Chapter 351

Qin Hao really didn’t know this matter.

He has been busy for the past two days, and things have gone wrong in the World Union field.

There is also how to solve the overall fighting ability of the human race and the witch race.

There has been a lot less attention to the Great Wilderness.

Unexpectedly, something really happened.

“What’s wrong with the southeast direction? Is there something abnormal?”

Master Tongtian nodded.

“Recently, a nodule appeared inexplicably in the southeast. It occupies a very large area. It seems to appear suddenly, and the black cloud inside the sister is completely unclear.”

A hint of surprise flashed in Qin Hao’s eyes.

Unexpectedly, it would be such a thing.

What does the appearance of enchantment mean?

“And I heard that anyone who passes through that area will be sucked in somehow. After I heard that, I was more worried, so I went to check it out with the seniors.”

When Qin Hao heard this, he subconsciously asked.

“Primitive Saints and Supreme Saints?”

Master Tongtian smiled and nodded.

“Don’t look at the two of them. It seems a bit selfish, but you can still get a clear picture of the overall situation of the Great Wilderness.”

Qin Hao nodded, naturally there was no doubt about this.

Otherwise, these two later generations would not be so famous.

A lot of good things have been done.

Master Tongtian saw that Qin Hao had no objection, and continued to talk about the situation at that time.

“After the three of us passed by and found that you were indeed a bit weird, even if we were unable to do it, we were too close, so we planned to arrange an enchantment outside it to seal it up.”

Speaking of this, the Lord Tongtian frowned.

Qin Hao didn’t expect that things would be said like this.

It’s so unusual.

Even the three saints of the Saint Realm can’t help it.

Qin Hao couldn’t help but plan for the worst.

“We are mainly thinking, if something suddenly erupts, our enchantment can still block one or two, from the inside or from the outside.”

Qin Hao naturally knew that this was a wise move.

Think of the big array arranged by the three saints, the proportions are naturally extraordinary.

No matter what happens.

It can also be regarded as a buffer of time for the Great Wilderness.

“The teacher’s righteousness naturally admires me. If it were me, I would do the same.”

Master Tongtian smiled, and then continued.

“The three of us started from three directions. When I walked to the designated location, I found Zhu Rong and Gonggong in a coma on the ground. Because I was in a more remote location, it might be seldom visited by anyone, so they have not been caught. People found out.”

Qin Hao knew what was going on, and he also had one in his heart.

It seems that the Lord Tongtian should not be able to ask anything.

Now I only have to wait for Zhu Rong and Gonggong to sober up before asking them in detail.

“Can I stay here these two days?”

Qin Hao didn’t react for a while, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Then immediately smiled and nodded.

“No problem, of course.”

The Master Tongtian naturally saw Qin Hao’s expression just now.

“Don’t worry, the seniors have also gone back and returned to their own place. I want to stay here, mainly because I want to wait for Zhu Rong and Gonggong to wake up and see if there will be any news. After all, this is about The entire wilderness.”

Qin Hao chuckled twice.

“The main reason is that I didn’t expect that the leader wanted to stay in the human race, so I didn’t react for a while. Although the human race has developed during this period, it is definitely not comfortable to live on Xiaoyao Island. I still hope the leader Haihan.”

The Lord Tongtian waved his hand generously.

It doesn’t matter at all.

“Am I that kind of person? Arrange a place for me. To be honest, this way, your human tribe has allowed you to build something that looks good. Throw away Zhu Rong and Gonggong. I’m kind of here. Interested in.”

Qin Hao was naturally very happy when he heard the recognition of the human race from the Master Tongtian.

Qin Hao spent such a long time together.

Every critical moment.

Master Tongtian will stand on his side.

Although the two people first communicated with each other, they all had a purpose.

It’s not simple.

But I have to say, after such a long time together.

Qin Hao had already regarded Master Tongtian as his friend.

Can not be said to be a confidant, but also a trusted friend.

Qin Hao found the ancestor of Hongyun.

Arrange for him to entertain the Lord Tongtian.

After all, the two have known each other before, and the relationship is pretty good.

Afterwards, Qin Hao hurried back to his room.

Zhu Ronghe Gonggong was still unconscious at this time.

Everyone of the Wu Clan is also there.

Seeing Qin Hao’s return, they stood up and saluted.

“How is the Holy Lord? What was the situation at that time?”

The big witch couldn’t help but speak first.

Qin Hao shook his head helplessly.

“The leader said that an enchantment appeared in the southeast direction. He found Gonggong and Zhu Rong outside the enchantment. They were already in a coma at the time, and there was no other clue. It seems that they have to wait until they wake up and ask again.”

Everyone in the Witch tribe was a little discouraged.

Qin Hao comforted them.

“You don’t have to stay here, but you’re going to work on your own, especially the things I’ve arranged before. Hurry up as soon as possible. Everyone has seen that, even Zhu Rong and Gonggong are like this. If our strength does not improve, then …”

The big witch reacted immediately.

I also understood what Qin Hao didn’t say afterwards, what it meant.

Take the lead, take the lead and say.

“Yes, the holy lord is right. Let’s hurry up and improve our abilities to meet the next things. Let’s do our own things. Let’s take turns.”

Only then did the members of the Witch race cheer up and leave here.

Terran leader Huang followed with a sigh.

Came to Qin Hao’s side.

“God, is there no news from other people? Is it already…”

Qin Hao knew that Li was the human race that disappeared first.

Qin Hao can only comfort Huang: “I’m not sure about this, but I know that now I must make my people stronger to meet the difficulties that follow, or to have enough strength to rescue them. .”

Terran leader Huang nodded.

“I understand, God, don’t worry, I will urge them.”

Finally, several leaders of the human race also left.

In the room now, apart from Shennong, Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian remained.

Although Shennong didn’t know the special healing power that Xiao Haotian possessed.

But it can be guessed vaguely.

Xiao Haotian should possess some kind of magical powers.

It’s about healing.

Otherwise, Qin Hao wouldn’t let Shennong keep Xiao Haotian with him.

To teach Xiaohaotian the knowledge of pharmacology.

Qin Hao didn’t avoid Shennong either.

After all, Shennong, the Yan Emperor of Human Race.

Now he is in the human race and has his own clan.

It can be said to be his own.

Qin Hao sat down by the bed and looked at Xiao Haotian who was standing next to him.

Ask directly: “Do you have any solutions for the injuries of the two of them?”

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