao sat down again and poured himself a cup of tea.

“I don’t know what to say about this, just like suddenly, I understand. This feeling is also very mysterious, Shennong should be able to understand it.”

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