Chapter 340: Analyzing the Pros and Cons

After all, is it possible?

It still depends on the Wu clan.

Qin Hao knew that the Wu clan actually took advantage.

But the Wu clan may not think so.

On the Human Race side, Qin Hao can completely call the shots.

“Then I said, you should think about it, and then give me the answer.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, everyone in the Wu clan became even more curious.

I don’t know what method would make Qin Hao so embarrassed.

“Everyone knows that at this stage, it is already very difficult to reverse the record through external forces, and in the future, the living space of the Witch race may become smaller and smaller.”

The big witch and the other witches nodded in agreement.

This is exactly what they worry about.

“I have been thinking for a long time. To solve this solution, it may be solved from the root cause. During this time, I have done some analysis and compared the strength of the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he waved his hand.

In the center of the Wu Clan Hall, I saw a light curtain.

Qin Hao stood up and walked to the light curtain.

Begin to explain to the Wu people.

This can be regarded as a ppt of the original version.

“First of all, the strength. Many of the strengths of the monster race require the inheritance of the awakened race. Each race has only one or two strong strengths. This is similar to our Twelve Ancestral Witch.”

When Qin Hao said this, he raised his hand and slid.

It appeared when the Lich War just started.

The scene where the two sides went out to fight alone.

Everyone of the Witch tribe has never seen this kind of explanation, so each one is very novel.

Looking at those fighting scenes, it was like a recurring scene.

Qin Hao stopped the screen and said.

“In fact, we can find that the monsters of the monster race have their own inheritance, but their supernatural powers are not as powerful as ours. It is very easy for us to suppress the monster race.”

The witches nodded.

Indeed, those battles.

If it weren’t for the back they released the water.

I am afraid that Yaozu’s face will be lost.

Qin Hao moved the screen again.

It shows the scene of the Wu Clan’s defeat when he first came back.

“So why? Obviously our strength is stronger than the monster race, but in the end we are still at a disadvantage? And why is it that the monster race army oppresses the realm every time, and the witch race passively bears it?”

These few words of Qin Hao made everyone of the Wu Clan fall into contemplation.

Qin Hao never thought of letting them figure it out.

After all, the authorities are fans and the bystanders are clear.

Qin Hao clicked the screen directly and switched to another screen.

“I also thought a lot during this period and did some statistics. In fact, the reason is very simple, and there is only one.”

With Qin Hao’s words, all the Wu Clan’s attention was focused on him.

“Because the number of witches is too small.”

The witch nodded.

“The holy lord is saying that it is true. They can give birth to seven or eight cubs in one demon clan, and they can give birth to a few crops a year. Although not every one of them can open up their wisdom, but the number is large, no matter how small, there are ten of them. Two or three.”

When the big witch said this, she looked at everyone in the witch tribe as if she was sighing.

“Because the witches are born with magical powers, sometimes it takes more than ten years to conceive a descendant. This is also bound by the way of heaven.”

The other members of the Wu Clan also nodded one after another.

Di Jiang couldn’t help but ask.

“Holy Lord, our Wu people have low fertility. This is destined from birth. There is no way to change it. Is it because we occupy other races?”

Qin Hao shook his head.

“If you are not my race, you will have different minds. This may not be feasible, but you may set up an enemy for yourself at that time.”

Hou Tu couldn’t help asking.

“So, what the holy master meant is that there is a way to suppress the fertility of the monster race and reduce their population?”

Qin Hao suddenly thought of the animal ligation that he had seen on the Internet before.

Qin Hao immediately shook his head.

Those pictures were thrown out.

“This matter is hurting heaven and peace, not to mention that I don’t have such a way at all. Even if there is, how can I achieve it?”

Qin Hao admired the witches’ brains a little.

The big witch looked at Qin Hao thoughtfully.

“Holy Lord, you don’t want to betray you. Since these are not, what is the method you think? Just tell us.”

Qin Hao looked at the big witch.

I felt that the great witch who said this seemed to have guessed a general idea.

Qin Hao smiled and said.

“I think we need our Wu Clan’s own strength. Only when the number of our Wu Clan members increases, can we fundamentally solve this problem.”

Everyone of the Witch tribe looked at each other.

It’s not that they haven’t made this effort before.

But the restraint of heaven is determined by innate racial factors.

They simply can’t tolerate them to cross.

Qin Hao turned a page gently.

This time there is no Witch Clan on the screen.

Instead, another race appeared.

“This is Human Race? Holy Lord, what happened to Human Race?”

Qin Hao clicked the screen silently.

What appears in the picture is the life of the human race from its appearance to the present.

The speed is very fast, and it even records the growth and demise of several generations.

“To be honest, I have thought about this for a long time, and think it is the most appropriate way.”

Except for the big witch.

Houtu and Dijiang thoughtfully.

The other witches looked blank.

“Human race is a newly born race. They were born without any magical powers, only mortal flesh, which is very fragile, but it is precisely because of this that mortal flesh gives them an advantage that other races do not have.”

Qin Hao clicked the screen again and enumerated the advantages of Human Race.

“Human Race is smart and has super learning ability. During this time, the ancestors of Hongyun and Shennong have taught a lot of Human Race knowledge, and Human Race has also used this knowledge to make their lives better and better.”

Everyone of the Witch tribe looked at the screen and nodded.

This is indeed the case, they have already seen it.

Qin Hao continued.

“In addition, the human race has super creative ability and adaptability. By analogy, they will use what they can use before to achieve their own goals.”

When Qin Hao said this, he paused.

“There is also an advantage of Human Race that can surpass any other race. That is its super breeding ability. Of course, it is incomparable to that of Monster Race, but you also know that many descendants of Monster Race are ordinary. The beast.”

Qin Hao clicked the screen.

“This is incomparable to the Human Race. The Human Race is born with wisdom. It can be said that, except for the inability to enter the body, it is not inferior to any race.”

After Qin Hao said so much, he stopped and looked at everyone in the Wu Clan.

At this point they also seem to want to understand.

What Qin Hao wanted to say.

The big witch asked in an affirmative tone.

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